1. Player's SteamID: 1st.STEAM_0:0:7330866
2nd. STEAM_0:1:27994738
2. Players Nickname: 1st. Loke
2nd. ŔŋĐ:ĻĔĢíŤíŁŶƒĘãŔ
3. Your in-game name: Prox
4. Server name: Trouble in Terrorist Town
5. Description of the event(s) In crummycradle me(I was the last Traitor) and other 2 guys were in the bridge room, and then Loke showed up saying that one of us is the traitor even thought none of us have done anything suspicious. Then Loke decided to do the so called "karma losing test" in which he attempted to shoot me and see if he loses karma for it. According to him it works like this: if he lose karma then I'm innocent, if he doesn't them I'm traitor.
This is not the first time I see him on our servers so I'm sure he knows that it's impossible to lose karma during the round. I didn't got a solid proof on this because he was using a mic, but there were other players, Tec, TheHank, Apie who should be able to confirm this.
6. Reason for ban: Ghosting
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s):

Loke's ghoster buddy leaving after Loke gets kicked:

Loke's friend list: