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Want to remove a map? Please post why!

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Eion Kilant 739:
Yes, if you are on that map with the right people it is very fun to play. I also consistently find it extremely easy to gain karma on it.
That said, crazy cubes should be removed. The map is simply not designed for TTT and all sorts of crap always occurs on it. I have no idea who thought this would be a good TTT map when they added it to the server. With the recent influx of newbies we really should remove it because it's just about completely impossible to tell the difference between an RDMer and a Traitor on this map.

I prefer the old version.

Dark Pacifist:

How about it gets explained as to where alot of the problems exist for it...
1: Someone missfires and it becomes an rdmfest.
2: The pit is ok, the escape is shit... how many times has half the server gotten stuck getting out of the pit.
3:If you even try to get in the T-room everyone knows that someone entered leading to them camping it. Yeah I know you can TP out or c4/radio escape but 70% of the time you die exiting or from someone seeing the TP.
4:The pit... god forbid a new guy fall in and get stuck in you (water area) he'll kill you, or if he feels like it he'll gun you down in the pit thinking it's only the 2 of you.
5.Finally the barrels... they're fair game to me it's just the high number of derps who shoot them and "accidently" kill the other players.

It's a great, fun map if people that know how to play are on but, even then there's cases where a shitfest occurs out of nowhere leaving everyone upset/confused.

And Deacon the title of worst map still goes to Krustycrab as it attracted minges and inspired rage.


--- Quote from: Sabb on August 27, 2012, 10:35:19 PM ---Not to mention the lack of traitor action that commonly occurs.

--- End quote ---

I'd explain why that is, though I'm hesitant because the one time I did explain it, I was RDM'd by someone [despite it being an observation anyone can make] and bitched out when I called him out on it.  Nevermind that talking about strategies, and why things happen - observations anyone can make - is not related to in game actions or lack thereof/not proof enough.

We really, on that regards need a better guide to what is KOSable, suspect-able, etc or not, the stupidity factor among regular members/players is starting to get staggering.

Anyways, I agree with cubes being a bit of a problem - though I still have fun with it.  [imagine if the map had discombobulators, the trolling that could occur since a good discombob throw can dislodge all but the uppermost 4 barrels].  I still prefer cube - with no T room, where falling kills you, easier to hide bodies, and I had better T rounds on there, but that's just me.

Peach's castle.

There's a million places where you can get stuck, and sometimes you can lose half your health just by going through a badly designed teleporter.


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