Name: Marie
My Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:27116967
Birthday: May 14
About Me: I am a freshman in high school; I was born in San Diego California, but no longer live there. I enjoy playing all types of games and have been since I was about 4 years old. I really enjoy drawing. I am an honest person and I try to be as fair as possible, even if it is with a person I am not fond of. I am not an easy person anger, (maybe upset, but I get over that fairly fast) and I try to solve conflicts to the best of my abilities.
In RND Since: Somewhere around fall of last year I believe. And I joined the forums in December of last year as well. The first server I played on was Winter Survival.
Times Online: I used to have a lot of problems with my computer before, making getting online impossible, but since then I have fixed most of my problems and get on usually everyday 1-3 hours at the least.
Time Zone: Eastern time zone
Location Virginia
Servers I mostly play on: Zombie Survival, TTT, and occasionally some Winter Survival
Steam Name: KHMarie♡
Why I Should Be VIP: I have been on the server for quite awhile now, and I try to be as active as possible. I have been a Regular since October of this year, and I have not broken the rules in any way that I know of.
Why I Want to be VIP: Well besides the reasoning that I just want to be VIP, I also believe that I can help admins and other people who could use assistance or people who need to abide by the rules.
Hacking: Get proof, Ban for 60 minutes, report
Porn Sprays: Warn them once to change it| If they refuse, warn them once more once they leave
If later they do not change it, kick.
If they come back with the Spray or any other type of porn spray then Ban and make thread
|If it is Child Pornography I will Ban and make a thread showing Evidence|
Someone is mic-spamming: Show all Players how to Mute someone and explain that Mic Spam is not punishable
Someone is constantly disrespecting other people
1st time: ask to stop
2nd time: ask to stop again
3rd time: Kick
If that person returns and is still disrespecting, Kick for a longer time and make a Thread
Someone is spamming items in Build
1. Tell them to stop, explain why spamming is bad and how it makes the server lag
2. Tell them to stop again
Returns and continues to spam, Kick for a longer time and make thread
Someone is RDM'ing
1. Ask if it was an accident or if they had real proof of why they killed some---Start Recording
2. If the player does it again i will give them one last warning
3. Kick for a bit
4. Comes back and still RDM's- Ban and make a post on the forums
Mass RDM
1. Ban, get as much Evidence (logs and such) and make thread
Games I have (on Steam):
Garry's Mod
Team Fortress 2
Half-Life 2
Counter-Strike: source
Others: Minecraft
Methods to contact me:
Steam: PM me
Youtube: PM me
A few friends active in RND:
Cake Face
DJ Crypto
Docotor Who
probably others.
I've known Marie for a while now, along with many other people, and I'm very confident she'll be a great VIP. Never seen even the slightest problem with her, but she's quite cool.