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Getting back to the karma system
Eion Kilant 739:
Why can't we just loose less karma if the person we kill leaves 20 seconds afterwards?
I'd also love it if we'd loose less karma if the Innocent we kill has killed an Innocent (and/or the Detective), but no Traitors.
Perma-karma is fine but the penalties for messing up are more than any other server I've been on.
There has also been a MASSIVE surge of newbies and trolls becasue of the popularity TTT has been getting on youtube. I've seen so many people get the achievement for their first time playing on a server that it's ticking me off.
This leads me back to why being a Traitor on this server is so easy (if you don't get RDMed), people are too afraid to have to grind for their karma all over again.
And the server being full recently? Most of the time I don't recognise more than a single person in the server. Normaly I would occasionaly be able to join but now I find the srever almost always full becasue of the new players.
>still arguing about the karma system after Coolz said he'll make the loss less severe
Eion Kilant 739:
--- Quote from: Hopsin on August 26, 2012, 06:41:38 PM --->still arguing about the karma system after Coolz said he'll make the loss less severe
--- End quote ---
He did? Where?
EDIT: Aw hell yes!
This is a post I just made a while ago on the forums for the TTT gamemode, an idea that I think could work nicely.
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Having played TTT for little over a year and a half now, by far the biggest issue I see is with RDMers - especially now that it seems a stream of Youtube videos has caused a surge in new TTT players invading servers, RDMing like crazy.
Dealing with RDMers, you quickly find people's karma can get completely screwed - and not all servers have a means to reset karma by an admin or whatnot - on top of low per-round gains. Badking had some interesting experiences on the server I play on,'s server, so far as RDMers go.
This is my suggestion:
For the player: Add two variables: one that stores the number of people you killed who were on your team [whether you're inno and killed innos/detectives, or Traitor and killed your buddy], and one for the amount of damage you inflicted among teamates overall [1 point incremenets this by 1, 10 points increments this by 10, etc]. All of this is easy to do using existing functions relating to damage and kills, specific to where the damage or kill is checked to see if it is valid [I.E not teammates].
Add accessor functions to retrieve said values.
When somebody kills another player, make it so it grabs these values from the ply being killed, and give the killer karma equal to
([# of teamkills the dead person made] * [amount of karma to give]) + [dead person's damage to teammates]
Obviously this is a preliminary outline of the idea, I am trying to establish a small TTT server [8 at most] to testbed ideas I have for this game mode, so it will get tested there. I think that, with some tweaks this could alleviate the need to outright reset karma, and help make it so taking risks, killing RDMers, etc wouldn't be so damming WITHOUT having to make the karma system do absurd things.
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I think the main priorities should be lessening the penalty for killing RDMers and eliminating the possibility of baiting.
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