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Getting back to the karma system

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--- Quote from: ursus on August 28, 2012, 10:06:16 AM ---I think the main priorities should be lessening the penalty for killing RDMers and eliminating the possibility of baiting.

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The thing is, though the idea needs work, my idea basically would allow you to keep the RDM penalties as is, and if you kill an RDMer you don't get treated like an RDMer ESPECIALLY if that RDMer mass RDM'd.  In a sense, it rewards you for killing RDMers.


--- Quote from: Travelsonic on August 29, 2012, 12:20:01 PM ---The thing is, though the idea needs work, my idea basically would allow you to keep the RDM penalties as is, and if you kill an RDMer you don't get treated like an RDMer ESPECIALLY if that RDMer mass RDM'd.  In a sense, it rewards you for killing RDMers.

--- End quote ---

>someone kills an innocent after a shooting with a traitor.

>people kills him

>whoever killed him doesn't lose karma because he teamkilled.

maybe make it like, if someone kills x amount of people, then make the karma loss of whoever kills him like this:

(Karma who killed rdm'er should be losing) / (x . 2)


--- Quote from: memo3300 on August 29, 2012, 02:19:36 PM ---
>someone kills an innocent after a shooting with a traitor.

>people kills him

>whoever killed him doesn't lose karma because he teamkilled.

--- End quote ---

Pretty much.

The current idea puts the karma gain as a function of the amount of damage the person killed to team mates, and kills said person made.

I think my initial idea was to give back karma wit a formula like this:

giveback +=[ (NumberOfKills * KarmaMultiplier) + PointsOfDamage ],

Then I modified it to this:

giveback +=[ (NumberOfKills * KarmaMultiplier) + (PointsOfDamage/2) ]

Where NumberOfKills, and PointsOfDamage were taken from the RDMer who got killed, and KarmaMultiplier, how much karma per RDMer Teamkill gets multiplied in, is up to who runs the server with this system.

I mean, it is a rough idea at this point, but I think it has potential.

Alright made some modifications... tell me how it goes.

Reduced the penalty percentage and gave the people that didn't make any mistakes that round more karma gain for quicker recovery.


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