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Have a suggestion for the rules? Maybe a modificaiton?

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--- Quote from: Travelsonic on July 15, 2012, 08:31:22 AM ---Um, last I checked "Unless you are a Traitor, killing people with map traps for no reason shouldn't be allowed" is not saying what you suggest.

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13. Using map traps (i.e. the electric trap in ttt_whitehouse) to kill others is allowed, but using them to kill teammates is not.

14. Killing other players in any way that does not effect your karma unless it is a map trap is NOT ALLOWED!


--- Quote from: Prox on July 15, 2012, 03:04:13 AM ---Indestructible props = indestructible nails. 

3. Traitors must get first blood. Killing as an innocent before any body is found is bad and is not allowed

should be more like

3. Traitors must do something(ie pull out a knife, plant c4, shoot or kill someone) before they can be suspected and killed.

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2. Yes, that's what I'm saying lol.

6. Obviously I'm saying that it should be updated then, clearly I'm aware that's is always been like that as I enforce it.

7. Again, kind of what I'm saying.

11. Yes, but I think it should be reworded that was as people often interpret the rule differently somehow and say "no, that kind of prop killing isn't allowed", etc.

14. Yes, should the rules not be consistent? lol Again, people take the rules quite literally often, and would easily be confused by two contradicting rules.

16. It really depends for me. It can often be worse when they do it in a group and try to make it convincing to make everyone lose karma. Often if they do it in a group it just ends up turning into a huge chain of killing. So still really depends on the situation.

With your edit, I guess I can agree, though I've never had a problem with players taking the rule quite that literally.


--- Quote from: Prox on July 15, 2012, 08:42:38 AM ---13. Using map traps (i.e. the electric trap in ttt_whitehouse) to kill others is allowed, but using them to kill teammates is not.

14. Killing other players in any way that does not effect your karma unless it is a map trap is NOT ALLOWED!

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How does this address my point?

You just reiterated the current proposed rule, with the same loophole we've been arguing about.


Another thought: Append the rule so far as what constitutes baiting.

Why not make it "As innocent or detective, any action that provokes another player into shooting - injuring or killing - the player provoking"?

Shooting around somebody is not the only act one can reasonably call baiting, IMO.

A few modifications to Zs rules that must be implemented:

16. Making sky cades aka tree houses that are high enough that zombies aren't able to damage it from below is allowed but it really should not. It's a massive waste of time for the zombies and it's far too easy to win for the humans, it only causes people to rage quit.

17. Using large pools of water to avoid getting hit by the zombies is considered as delaying the round and should be not allowed
It's almost just as bad as sky cading if not worse.


--- Quote from: Prox on August 17, 2012, 11:00:02 AM ---17. Using large pools of water to avoid getting hit by the zombies is considered as delaying the round and should be not allowed
It's almost just as bad as sky cading if not worse.

--- End quote ---
Wtf? That's just a part of the game, I never really considered that a problem or heard people complain about it as a problem.


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