About 4:30 EST yesterday, we get a call from Hong Kong from my uncle saying my mom's father died. It is very sad but didn't affect me that much but my mom went bursting into tears. I hope he is in a happy place now 
I know what it's like - my grandpa - my mom's mom - died on October 1st, 1997 - I was 7 days away from turning eight, my younger cousin's birthday was that day. It was a warm evening - me, my mom, dad, brother, one aunt, uncle and their three kids, another aunt, uncle and their two kids, 3 older cousins, another pair of aunt/uncle, and my grandma all were crammed in this small waiting room by the elevator on the floor where his room was. It was emotional for all. b Bet hes with his WWII buddies though, wherever that may be, happily passing the time away playing his violin.
[Hey, I can attempt to be spiritual, right?]