Last time I checked, it wasn't making Bob/Sam by Joe/Don insurance, unless Joe/Don worked for Bob/Sam.
Maybe I'm taking what you said out of context, but you're saying that you don't want a tax raise so every US citizen would have healthcare? It seems like you're more of an 'all for one' type of person.
Also, people who don't want health insurance are just plain dumb. What's more dumb is when they give stupid reasons why they don't want to pay for it ("Jesus/God is my insurance!", etc.) Hospital bills are expensive as shit, so if they are in more of a financial hole if they get hurt as to if they actually paid for healthcare. They do the same thing for car insurance, so I don't see why it's so bad to do it on life insurance.
It's more of a common sense thing, not a "HEY! BUY THIS FOR THIS GUY AND THAT GUY BECAUSE YOU MAKE TWICE WHAT THEY MAKE" type of thing.
You dont seem to be able to understand that making something cheaper for one person means someone else MUST pay more. Typically the balance is maintained by forcing high risk people ( people with prexisting conditions ) to pay more. However, they can't do that anymore, nor can they base price on things like age. So, instead of healthy people paying cheap and sick/risky people paying more, we end up with everyone paying quite a bit. That means that I, as a healthy person, am helping to pay for your bullshit.
This is health insurance. It is a product provided by a company for your benefit as well as theirs. Keep that in mind.
And as Cogs said, for some people health insurance isn't necessary. I for one have no outstanding medical problems, and probably wont pay practically anything in medical bills for the next 5 years. Thus, the choice comes down to if I want to throw some of my money away.
Frankly I am disgusted that some people are so vocal about their opinions when they haven't read a word of the bill.