Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

Application for regular 9/8/12

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--- Quote from: Abyss on September 11, 2012, 08:58:23 PM ---I know, right? He just joined today.

--- End quote ---
Okay, seriously. I've said several times to stop the discussion and you're still mentioning it and filling his application with this.
It's actually making me way more willing to promote him. Especially because of his response. So he's got a +1 from me, but I may still want to wait for a few more opinions first.

I don't think I've ever seen him. So -0(not a typo) from me.

It's hard to tell which game modes he plays because he doesn't list them. Could be just some random guy applying day one.

Also lolwtf at this app.

I've seen him around a few times. Plays properly, doesn't break the rules. Overall a decent person to play with.

 :thumbsup: from me.

Dark Pacifist:
I've seen him a few times before my internet jacked up.... He seems fine in game and has shown a lot of maturity in the arguments that became this "thread" (app). +1

P.S. Him being on the forums this long should've given him a chance to view any rules he may not know.
Just in case here bro.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Servers:,7835.0.html

I'm just happy he was able to follow the correct format.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Seriously though, he's handled himself with a level of maturity and integrity a large portion of our community member base don't have. I don't care how long he has or hasn't been on the servers/forums he's proven himself worthy of reg to me. :thumbsup:


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