In Game Name(S):JohnGmod17(Old account)
Ratskinsky/Loper324SteamID(S):Ratskinsky: STEAM_0:0:37746331JohnGmod17: STEAM_0:1:45871867
Time online:About when I can, I try to get on TTT but they are always full T_T
(Weekdays: 2 PM to 10PM or 11PM to 6AM Weekends)Servers:In order from the one most played to the one least played:
Wire Build
Trouble in Terrorist Town
Winter Survival
About the same on the other servers.
I'm 15, Very mature.
Birthday:June 24th (I'll be 16 then)
Games (on Steam):GMODTF2
United States of America, West Virginia
Why I want to be Regular and why I should be Regular:
I want to be a regular so I can actually use the good tools in wire, help in VIP's votes and maybe even get VIP one day, You gotta start somewhere.
I have been playing RND since about November on my other account (JohnGmod17) then I was Gifted the game on my other account and didn't have to pirate it

So I'll be more active on the other account and I'll help with Vip's and Also help people with my wire experience on WireBuild
Contributions to RND:Nothing really, I helped a few pepeole with wire on WireBuild, and was helped by DarkByte a few times.
More Information:Ratskinsky Is my new account NOT JohnGmod17
Edit: Fixed a few minor Typo-s