started August 13th as a freshman. we're finally getting to use calculators and I'm also finally getting (what I think is called) electives, we only have two choices though, which are Spanish and Art, our school can't really afford anything else I think.. but anyways, I'm being put in art class obviously and I've never really had a drawing teacher before so I'm still really excited about everything.
uhhhh.. we're also going to a retreat soon because I go to a private christian school and it's required to go sleep in cabins for two nights, and surprisingly.. it's not that bad, I hate the whole point of the retreat and just the church in general but, besides that it's alright I guess. both times my older brother kavar and I just sit in the hub or whatever it's called, listen to podcasts and talk with some of our friends.
tl;dr : my school is fucking stupid.