Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

Application for regular 9/8/12

<< < (10/10)

Zombie Gangster:

--- Quote from: Dark Pacifist on September 16, 2012, 05:03:56 PM ---I've seen him a few times before my internet jacked up.... He seems fine in game and has shown a lot of maturity in the arguments that became this "thread" (app). +1

P.S. Him being on the forums this long should've given him a chance to view any rules he may not know.
Just in case here bro.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Servers:,7835.0.html
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Thanks bro


--- Quote from: Shockah on September 17, 2012, 02:16:24 PM ---I'm just happy he was able to follow the correct format.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Seriously though, he's handled himself with a level of maturity and integrity a large portion of our community member base don't have. I don't care how long he has or hasn't been on the servers/forums he's proven himself worthy of reg to me. :thumbsup:
--- End quote ---

I agree with Shockah on this.

Approved, and apologies for the ruckas caused in your thread.


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