Crytpokid's VIP app V3!Key:Main InfoVIP InfoRND InfoOther InfoName:Calvin
Been On RND since:Summer of 2008 I believe, I can't really remember now lol.
Times online:Currently anytime between 3:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Note: This time will change on the weekends to pretty much any time between 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. As well, I have been getting a lot of homework lately, so my time on varies quite a bit.
Doublely Note: I was inactive for about a month because of severe school work, but I am getting back into a routine again.
Timezone:GMT -5 (EST)
Location:Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada
Servers I mostly play on:Zombie Survival (Like crazy, seriously, I love rnd zs!)
Flood (I want it back

TTT; I am going to start playing this one more, from what I understand it is closely related to a minigame I play in Halo.
Steam Profile Name:cryptokidfhAliases/Nicknames:Cryptokid
DJ Crypto
Why I should be VIP:Well, more active, trusted, VIPs means more security for you guys. I once proudly held the rank of respected on the servers for a long period of time before I fell into a period of inactivity. During the time that I had respected I handled all bans and kicks appropriately, not once was I confronted by an admin or another member about an inappropriate kick or ban. I was never reported to be abusive with that rank and I won't be abusive with this one. I try my best to be fair in all situations and don't get mad because "Your opinion is wrong." I didn't abuse it back in the day, I won't abuse it now.
Why I want to be VIP:To ban the stupid people!
I kid, I kid. I would like to be VIP for a few reasons. I think it might give me a bit more respect from some of the other members. This would be good because I can break up arguments without the need for a threat of banning anyone. Besides that, it just seems to me like an authority figure isn't online (at least on Zombie Survival) often enough. This has changed recently, but I think that Zs (as well as the other servers) would benefit greatly if there was always at least one VIP or admin on. I like to help people, and I hate it when people try to ruin others fun (unless the fun being had, is bad obviously.) So why not become a VIP so I can help stop the people that do what I hate? Also, I just like that sexy name colour
Situations:Since I mostly play zs, a lot of these will be zs oriented.
Someone is cade breaking: Give them a warning. If they don't comply, kick them so they can come back and break the cade, as a zombie.
Someone is trying to get a teammate killed: Same as above, if you are going to kill a human, you may as well be zombie when you do it.
All the zombies are complaining its too hard: I'll suicide and help ya
A player using any form of hacks: This is not tolerable at all. Immediate ban, and on top of this I will report the player to an admin to be dealt with further.
A player using certain forms of glitching that aren't allowed, such as breaking out of a map: Tell them what they are doing wrong and that they need to stop. If they don't, they will be kicked.
As you can see, I only use bans in the worst of situations or when a player who has previously been kicked continues what he is doing.
Contributions to RND:Well, I don't do as much on the forums as I'd like to, but I am starting to post more again. I have made a few threads in the forum games sections that people seem to enjoy so there is that.
I also made
The Official Thread Of Wubs And Wobbles which people seem to find convenient and enjoy.
Things done In-Game:Pulling off a few 100+ kill games in zs on maps without ammo or guns given to you.
Building a few super epic cades in zs, (nothing compared with some of the awesome ones some of the other old school players used to make, you know who you are

Redeem 6+ games in a row all by wave 3.
Some good friends on RND:Doctor WhoAlkalineSMastersSnivy M.D.ArcoyleCable♥DKDevieProxHotgreensoldierCaptain CommunismPurple♥SabbAnd many more. Sorry if you're not in there, the list was in no particular order I just picked a few random people on my friend's list.
Games I have on Steam:Garry's Mod
The Orange Box
Portal 2
Alien Swarm
Methods to contact me:MSN:
DJ CryptoXbox Live:
Cryptokid (If you need to test a map on Halo Reach, contact me, I can get a big game of good reviewers, fast)
Skype: cryptokidfh
Other Stuff About Me:I enjoy making stuff in Photoshop, I eventually may do a typography for the site, similar to what I did in this picture here:
I also enjoy making sprays from time to time, here is the last one I made for myself:
Relating to the font in that spray, you might have guessed I like Daft Punk. I love all kinds of different music. Lately it has been electronic stuff a lot, (Electro, Hardstyle, Dubstep etc.) I enjoy rock, some metal, alternative, pretty much anything, except maybe country and most forms of classical. I also love remixes from video games, if you like those too, I would recommend Overclocked Remixes.
As well, I love minecraft. I was on deacon's server for a period of time, but then all my stuff got stolen and a new world was started shortly after I had finished a very extensive house. I lost the ip and never really bothered to go get it back

. I currently play on and off at my friends server, as well as another server called The Voxel Box. If you would like to see some screens from the latter server, here is an album on imageshack I made of some screens I took a while ago:
The Voxel BoxThanks for taking the time to read my application, I'm sure you guys will make the right choice in the end!
Thanks to
Hotgreensoldier for posting this.
Thanks to all my
friends at RND who support me!
Thanks to RND for being an awesome community all these years.
Thanks to anyone who comments in here,


, to allow me to improve in any way I can.
Also, thanks to
Don whom I have never spoken with for the app base that I modified.