My best friend (who is a girl) are having a heated discussion right now. It's really annoying me because she doesn't seem to understand my view. of course, I probably don't understand her view either. So I came to you guys to see what your view is, and whether or not you agree with me or her.
I don't care about winning this argument. I just simply want to know if it's worth it.
The main conflict: It's better to be alone then be in a relationship with someone.
She's been having a hard time getting over someone lately, and so she was telling me how today she almost made the mistake of going back to this dude. A few texts later and I start to lose it. She's telling me it's better to be alone then be with someone you like (or love, whichever). This was a hard hit to the heart because I myself have never even been in a real relationship. What started setting me off is that she's been in relationships, and she keeps going back to them. She's never had to deal with being alone like I have, and yet here she is telling me that dating hurts more than being alone. If it hurt so much, why does she keep going back into relationships??
I get that either way, it hurts. But which one is more worth it? The long, continuous pain of having no one there to experience what it's like being human. Or does it hurt more when you two get in a fight and break up? Though I've never felt what it's like to be hurt in terms of a broken relationship, I think it's still worth it, don't you?
She countered this by saying that all guys are the same. All they want is sex, and is always thinking about sexual things. she said that because of that, people are always going to get hurt. Yeah, I get it, men are sexual beasts. It's who we are, it's in out blood. That's how we were built. The difference is those guys who actually TRY to control it, rather than those who will do anything in their power to experience it.
There is a little bit more, but this is all you really need to understand whats going on.
Is it worth it?
I let out a wicked evil/dark laugh when I read some parts. No idea why. Scared myself.
But, ignoring that;
The main conflict: It's better to be alone then be in a relationship with someone.
There's no true yes or no answer. I mean there's this answer and I love it:
It hurts more to be with the wrong person, but finding the right one is worth it.
But there are many answers you can follow if you so choose. Or, not follow.
Hell, you can do both/be both, in some circumstances.
People are people, however saying that is ironic as not many of the same person is the same or thinks the same, especially not at the same time or place, too.
Rare instance you find that someone who you only need to say five word to in order to cause a sudden blackout.
It also depends what you mean
by being
alone, and then
being in a
relationship.The relationship could be
...go around in relationships that last a week or two that are pointless. Most just do it for the social aspect to fit in or w.e, and then get upset somehow when they break up. It's stupid and not worth it. Relationships are worth it, but you have to not be stupid about it.
or it could be
Or, you know, it could be
This is pretty cool, I guess.
In any case, depends on the person you are, and the person you will yourself to be afterwards.
Me? I'm the most INTROVERT, Stoic, Loner-like, Questionable, Outcasted-Outcast ever.
I have... 5 levels of myself that people can know IRL. That's just how Stoic I am. And I like it like that. Everything's
Nice and Quiet, I can hear myself think about nice things even if
things aren't so nice, and I can sit back and enjoy my youth (And Freedoms, including Freedom of Speech) while I still have them/it.
I mean I love the fuck out of drawing.Instead of worrying if she's pregnant/cheating/something silly/Rumors/Drama AND passing the exams, I can go outside and watch the Sun rise. Or, Sleep in and dream about the Sun exploding.
I don't need to worry about who said what and who did what, and what she/he thinks and what she/he says or any of that fucking wool-over-head bullshit I'm too busy to deal with ._.
It's probably because of the people around me participating in what Sabb just explained and then some. If I try to follow suit like everyone else, it's like holding a meat-bag full of nothingness.
That's why I'm so Locked in Place. Yet I make people smile. And I'm always trying to figure people out, anyways. That is, if there's something I think there's worth unleashing.
Being my current self, I'd say it's better to be alone because it's a
Needle in the Pacific Ocean covered in metal shards out there. But that's because of the Environment. Physical-wise (Location, Climate), Social-wise (Media, Societal Norms and Influences and Stereotypes), and Mental-wise (This one should be easy.
Xenophobia :u).
If anything, you could still be the most rustic, in-need-of-repair, scratched, dented fucking hammer without a head to hammer with. The only issue is, most people only want to hear themselves talk (Indecisively at that)- and then complain that I'm not saying anything back.
Well fuck, I'm sorry for being an attentive listener and not interrupting or misinterpreting anything and taking things slow like you wanted me to... sounds like you just want me to make you feel good and nothing else ._.
I'm nobody's instant gratification, not even my own.
And then some people just want to go so fast. Shit, I don't even know you, and you want me to do WHAT?
It'd just be better if, for a second, you ever listened
to me when I say something (Because from what I'm getting, this is what you wanted)- and even better, actually learned things about life that I've actually had the time to sit down and think about/experience unlike some people I know,
so you don't have to run around like a chicken with it's head cut off/constantly pester me and play
My Little Bipolar Nutcase. And I know that I don't know much. But good god, I've been places, and know things that I see some people requiring constant baby steps with. Like not knowing how to go about things (FEEEELIIINNNGGSSSS ARE WEIRD/GAY/ICKY).
Most of everyone's so, surface-and-nothing-else :I
I don't even (usually) say no to whoever approaches me. I can't be a hypocrite. I'll try it out.
I want to see what makes you tick. Hell, I want to make sure you're ticking.
I want to make sure you're running at peak efficiency.
That's the only way I know for sure that we'll keep working in tandem instead of falling apart.
Especially because I know most people don't have the heart :uCorny tl;dr