Author Topic: 12/16/11 Application: Deathsong  (Read 191 times)

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12/16/11 Application: Deathsong
« on: December 16, 2011, 12:26:55 AM »

Deathsongx3's 'NothingSpecial' VIP Application

Name: Brandon

Age: 15

In RND since: Been playing on RND since 2009 ( ZS )
Then i became addicted to TTT in 2011

Times online: Most of the time, the whole day (My Time)

Time Zone: GMT+8

Location Malaysia

Servers I mostly play on: TTT, Sometimes ZS. Barely Fretta

Steam Name:

Why I should be VIP:
I Have been in the server since 2009 and I have contributed with a lot of videos .
I play by the rules and respect every player.

Why I want to be VIP:
I Often see RDMers on the server and there's nothing I can do about it as there are no ViP's on the server whenever i'm online.
I want to help out in the community to get rid of people who ruin the joy of playing the game.


Someone is holding up the round on Deathrun
Tell him/her that it is against the rules,
If he/she continues, Kick.
If he/she comes back and continues doing the same thing, Ban for 1 hour.

Someone is constantly suiciding as Death in Deathrun
Tell him/her to stop doing it
If it continues, Kick.

Someone is prop pushing on Flood
Give a warning and a chance first
If he/she doesn't listen, Kick.
If he/she comes back and does it again, Ban for 1 hour.

People are money rounding in Flood
Tell them to stop, If they don't listen, Kick.
If they come back and continue, Ban for 1 hour.

Killing fellow Traitor buddy on TTT
Ask why, If the reason is good enough and the person killed agrees, Warn him/her.
If it continues, Ban for 1 hour.

RDMing the detective as an innocent
Kick. If it continues, Ban for 1 Hour.

Someone is glitching (not spawned on glitch, TTT and Flood)
Tell them to stop glitching, If they dont listen or continue, Kick.
If they come back and do it again, Ban for 1 hour.

Someone is using a name changer
Ban for 1 hour

Someone is using an aimbot
Record, Take Screenshots.
Ban for 1 Hour,
Report on Forums

Someone is using speedhacks
Record, Take Screenshots.
Ban for 1 Hour.
Report on Forums

Someone is mic-spamming, general population wants him/her gone
I would tell them how to mute people and that mic spamming is not a kick/bannable offense.

Someone is constantly disrespecting other people
Racism - Kick
Others - Tell them to stop, If they dont stop, Kick.

Contributions to RND:
I've made videos of RND Servers since 2010 and many new players have joined.
Recently i've made a few TTT videos and i will continue to make them
I also have submitted a ban report or two
Helped ViPs Voteban/Kick people who break the rules
Introduced Friends to the server,
Helped new players.

Things done In-Game
Helped Newcomers,
Had a lot of Fun.
Played following the rules

Games I have (on Steam):
The entire Valve Pack,
Garry's Mod,
Call of Duty : World At War, Black Ops
Dead Space 2

Funny, The only game i play is Gmod.

Methods to contact me:
Steam, Deathsongx3. I'm online whenever i'm awake ;)

A few friends active in RND
Excalipoor ( Introduced him to the game AND RND )
Trinston :D ( Introduced him to the game AND RND )
Chipaas ( Introduced him to the game AND RND )
AxelcG ( Introduced him to the game AND RND )
Satwo ( Bread Maker <3 )
Polkabud ( Funny person )
Snivy M.D. ( Friend since early 2010 )
This Toast
Sora : Son of Neptune
and MANY MANY MORE, I'm sorry if I didn't include you! D:



Thanks to Don for reference to this app!
Thank you to EVERYONE for reading my application.
Thank you coolz for making this amazing server.

(JBanned) .:RND`=- DJ myppl8: if i eva become supa admin id ban moo and make hima guest

Offline Hotgreensoldier

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Re: 12/16/11 Application: Deathsong
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2011, 04:49:22 PM »
Wait a minute

Is this the new guy who's been here for a little bit?

I don't honestly have any opinions on him but he hasn't really made an impression.

Maybe it's best if you wait for a bit.
<08:17:05> "RND Faggot": <17:16:21> "Nautilus": where
<17:16:24> "Nautilus": where u goin
<17:16:26> "[Valor]iPouncă‚‹": niggatown

Moo: general tishipants

Offline Deathie

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Re: 12/16/11 Application: Deathsong
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2011, 05:04:03 PM »
Wait a minute

Is this the new guy who's been here for a little bit?

I don't honestly have any opinions on him but he hasn't really made an impression.

Maybe it's best if you wait for a bit.

He's been "around" for a while now,

he just went on a hiatus sometime at the beginning of the year.

He's a really cool guy. Always have been. The > ONLY < thing keeping me from +1ing is that he just got back.

Wait another month or two, then you'll have my vote. :v

Check out my Soundcloud for some neat stuff!

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Re: 12/16/11 Application: Deathsong
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2011, 08:15:57 AM »
I have honestly never seen you.

Play on the servers for a while

And try again then you will get my vote

but for now +/- 0


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Re: 12/16/11 Application: Deathsong
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2011, 03:21:20 AM »