I dare someone to send supertoaster code lyoko rule 34.
cogsandspigots: *taps on shoulder*
cogsandspigots: Yo, toaster
cogsandspigots: You there bro?
Supertoaster: I am now
Supertoaster: whats up
cogsandspigots: *link omitted to avoid breaking of forum rules*
Supertoaster: inb4codelyokorule34
Supertoaster: inb4mytruthordarethread
cogsandspigots: eeyep
Supertoaster: since i know what it is
Supertoaster: consider this a win
Supertoaster: because im cringing now
Supertoaster: im crying
Supertoaster: the humanity
Supertoaster: id rather --
Supertoaster: die
Supertoaster: on the hindenburg
Supertoaster: or drown
Supertoaster: on the titanic
cogsandspigots: At least it's humans.
Supertoaster: or crash
Supertoaster: on 9/11
Supertoaster: at
Supertoaster: least
Supertoaster: least.
Supertoaster: ver
Supertoaster: very least
Supertoaster: --
Supertoaster: why
Supertoaster: why does that website excist
Supertoaster: ;fuck you
Supertoaster: I just got a bowl of capn crunch
Supertoaster: and now im not hungry

Supertoaster: you just caused a kid in africa to starve
Supertoaster: I hope you feel bad
I think I broke him.