Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

Application for regular 9/8/12

(1/10) > >>

Zombie Gangster:
Nickname: Zombie Gangster
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:18681140
Favorite Interests: Games Coding html and java script
Favorite Servers: Random! Tps Bhop Deathrun
Time Online: Usually online from Weekdays 2pm-11pm weekends 8am-3:30am (PST)

Age: 16
Location: Colorado
Languages I Speak: English
Occupation: Student/ITT Tech
Education: finshed of High School, Advanced Computer knowledge..
Other games I play: GTA 4 CSS COD battlefield

I love to play GMOD servers and use forums a lot so yea That's just some stuff I wanted you to know have a nice day!

You should put a date in the title.
Also follow the proper layout.

Use this as an example,13489.0.html


--- Quote from: Zombie Gangster on September 08, 2012, 10:19:44 PM ---Favorite Servers: Random! Tps Bhop Deathrun

--- End quote ---

The servers you are looking for are in another forum location. We don't own Bhop or Deathrun. Lock plz.


--- Quote from: Abyss on September 10, 2012, 04:15:55 PM ---The servers you are looking for are in another forum location. We don't own Bhop or Deathrun. Lock plz.

--- End quote ---

hey what the fuck

you can't just walk in here and ask for his thread to be locked

Well Foofoo, whats the point to this reg app if its not even for the right SERVER? Hell, I bet he hasnt played one second on rNd.


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