I'm 17, a bunch of close people I barely got to know except as a child
died at the same fucking time period, Shit Blew Up, I almost died numerous times as a child, school is bureaucratic as fuck, everyone's
just discovering themselves around me, I need to find solid work, society is going all sorts of places and so is technology, and I have to have majors in MATH, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ENGLISH in order to get ANYWHERE WHERE I'D EVER NEED TO BE IN LIFE... Oh, I also underwent several life-changing thought sessions, discovered that the world wasn't all sunshine and rainbows and pink lemonade, and quite frankly I don't even OWN a car (not to mention the numerous costs of a car, both fiscally and personally).
Also, my Generation (What is -probably- the latter half of Gen Y, although I'm sure those during the early stages loved eating asbestos from the ceiling every day without being able to count to Ammonia .-.) is said to be one of the first to live a shorter lifespan than their parents (Gen Z is lucky because they get the benefit of post-Technological Singularity and all these wonderful advancements like AUGMENTATIONS), and not to mention that they still pump all these
brand new chemicals into EVERYTHING, and say that it's "Perfectly Safe",
only for you to grow up 40 years later with A FORM OF GROTESQUE CANCER THAT WON'T LET YOU DIE and not being able to even sue a rock because "There's no way you can prove that our product gave you cancer unless you were specifically exposed to it for 40 years inside a bubble... fgt

The majority of us will get arthritis because we like to phoen and shiet, Most of us will be just like Wilford Brimley and have diabetus, our children will have diabetus, we probably won't develop a cure for the next 200 years as we focus on things like the
Iphone 400000XLRS, and most if not all of the Babby Boomers that run the general skeleton of society and/or economy (one good chunk of North America) will be ded which leaves Gen X to also take their spin on things UNTIL Generation Y has to take control (Which I actually want to see what Gen X will do when obtain'd elder status, because Generation X is essentially everything I look up to) to suddenly trickle into the hot seat of this mudball .-.
Generation Y world (Probably by at least 2057-60ish) sounds like fucking Demolition Man before the thawing of Simon Phoenix.
I have already come to the conclusion that I am already dead, and will not stop drinking/eating said chemicals.