Restricted (Read Only) > VIPs
AFK (suggestion)
You all probarbly know that the Temp rNd Servers dont have a AFK manager.
So VIPS have to handle the AFK's... But the problem is that VIPS can only kick for 10 - 60 minutes.
So my suggestion is to be able to kick for 1 minute, so people that want to play can join the server.
There is an afk kicker, it's just very inconsistent.
Also, I think some kind of insta-kick would be much better for this.
I always thought that VIP's should have had a non-voting instant kick.
It'd be a good way to make sure the guy you're warning gets the message and can help in situations like this, where the server plugins aren't working the way they should.
--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on April 17, 2012, 01:48:06 PM ---I always thought that VIP's should have had a non-voting instant kick.
It'd be a good way to make sure the guy you're warning gets the message and can help in situations like this, where the server plugins aren't working the way they should.
--- End quote ---
I agree on this, still.
I seriously never knew why we couldn't have a instakick.
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