Just use CSS models. If people have to download a million textures and models before joining, the servers will go in the shitter.
Just tell me one thing: you've played in a server that need to download new textures? There is no reason why not for new weapons? I'd be more cool, new sounds, etc. So let us model new weapons, rANdOm weapons :D
Well, you said you wanted to promote rNd. If people don't have to download anything besides the lua cache, they'll visit more.But its more worthwhile have new things than to be always the same things (some servers).
But its more worthwhile have new things than to be always the same things (some servers).
M14>lever-action rifle
Fix the Five-seveN so it shoots the actual round it is supposed to (current 9mm, should be 5.7 [the round was designed for the p90, the handgun was designed after])
Lever-action rifle
and a bunch of others that will never happen but i would love
>lever-action rifle
yes.Oh lawd.
make it
The Austalian Stereotypename
+25% damage
Auto-crits on successful bodyshot
Each successive bodyshot gains 10% damage
Each headshot causes this bonus to be lost
-5% magazine size.
Some sweps:
Just take 5 or 7 guns of those sweps:
http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=124313 (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=124313)
part 2
http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=124342 (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=124342)
Fallout guns
http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=124084 (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=124084)
Using cesar's suggestions, I nominate:
From the Firearms Source Pack:
- AK-47
- MP5-A5
From the Medal of Honor pack:
- F2000 Ironsight (even if it has an out-of-place forward grip.)
- M14 EBR
- M24From the Fallout Pack:Upon reading, the fallout pack is just props.
- Lever action rifle (cowboy repeater)
We need two guns.
H&K( German )G11:
High Accuracy ( Recoil comes after the burst like in real life )
High Capacity ( 48? )
Long Range
Burst Fire ( no Rambo )
Medium Damage
G11 is a strange weapon using unconventional ammunition. However, burst fire doesn't make sense. I really would like to see selective fire enabled for some weapons.
South Korea's USAS-12:
F'in Meatchopper at close range
High clip capacity
Huge Recoil
Limited Accuracy
Vote for yes guys..3 players voted to "no"!What's the point of a poll if you're going to tell them what to vote lol?
we also have a high capacity semi-auto shotgun already.
I would love to see a pump shotgun, not gonna lie.
What's the point of a poll if you're going to tell them what to vote lol?
4 or 6 round MAGAZINEI'm never happy, I'm just not as mad as I can get.Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Damn... I'm REALLY tempted to get into a rant about the difference between clips and magazines. =/
FN P90
Armour penetration
High MAGAZINE capicity
Fast firing
Low damage
Low accuracy
Possible thing:
The plastic bullets leave DNA (The gun uses high density plastics, not lead and brass)
Lets include tha traita weapons too ya? I've played in other ttt servers. They had the jihad bomb and the suicide bombyano
I'm fucking telling you.i like this. Alot
Detective weapon: Flashbang Grenade
Causes a bright white blinding flash to anyone in line-of-sight
Loud, debilitating noise.
Flashes anyone looking, not only traitors
One credit merits 2 grenades
Detective weapon: Flashbang Grenade
Causes a bright white blinding flash to anyone in line-of-sight
Loud, debilitating noise.
Flashes anyone looking, not only traitors
One credit merits 2 grenades
Recently I talked with Coolzeldad and Deacon over TS3 about an idea to help balance TTT, while having new weapons. So the idea is, each month, the M249(SAW) will be switched out with a randomly suggested weapon that is accurate in description. Now it doesn't have to be the M249, it could be any other weapon currently in TTT.
Hmm Okay I was convinced and I'm considering submissions for general point and shoot weapons, such as a pistol, rifle, etc. that both classes will be able to access.
It will be more likely to have weapons integrated if they are balanced relative to the current ttt weapons and carefully considered.
An example of this: If you are considering a new rifle, check the damage, velocity, delay, recoil, ammo clip to that of another rifle like the m16.
You can aim for realism, but it must be relative to TTT. Ex: If you know a rifle's power, velocity, etc, compare it to a real m16, see the difference and then apply it to TTT's relative in-game value.
Traitor weapons however are more difficult to consider.
An example of what might work
However, I did not see any other suggestions that I would even partially consider adding at this point.
As always, if you think I'm missing something you can try to convince me your weapon is suitable etc.
Recently I talked with Coolzeldad and Deacon over TS3 about an idea to help balance TTT, while having new weapons. So the idea is, each month, the M249(SAW) will be switched out with a randomly suggested weapon that is accurate in description. Now it doesn't have to be the M249, it could be any other weapon currently in TTT.if you switch them out with shotgun every time that would be cool, but overall I don't want to take out guns just add them.
EDIT: The pump shotgun is not compatible with TTT
VAT. VATT?!?!?!?!?!?!
I've seen so many servers with it...
Deacon, that's one of my favorite guns, DON'T FAIL MEEEEEEEEEEE
i'm new to all this...from what i did, it didn't work. let me try a few things. if not, i'm just gonna do a double-barrel shotgun
Tis alright my friend.
I don't know about the double barrel shotgun...Seems cheap.
A question:Cs:s models.
Wil we use same CS:S models or we will put new "non CS" guns?
Thanks to Smasters, the pump shotgun works.
All weapons but the M14 are CS:S.
Coolz has told me that its ok to do a few custom models cause fastdl works great.
New guns different from CS:S could be good. Don't put all swep, but take 2 or 3 guns. The cool link for some guns is http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=120698 (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=120698)
The guns is a entity or weapon?
I cant put the images, but find by the link http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=120698 (http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=120698) (again):
Only that :)
These are the weapons that I think should be added for now...
Body bomb for traitors: 1 credit, single use. Can only be placed on identified bodies/using a defuser on a body (if a detective is cautious enough to use it) the body bomb will be defused and a message will appear telling you that you defused it.
This would take a major coding overhaul. We'd have to add our own system to ttt (to track the entity, keep it from falling off the body, glitching into walls, etc. TTT just doesn't have that in it already, not to mention-), which, upon updating garrysmod, would cause it to become unstable and glitch. Considering how often gmod gets updated, we'd be pretty fucked.
Flashbang for detectives: 2 credits, 2 flash's. Blinds anyone who is looking in the direction of the flash/does not affect other detectives.
Close, but not quite. Too hard to code in teamflashing, and also unrealistic. Discombobs push everyone around, so the flash should do the same. You can only have an item cost 1 credit, per the ttt authors wishes. Can't be done.
AK47, as presented by Deacon :>
Pump shotgun, as presented by Deacon :>
These, and others, ready to go :>
I have an AK-47
The M4 is already in TTT
I will add the barret...IF i can make it work without complete bullshit. I'm thinking of using the .416 platform (single shot, incredibly accurate, high power)
Ok i like this pack.
Got all the models and no texture issues.
What guns would you all like to see? I have done the:
-M3 (Pump Shotgun)
-(TBC) Barret ".416"
I think your effort in this is great Deacon, and I love you
but I don't think there should be TOO many new weapons.
Maybe 2 or 3.
I think your effort in this is great Deacon, and I love you
but I don't think there should be TOO many new weapons.
Maybe 2 or 3.
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The ak-47 uses rifle rounds yet you can only carry 20 max rifle rounds while the ak uses 35 rounds.
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The ak-47 uses rifle rounds yet you can only carry 20 max rifle rounds while the ak uses 35 rounds.
also isnt 35 ammo a bit too much? i only know ak's that carry 25, 28 and 30 rounds but not 35. is it a balance reason?
SUGGESTION: for the barret can you script it so it can only fire when crouched? the barret is a big ass sniper that needs plenty of room to fire and only Chuck norris can shoot it while standing up (and dual welded)
Keep this post open.
The bad of the barret is that you need crouch... and need incrase more damage to the guns