Alrighty, some of you may have noticed, that temp wire and TTT are indeed up. However they are currently passworded.
There is a reason for this, and no they have not become only for the use of an exclusive club.
Me and Minic are in the process of getting the servers completely ready for your consumption. We worked till late last night getting all of the back-end of the servers ready. But will still have a lot of the game-mode settings and addons to deal with.
I expect we will take the passwords off and make them live either tonight, or tomorrow morning.
As for why they are not up yet... Well, coolz had 7 years to get the RND servers into the state they were, and we have spent 1 day. We are doing a serious amount of work to get as much functionality working as possible but this takes a bit of time.
Things I can confirm for you about my servers right now:
- The user ranks will remain, so there shouldn't be any need to re-promote anyone
- All of the dupes on wirebuild have also been transferred over
- Game mode settings will be identical or extremely similar to the regular servers
The IP addresses are:
Wirebuild: (Under Construction)
Remember that acts just like an IP address
I thank you all for the patience with this whole ordeal, and I hope you will have a great time playing on the temp server!
PS: This 6 month downtime would also be a good time for you to learn your way around wire-build