Lol I think I remember when I said "most of the VIP's I seen act fairly" when I said "most" I typed my words carefully knowing this was likely to come. As you can see, however I didn't wish to have a problem alas ... Axule and his little buddy plokbud. Pfft What a joke. Plok had me banned for rdming him only because he rdm'ed me 1st. And thus the nay feelings of him started I for one don't really care most of the time I ignore but when plok rdm'ed 3 times in a row and only when I was a Traitor, I was not only mad and annoyed but very suspicious of him ghosting there was no way he could have known when I explained this to the only active VIP at the time "Axule" he failed to complied. Honestly it's just a game and I normally give up caring after a few minutes. Plus at the time I had no idea I could screenshot logs. However now that isn't the case anymore. Axule simply dislikes me because I told him like it is he failed to do anything or his job even when knowing this was an obvious sign of abusive behavior. And allowed plok to get away with that. When he took offense he simply got worse. LIKE I said I didn't care much by this time so I simply ignored it. However he has have ill'e feels toward me since then. EVEN now he is annoying me and be littleing my application with his rank. He rdm's as well as if not more than normal rdm'ers and in my opinion isn't worthy to even bring it up....since then i recorded all rdm's that I have seen on the sever because I have been down right tired of it. When it's someone's t round it just kills the fun to prove my point further here is Axule rdm'ing me.
Like I said I didn't care but here he is bad mouthing me. I get along with everyone for the most part but plokbud and I avoid people like Axule. Thanks Dark and Meta :3
For starters, you just admitted to revenge rdm.
And as I said when we talked, I didn't do anything to Polka for several reasons
1st rdm: wasn't there, so I'm not sure why you're saying I missed 3 rdm's
2nd rdm: you had killed Jarlos before Polka had killed you. Polka could have seen you and you just hand't known. (I have the logs to prove it. I'll find it in a sec)
3rd rdm: Yes, technically it was rdm. However, I didn't do anything because again, like I said, you called out an inno long before to
purposefully try to get him kicked because he had rdm'd you rounds before (another act of revenge).
I dislike you because you began
demanding that I kick/ban him, even after I told you there wasn't enough proof. After I said that, you began to throw names out. Even then I still helped you, and you still continued.
Also, I'm not sure why you're showing the logs. It has no proof that I rdm'd. and what may be rdm to you is just common sense for me.
I'll find the logs right now.