This could be a number of problems, such as the GPU overheating, or the RAM being corrupted (just one stick being corrupted, will damage every single piece of RAM overtime), the processor could have ran out of Gel that it needs to cool off with, could have an undetectable boot virus, the PSU could have been shot/shocked or just have a short in it, or..the fan needs oiled. So as you can see, can be a huge number of problems that would cause this.
What I recommend:Go in the Bios, check the CPU/GPU/PSU Temperature. I would suggest leaving the computer on for a while, then test.
When your computer is running, feel of the fan in the back of your PSU, or under it, or both. See if it is blowing "enough" air out.
Check for shorts in any of the wires that are connected, or inside of your computer.
Reset the CMOS, to do this, take out the battery on the motherboard, place it back in. Then start up your computer, and the CMOS will be reset.
Check every cord/wire, to see if they are properly placed into whatever slot they go into.
Try a new battery.
Take the Ram out of your computer, place the first stick into the first slot (FARTHEST TO THE LEFT, WHEN FACING THE MOTHERBOARD.) and keep placing the sticks side-by-side, to the right. If you have dual channel, make sure they are placed properly, usually dual channel memory is placed like this..Slot 1-Slot 3 Slot 2-Slot 4.
Since it is a new computer, tell me your specifications, I could get some information to help you from it.
A Trick:This is just a trick I have done over the years with multiple computers when they have experienced a similar problem as this.
Step 1: Unhook every single wire/cord from the back of your computer, including the PSU cord from the power outlet it is in. (If you have an extension cord hooked into a power outlet, unhook it also.)
Step 1: Hook the Extension cord (if any) into a different slot on the outlet, do the same for the PSU Cord.
Step 1: Hook every wire you unhooked back up to the back of your computer.
This is just a few tricks, tips, and help I have had problems/experiences, and info with..Enjoy