Steam name: Silent Death
My steam id: STEAM_0:0:31408722 (from
Servers I play on:
I mostly Play TTT But i rarely play Wintersurvival I love ttt when it up (most of the time)
Time i play:
I play All the time i can Many people will know that i play allot but i have about 7 hours every day + weekends
I dont play it 24/7 i play other games 2 (and sometimes other servers)
My Age:
I am 13 years old
For a link to all my games goto: i want to be a regular:
I want to be a regular because i play the servers allot and i love them i don't demand to be a regular but i would like to be a reg
I would teach newcomers the tricks / ways of the servers (i try to help where i can)
i would help report / get evidence of rule breakers and help all the people Who play by the rules stay safe
These servers are very fun! and i love them!
A fun fact!:
The longest i have played on the servers (just ttt) was 32 hours in a row and yes i had a bad head but it was fun owning as a t and failing as a I .
Its a big deal being regular because u need to respect every player, server, rules I am sorry about my other remark
I Do respect the server and the people in it (most of the time common im 13

Dear, Silent Death