1. Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:41156812
2. Players Nickname: Somebody
3. Your in-game name: Shockah
4. Server name: .:=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -TTT- Troll Cubed (^3) <

5. Description of the event(s): Playing peaches castle the round prior to this I had seen a blood trail so I followed it from the main hall to the long hallway that leads to the fountain outback. When I reached that hallway I could see the blood trail going all the way down, right then somebody stepped out from the door leading in to the backyard he was acting extremely suspicious, trying to line up a headshot, making sure no one was around so I went and hid and when I heard the door open up top ran to the fountain there I found burn marks on the side of the fountain with a little bit of blood where a body was clearly burned so I called a kos on him. Myself and kahuna killed him all the while he was calling me out clearly pissed calling me an asshole calling out kos' and spitting other redrick, clearly he was mad because I just ruined his t round well the next round I decided to record and at the start of the demo I warned him I was recording and not to go after revenge. A tiny bit in to the game he had seen me in a hallway so he decides he wants revenge, at this point no one is dead, he attempts to shoot at me so I'm thinking hey if he wants to rdm me I'll make it easy. I run at him he shoots me twice in the head for clearly no motivation other then revenge then after being called out by multiple members as to why he did it he leaves and here we are now.
6. Reason for ban: First blood revenge Rdm
7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s):