A 10 year old girl named Nora starts her Pokemon Adventure in the Rnd region (this is pretty much Kanto, but not Kanto, lol) along her journey there will be many trainers and Pokèmon to meet. That's where you guys come in. Each person in rNd can have a roll, heres the list that will be updated when someone takes it.
Also this is NOT done in my normal drawing style, I am drawing it strictly in the actual Pokèmon styleThe completely colored in ones are
Champion: Coolz Elite 4: Sabb Alphaggot Prox Ursus8 Rnd Gym Leaders: KHMarie12:Electric Deacon:Rock Rocket50:Dragon Juan:Psychic Axule:Water Lavenchie:GrassRival: Seb Professor: Tech Team Rocket(up to 3-4): Supertoaster (Leader) Tiger Guy Cake Face PurpalRandom Trainers: Teh HankElite 4 is VIP and Admin
only.Also new generation Pokèmon are allowed.
If you'd like to take in these postions, please just give a description of what you'd like your character to look like (nothing vague please...) and the Pokèmon you'd like to use, oh and the type of leader you are, if you want to be a gym leader ex:Water Psychic, rock, normal, grass, fire, electric, ice. etc... (and maybe even the route you'd like to be on). You can have up to 6, but that doesn't mean I will use them all. I am already having a lot of fun with this, and I am hoping it will turn out to everyones liking, I decided to take a break from the comic I've been working on for the past 2 years for just a bit to do this

(201 pages as of now)