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The fucking karma system

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--- Quote from: Sabb on August 22, 2012, 02:44:19 PM ---I assume there will be so much more trouble because it was horrible before permanent karma and have no reason to believe it would be any different.
But still, applying for admin doesn't mean applying for a role as RND's bitch. You aren't really expected to go in-game every time someone complains, you're just expected to moderate the servers while you're in them. So no, it is not "my duty" or any other admins', and is not "unavoidable."

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Helping the servers out does not = being RND's bitch. So you're saying that if you have some spare time and someone requests your help you ignore them? But since you're the only active admin on the servers, I guess it could get irritating.

I decided to play TTT yesterday, and the server just seemed to be a crock of shit. I can't imagine anyone calling our playerbase "good" in any way.


--- Quote from: ursus on August 22, 2012, 03:14:04 PM ---I decided to play TTT yesterday, and the server just seemed to be a crock of shit. I can't imagine anyone calling our playerbase "good" in any way.

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Elaborate, please - I mean, I notice issues, and wonder if anybody else is irritated by the sme / simila ones.


--- Quote from: Prox on August 22, 2012, 03:01:10 PM ---Helping the servers out does not = being RND's bitch. So you're saying that if you have some spare time and someone requests your help you ignore them? But since you're the only active admin on the servers, I guess it could get irritating.

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Lol I'm not saying that at all, please read and understand everything I'm saying. I said that IF TTT went to temporary karma again, I would be joining when players ask me to a lot less. As of now I still join if I'm not in the middle of something when someone has an issue that I think I should deal with. No helping the servers doesn't make an admin RND's bitch and that's not at all what I'm saying, I help the servers when I can. But a LOT of players ask me to join constantly at times often for issues that really don't need me to join to manage. If the servers went back to temporary karma there would be a lot more unruly players and people would be asking me to join even more so. The "not being RND's bitch" thing is referring to that where no one's expected to constantly join every 10 minutes off and on because people complain.
Again though, I really don't care what karma system we have. Reverting to the old system probably actually would attract a player base that I'm more fond of, but it would also mean a lot of minging and such. So I'm just warning that if the system does go back to temporary karma of the most likely issues and my response to them. Though if there's complaints of hackers and more serious issues and such I still will join if I'm not busy, but I'm probably not at all going to join when people just complain about RDM because there will most likely be RDM every other round if not more.


--- Quote from: Travelsonic on August 22, 2012, 03:29:31 PM ---Elaborate, please - I mean, I notice issues, and wonder if anybody else is irritated by the sme / simila ones.

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I do have to agree with gamefreak but I'd rather not go into detail. I'm sure he would like to any ways lol.

Well how about the temporary karma system gets applied and then we will see who's right and who's wrong.


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