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Bunny hopping?
--- Quote from: Alkaline on August 10, 2012, 05:08:19 PM ---Sorry for the bump but this board isn't active and I thought I'd just continue where I left off.
Upon a recent discovery, I found out that bhopping doesn't have to involve scripts. By setting fps_max to a specific number that you can google, you can bind jump to your scroll wheel and basically jump every time you touch the ground. This combined with alternating "a" and "d" will let you gain an enormous amount of speed. As far as scripting goes, a lua script ( plus a bypass ) that checks if the player is touching the ground could be used OR a .cfg that spams jump on keypress. Sadly, there is no definitive way to know if a player is using a script as they could be using the scroll wheel approach.
If this is seen as an unfair advantage, how can this be prevented?
Change sv_airaccelerate.
Add a 1 second cooldown time for jumping.
This is only a problem on Zombie Survival and Fretta unlike TTT.
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Lol, all of that is basics. Everyone who knows how to bhop knows about that stuff. I suck at bhopping but can generally do it somewhat, but can't really gain speed unless the airaccelerate is set high. The fps_max thing honestly is stupid, it's a preference and doesn't actually physically make you able to bunnyhop. People just find it easier to do it with a lower fps for some reason, but it's really not going to make the difference from you being able to bhop or not. Scripting is obviously quite possible in many ways for that but really the most you can do is make yourself automatically jump. Anyone can bhop though, you just need to learn how, and I honestly don't see a problem with it.
Obviously changing either of those settings that you recommended would be fine and would fairly easily eliminate bhopping but I kind of enjoy it. I guess I'm fine with it either way though.
I see it as a fun and challenging way to get around. Some people are okay with it and others aren't. No one I have played with in zs has complained though, it really hasn't given me personally an advantage as zombie and fast zombies get me either way as human. Also, we can check if people are scripting if we could track their key presses like on Sass. This would be a useful feature to implement to spectate.
--- Quote from: Cryptokid on August 10, 2012, 08:32:08 PM ---I see it as a fun and challenging way to get around. Some people are okay with it and others aren't. No one I have played with in zs has complained though, it really hasn't given me personally an advantage as zombie and fast zombies get me either way as human. Also, we can check if people are scripting if we could track their key presses like on Sass. This would be a useful feature to implement to spectate.
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Even that's not really reliable though. I thought of the same thing, but it's just as easy to make a script to jump a bunch of times before during and after landing making it look like the person's using the scroll wheel.
--- Quote from: Sabb on August 10, 2012, 06:17:55 PM ---Lol, all of that is basics. Everyone who knows how to bhop knows about that stuff. I suck at bhopping but can generally do it somewhat, but can't really gain speed unless the airaccelerate is set high. The fps_max thing honestly is stupid, it's a preference and doesn't actually physically make you able to bunnyhop. People just find it easier to do it with a lower fps for some reason, but it's really not going to make the difference from you being able to bhop or not. Scripting is obviously quite possible in many ways for that but really the most you can do is make yourself automatically jump. Anyone can bhop though, you just need to learn how, and I honestly don't see a problem with it.
Obviously changing either of those settings that you recommended would be fine and would fairly easily eliminate bhopping but I kind of enjoy it. I guess I'm fine with it either way though.
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Actually, setting fps_max to 34.8 affects input. I have a haxinn G9x Logitech with the unlocking scrollwheel, and if fps_max is set to 300, there's like a .5 second delay between jumps. With it set to 34.8, I jump everytime I touch the ground.
Sabb, I WILL convince you the fps_max trick DOES help.
--- Quote from: Alkaline on August 11, 2012, 01:47:35 PM ---Actually, setting fps_max to 34.8 affects input. I have a haxinn G9x Logitech with the unlocking scrollwheel, and if fps_max is set to 300, there's like a .5 second delay between jumps. With it set to 34.8, I jump everytime I touch the ground.
Sabb, I WILL convince you the fps_max trick DOES help.
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The only way that helps is for lag though. the decimal shit is retarded. Basically the lower you have it the simply better. If you have a problem with some lag, then that's fine. But basically if you've normally got Garry's Mod running really well changing that isn't going to help. So it really is just a preference kind of.
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