My friend wants to build his own decent gaming rig. He has a budget of $750. If you can list some good parts for his machine it would be a big help.
So far I've chosen:
i5 2500k - $220
Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 - $168 (should I get ASUS?)
G.Skill Ripjaws X F3-10666CL9D-8GBXL 8G Kit(4Gx2) DDR3 1333 - $48

NVIDIA GTX460 - $150 (What brand?)
Antec 300 Case - $59 (Add more fans)

Total=674 (without HDD and PSU
There's a quick list I came up with. He is in Australia so ordering from newegg isn't something he would do. Also, he wouldn't mind having an AMD build. And yes, I know adding a HDD and PSU would make the price over budget so if you would kindly reccomend any parts that would better the price for him it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!