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Want to remove a map? Please post why!
Remember this post I made earlier in this thread, some time ago?
--- Quote from: Travelsonic on August 29, 2012, 10:10:56 AM ---Anyways, I agree with cubes being a bit of a problem - though I still have fun with it. [imagine if the map had discombobulators, the trolling that could occur since a good discombob throw can dislodge all but the uppermost 4 barrels]. I still prefer cube - with no T room, where falling kills you, easier to hide bodies, and I had better T rounds on there, but that's just me.
--- End quote ---
Welp, I have since then been admin on 2 servers with Crazy Cubes [erm, rather, was on one before it went down for the 2nd time, and am one presently on another w/ a lot of the same people], both giving discombobulators to players on said map, and.... hehehe... I am right, this map is 1,000 times worse with discombobulators so far as barrel migning goes. :D :D
Remove TTT Richs Apartment (or whatever it's called)
With how inactive the server is, we don't need crashes contributing to that the few times people actually go on it.
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