Someone is cade glitching in zs: Give warning first, if he/she doesn't break the cade, initiate votekick, if he or she does it again, initiate voteban, then make report.
Someone is speedhacking/aimbot: Get steam id, record the evidence, voteban him/her, make report.
Someone is racist: Tell him/her to stop, give him/her final warning, votekick, if he/she comes back and does it again, voteban, make report.
Someone is glitching inside/outside the map: Tell him or her to suicide, if he/she doesn't suicide, votekick, if he /she does it again, voteban, make report.
Someone is minging/unfair play: Tell him/her to stop, give him/her final warning, initiate votekick, if he/she comes back and minges again, voteban, gather evidence, make report.
Someone is using a name changer: Gather required evidence, voteban the name changer, make report.
I've never had problems with Yellow, no complaints, he's friendly, and I know he's been around for a nice amount of time, but I haven't had quite enough opportunity playing with him to +1 the application.