I dare someone to wear a pillowcase on their head and upload a picture :trollface:
(http://img194.imageshack.us/img194/4413/2012010100003.png)Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I dare someone to upload a pic of him/her eating a burger
(http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/10424_1236640525626_1517626296_30630613_6242433_n.jpg)BUFFALO WILD WINGS DEACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would like to go to that place with you Deacon haha
Photo is 3 years old.
I DARE: Someone to send Rocket50 a link to How to train your dragon porn. Post logs.
(http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/10424_1236640525626_1517626296_30630613_6242433_n.jpg)me gusta
Photo is 3 years old.
I DARE: Someone to send Rocket50 a link to How to train your dragon porn. Post logs.
God Damn it
Just for you, Deacon.
I dare someone to send supertoaster code lyoko rule 34.
I dare someone to send supertoaster code lyoko rule 34.
cogsandspigots: *taps on shoulder*I hope you die of Cyanide poisoning.
cogsandspigots: Yo, toaster
cogsandspigots: You there bro?
Supertoaster: I am now
Supertoaster: whats up
cogsandspigots: *link omitted to avoid breaking of forum rules*
Supertoaster: inb4codelyokorule34
Supertoaster: inb4mytruthordarethread
cogsandspigots: eeyep
Supertoaster: since i know what it is
Supertoaster: consider this a win
Supertoaster: because im cringing now
Supertoaster: im crying
Supertoaster: the humanity
Supertoaster: id rather --
Supertoaster: die
Supertoaster: on the hindenburg
Supertoaster: or drown
Supertoaster: on the titanic
cogsandspigots: At least it's humans.
Supertoaster: or crash
Supertoaster: on 9/11
Supertoaster: at
Supertoaster: least
Supertoaster: least.
Supertoaster: ver
Supertoaster: very least
Supertoaster: --
Supertoaster: why
Supertoaster: why does that website excist
Supertoaster: ;fuck you
Supertoaster: I just got a bowl of capn crunch
Supertoaster: and now im not hungry
Supertoaster: :(
Supertoaster: you just caused a kid in africa to starve
Supertoaster: I hope you feel bad
I think I broke him.
I dare someone to post a picture with the biggest firearm they own.
I dare someone to post a picture with the biggest firearm they own.But then I'd be breaking the forum rules.
But then I'd be breaking the forum rules.
But then I'd be breaking the forum rules.(http://myfacewhen.com/images/115.png)
But then I'd be breaking the forum rules.
We're looking at you, Deacon.
I dare someone to upload a video of them going to the drive thru at any fast food place
i dare someon to send this link to any of the admins and post the reaction
http://tinyurl.com/y9x3srg (http://tinyurl.com/y9x3srg)
you have to respond the question/dare to do another one
Forget my last one, I doubt anyone will do it.
I dare someone to upload their reaction to 2girls1cup :trollface:
Forget my last one, I doubt anyone will do it.
I dare someone to upload their reaction to 2girls1cup :trollface:
i dare someon to send this link to any of the admins and post the reaction
http://tinyurl.com/y9x3srg (http://tinyurl.com/y9x3srg)
i dare someon to send this link to any of the admins and post the reaction
http://tinyurl.com/y9x3srg (http://tinyurl.com/y9x3srg)
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Trapped in the Drive-Thru [Official Music Video] (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmGVYki-oyQ&ob=av3e#)
Dare accomplished.
NEW DARE: (I'm not even going to look at the link. It better not be realy disgusting.)
Forget my last one, I doubt anyone will do it.
I dare someone to upload their reaction to 2girls1cup :trollface:
Okay, I'll do one thats more do'able.(http://fortnightlitpress.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/knapp01.png?w=480)
Someone post a picture of their feet.
I dare you guys to try to send me something that will actually disgust me. Please no gore. And none of the generic goatsy/2girls1cup/lemonparty/sourmath and all that kind of stuff.
My specialty.Sorry I've never heard of An Nividia.
I dare someone to send Peetah rule34 of an Nvidia graphics card.
I dare you guys to try to send me something that will actually disgust me. Please no gore. And none of the generic goatsy/2girls1cup/lemonparty/sourmath and all that kind of stuff.I failed...
(http://fortnightlitpress.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/knapp01.png?w=480)picture doesnt work anymore :(
Prepare to moist.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
picture doesnt work anymore :(Oh wtf.
I dare someone to send Peetah rule34 of an Nvidia graphics card.Never tell your password to anyone.
Dear Sabb's Pizza,
I reary reary lub u.... but I h8te how cn't wrk out D:
But risten me! Sabb is abuses you!! using you and satisfy his mouth :-[
The warm, sexy taste of libs on mout is al i wannt! 8)
If u reary lub me too, u wil repsond!
Please respond.. my TRU LUB
LEMON GRAB UNACCEPTABLE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07So_lJQyqw&feature=related#ws)
I don't think he shares my passion.
Wait, this a part of a bet?Yeah I just took the most recent one.
You send me these messages all the time .-.
Back on track, people, what is the current dare?None at the moment.
I dare someone to play all of the rNd servers at one time o_O
Does this count?Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I dare someone to put their name on their underwear.
Picts or never happened.
I dare someone to put their name on their underwear.people named cameron don't mess around
Picts or never happened.
Errr wut?
Anyways for the sake of saving other peoples lives
i dare someone to post a pic of dar name written on his/her forehead :3
new dare: block the person you talk to the most on your friends like for at least an hour
(http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/3462/sorryman.png)I lold
Sorry, Captain.
(http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/3462/sorryman.png)>was asleep the whole time.
Sorry, Captain.
Alright, I dare someone to do a 1v1 on Company of Heroes against me.
>was asleep the whole time.Do it, pussy.
And no, I will not 1v1 you.
i fought cogsandspigots in Company of Heroes and got a stalemate (well technically he had to leave :( ) i consider that a very good achievement considering it was the first game i played 1v1 ever!Whut, I didn't tell you to dare anyone to do that.
i dare someone to challenge me and beat me (this dare is with coaxing from cogs)
Do it, pussy.
Either you do it, or Peetah.
Your challenging someone specificaly, it's not a dare.Monday, January 16, 2012
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dihydrogen_monoxide_hoax (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dihydrogen_monoxide_hoax)
I dare someone to convince someone that "Dihydrogen monoxide" is a threat and needs to be banned.