I don't know what or if this contributes, but:
Goat: hey now
Goat: "ban that fucker"
Goat: not very nice
Foofoojack: you deserve it
Goat: i don't hack
Foofoojack: then why cant you answer a simple question
Goat: you wouldn't let me..
Goat: axule was votebanning me
Goat: as i was saying
Goat: if i had sethhack
Goat: i wouldn't defend myself
Goat: because it has a STEAMID spoofer
Goat: so i wouldn't give a shit
Goat: but nope
Goat: i don't have sethhacl
Goat: so this is my only steamID
Goat: (besides 2 alts)
Goat: but damn
Goat: i don't hack bruh
Goat: :/
Foofoojack: then why couldn't you answer a simple question
Goat: because it was irrelevant
Goat: he was going to report me anyways
Foofoojack: no it wasn't, everyone was asking you why you called him out, and you never clearly answered
Goat: you know that nightmare called them both out
Foofoojack: all they wanted was to know
Goat: hell, admitting to sethhack
Goat: people say they hack/aimbot everyday
Goat: you don't see me reporting anyone
Foofoojack: you made the wrong decisions, which got you reported
Goat: fair enough
Goat: hell,
Goat: i bet you guys wanted me banned when i griefed that server
Goat: supprised i didn't