I'm sorry, what? You think I would waste the money on an ALT? What proof do you have that this is an ALT and not a random player who chose my name?
The only thing this proves me guilty of is
A SINGLE CASE of revenge RDM. Sorry for having a bad day.
As for prop pushing, I meant to do that pre-round. I do not want to ruin someone's entire round by killing them.
EDIT: Wait, I made you hate ZS? I have not played that in many,
months (Almost year? More?). I don't even have the server IP on my favourites list.
EDIT2: Shit, I should have read more. Steam browser is laggy.
I do not have an alt, if you guys can ban this impersonator I'd love it.
EDIT3: DA FUQ? MATCHING STEAM IDS? I almost thought I got hacked, but if you go onto my actual steam ID:
http://steamcommunity.com/id/76561198012246638 You can see that I was never named "Captian David".
Three conclusions:
1. OP forged the evidence, I know how to do it myself. (Not that I ever even would, that's a pathetic lowlife thing to do.) If I must I will creat generic bogus proof and tell the admins step-by-step how to do it. I can even do it in MS paint.
2. Some doushebag is out to get me. This has happened in the past and I do not take it lightly.
3. OP made a collosal mistake and got the IP/SteamID of the guy pertending to be me.
~11:56PM I know I made spelling errors.
EDIT5: My Steam ID is: STEAM_0:0:25990455