.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
Technology (Read Only) => Computers => Topic started by: Sabb on January 30, 2011, 10:41:07 AM
Well, I'm thinking of building a new computer, because I have a shitty Acer.
Basically, I want to build it from scratch, but I have no experience, and have no idea what to buy, and I thought I'd ask the forums before researching around a bit.
So what do you guys think the best investment to starting to build a new computer would be? (I'm looking for good parts for a really good computer, depending on the price)
(Lol 1337 post count)
Depends which direction you'd want to go.
AMD gives you more bang for your buck, but is a bit less efficient than Intel.
IMO (And I'm sure most would agree) AMD would be the way to go, but it's up to you.
It also depends on what you want to spend, and what kind of rig it will be used for.
AMD + ATI Rig.
Not AMD + Geforce or Intel + ATI or Intel + Intel or Intel + Geforce or AMD + Geforce/Intel, k?
Jus, AMD + ATI. You will <3 urself. You get more bang for the buck, like death said.
What's the approximate price range for these?
What's the approximate price range for these?
Well it depends. I built mine for around 350-400 dollars. I get a 80+ fps on mw2 and 60+ on black cops all on ultra and maxed out. On Garrys mod it depends on the map.
Also, my specs and such are located on my steam community page. If you want to build a rig like mine, just check it out.
OH! I too will build a brand new computer! :D
I'm making this shit PINK bitchesssss.
I figured - my college gives me extra money I didn't use from my scholarship and financial aid around 800 the next couple of months plus a new job - I'll be making this in ... well, I give it about a year LOL Cuz I'm going for the top of the line shit and I get miiiiiiiiiiiiinimum wageeeeee plus I pay for other shit like gas and food daily :/
You should go top of the line as well sabbath. As in... top of the line epic rig.
But, I'm starting with the simplest shit that no one gives a crap about like a keyboard and mouse, and two 21 inch monitorz - plus speakers with subwoofer - the one I have now is quite small and I need extra big subwoofer for that sexy heavy bassline.
Then after that, I'll probably wait a bit and gather money >_> Then purchase a powerful motherboard and work from there - I was thinking about MSI motherboards since MSI never failed me....
That's all I got so far LOL.
OH! I too will build a brand new computer! :D
I'm making this shit PINK bitchesssss.
I figured - my college gives me extra money I didn't use from my scholarship and financial aid around 800 the next couple of months plus a new job - I'll be making this in ... well, I give it about a year LOL Cuz I'm going for the top of the line shit and I get miiiiiiiiiiiiinimum wageeeeee plus I pay for other shit like gas and food daily :/
You should go top of the line as well sabbath. As in... top of the line epic rig.
But, I'm starting with the simplest shit that no one gives a crap about like a keyboard and mouse, and two 21 inch monitorz - plus speakers with subwoofer - the one I have now is quite small and I need extra big subwoofer for that sexy heavy bassline.
Then after that, I'll probably wait a bit and gather money >_> Then purchase a powerful motherboard and work from there - I was thinking about MSI motherboards since MSI never failed me....
That's all I got so far LOL.
Haha, I was considering something similar. All the monitor, speakers, keyboard, etc shiz doesn't matter to me though lol. I like all the basic shiz when it comes to keyboard and mouse, and I'm completely happy with the speakers and monitor I already have.
My birthdays coming up soon though, and I'm just asking for money, so I nid know what part would be best to invest in first.
OH! I too will build a brand new computer! :D
I'm making this shit PINK bitchesssss.
I figured - my college gives me extra money I didn't use from my scholarship and financial aid around 800 the next couple of months plus a new job - I'll be making this in ... well, I give it about a year LOL Cuz I'm going for the top of the line shit and I get miiiiiiiiiiiiinimum wageeeeee plus I pay for other shit like gas and food daily :/
You should go top of the line as well sabbath. As in... top of the line epic rig.
But, I'm starting with the simplest shit that no one gives a crap about like a keyboard and mouse, and two 21 inch monitorz - plus speakers with subwoofer - the one I have now is quite small and I need extra big subwoofer for that sexy heavy bassline.
Then after that, I'll probably wait a bit and gather money >_> Then purchase a powerful motherboard and work from there - I was thinking about MSI motherboards since MSI never failed me....
That's all I got so far LOL.
Top of the line is overdoing it IMO.
You're spending thousands of dollars for Something that will be a fraction of that in literally a couple months.
I feel its easier to buy something thats cheap, can run any game on max settings, and switch it out every year or so, as opposed to spending 10x more on a rig that will last you 3-5 years.
my graphics card is 15 dollars, mobo 40, hd is stolen, cdrom is stolen, stole mouse and keyboard from school, monitor is 17inch, 40 dollars, ram is 40 bucks, cpu is 50 bucks
Top of the line is overdoing it IMO.
You're spending thousands of dollars for Something that will be a fraction of that in literally a couple months.
thousands? Who said thousands? Doesn't have to be thousands for it to be top of the line >_>
Gotta know where to look, where to buy and gotta know how to find deals.
Honestly, AMD's top of the line chip is currently getting destroyed by the new SandyBridge i5-2500K
Even if you were to overclock the Phenom X6 to 4.2 GHz It still doesn't even come close to the i5 in its stock form sadly.
The i5-2500K Also can reliably overclock to ~5 GHz putting it past the stock i7 SandyBridge range.
So if you want some good bang for your buck
That computer would play any game you could possibly want of it.
And if you have a bit more cash than $895 upgrade to a 470, 560, or at the high end 570.
(I'd shell out the extra $75 :link: for the 560 if I were you. It would allow you to play new games at max graphics for a few years yet.)
http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2011/01/25/nvidia-geforce-gtx-560-ti-1gb-review/1 (http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2011/01/25/nvidia-geforce-gtx-560-ti-1gb-review/1)
Honestly, AMD's top of the line chip is currently getting destroyed by the new SandyBridge i5-2500K
Even if you were to overclock the Phenom X6 to 4.2 GHz It still doesn't even come close to the i5 in its stock form sadly.
The i5-2500K Also can reliably overclock to ~5 GHz putting it past the stock i7 SandyBridge range.
So if you want some good bang for your buck
That computer would play any game you could possibly want of it.
And if you have a bit more cash than $895 upgrade to a 470, 560, or at the high end 570.
(I'd shell out the extra $75 :link: for the 560 if I were you. It would allow you to play new games at max graphics for a few years yet.)
http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2011/01/25/nvidia-geforce-gtx-560-ti-1gb-review/1 (http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2011/01/25/nvidia-geforce-gtx-560-ti-1gb-review/1)
Damn, thanks for the help.
Also, my current computer is over 1k so you know my price range lol.
Dayum, that actually makes me tempted to finally get a good tower.
Intel I3 530, some Asrock mobo, GeForce GTS450 1GB, 2GB RAM DDR3 1333MHz, some DVD burner, and no HDD nor monitor.
Around 700 dollars. Feels batman to be in Argentina.
But wait. Isn't the sandy bridge the processor that lets intel access your shit? Like they can destroy the computer with one touch of a button. I won't buy one of those just for that. That's some scary shit.
But wait. Isn't the sandy bridge the processor that lets intel access your shit? Like they can destroy the computer with one touch of a button. I won't buy one of those just for that. That's some scary shit.
That would be a negative, they just added a command for enterprise users, in enterprise applications to destroy the computer in-case of theft, in-order to prevent data theft and such.
Intel didn't come up with the technology, it's been around for quite a few years with enterprise security packages, but Intel decided to include it as an option for enterprise users.
Intel cant just dial up any old computer and nuke it.
dont buy ati card atm. with the current top of the line models, 6970 and 570 (580 is a waste lol) the 570 performs better in many ways, and is about 30-80 USD cheaper last i checked
atleast, with topline gfx...
get a "superclocked" from evga. great company, and its already well enough overclocked for 10 dollars more, w/o voiding warrenty
and if your getting a completely new computer, buy a nice, cheap asus 1155 board,and something like the 2400. the 2300 is just foolish. 10 dollars cheaper, shit in comparison. it will likely save you money in the long run. but i would wait a few weeks for price to die down a bit...
just my op
well if your build a topline PC that is...
if it only needs top run, buy amd cpu for 20 dollars :\
My knowlage.
If your building from scratch and not upgrading very often.
Starting from scratch you must prioritize.
A very important part and I cannot stress this enough. Spend a bit more money and get a good hard drive!
People dont look at the hardrive as an importance and get a budget one.
The hard drive is what bottlenecks THE computer. Regardless how fast it is.
Before it even gets processed or saved into the ram It is first read from the hard drive. Basically every part is waiting for the hard drive.
It will make the most difference in everyday use.
Next most important is the Mobo.
Buy the Mobo once. Spent mroe money on it.
The mobo gives you the compatibly to upgrade in the future.
Buying a new cpu or a stick of ram and finding out you need a new mobo, your just wasting money.
The cpu some ppl may think important but is not.
On a budget you do not need to spend most money on a high end cpu.
Buy one that is just enough. Mainstream, a low end quad is more then enough.
Graphics card is also important but not too important.
They are easily upgradeable, easy to sell and buy.
Buy one thats enough and upgrade in the future.
Best Investment? Trust me, it pretty much is the best bang for the buck.
Nids any Phenom ii x4 and a radeon 5770.
I'm a get a Intel Dual Core for my AMD motherboard while using a Geforce crossfired with a Radeon.
I'm a get a Intel Dual Core for my AMD motherboard while using a Geforce crossfired with a Radeon.
i did that once
works pretty well
i did that once
works pretty well
d00d ima get liek 4000000 fps and ur pc sux jajaja
If you want to build a computer that runs every game pretty much you are looking to spend at least 1k.
I spent 1.2k on mine and it's a beast.
Best Investment? Trust me, it pretty much is the best bang for the buck.
Nids any Phenom ii x4 and a radeon 5770.
AMD + ATI Rig.
Not AMD + Geforce or Intel + ATI or Intel + Intel or Intel + Geforce or AMD + Geforce/Intel, k?
Jus, AMD + ATI. You will <3 urself. You get more bang for the buck, like death said.
Kinda late O:-)
Kinda late O:-)
Maybe he might want a bit more opinions...
But really, if you do go with AMD/ATi, these are some pretty nice recommendations. You don't need a $1000+ PC worth of parts to handle every game to be thrown.
Here's the one I have. (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103675&cm_re=phenom_ii_x4-_-19-103-675-_-Product)
Nice little 3.0 quad core for about $130. It might be a little over budget if you want one of those budget gaming PC's.
Here's another phenom ii x4 for about $110. It looks decent from the reviews (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103472&cm_re=phenom_ii_x4-_-19-103-472-_-Product)
You could OC it a bit if you want.
And if you are going with a radeon, don't bother with all of that 6xxxx series shit, just a simple 5770 will do (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121363&cm_re=radeon_5770-_-14-121-363-_-Product).
Just pick up yourself a nice MSI or ASUS motherboard that's AM3 that can support ddr2 memory, get the cheapest 4gb ram sticks, a $60 PC case and $50 500W PSU and thar you go. I dunno about the hard-drive and extra cost for the OS but...yeh.
Best Investment? Trust me, it pretty much is the best bang for the buck.
Nids any Phenom ii x4 and a radeon 5770.
Investment =/= bang for buck.
First of all, if you are going for bang for buck in the phenom range.
Do not go with one of AMD's cheap X4 processors, Instead go with the top of the line X2.
Why? AMD's cheapest X4 processor, is just a four core version of their lowest end dual processor.
And as most programs still suffer from poor multi-core threading, you would see a much larger benifit from a much much faster Dual core than a slower quad core. As you will only use 1-2 cores of the quad core at any given time anyway.
Second of all... The bloody 5770? really?
Wanna know how much a 5770 costs?
Wanna know how much a 1Gb 460 costs?
The bloody 768MB 460 which Still performs better than the 5770
is $149.99
That's some awfully good bang for buck there. >:(
Also FYI, it's not ATI Graphics anymore
So that would be, AMD GRAPHICS, and AMD PROCESSOR
sheesh if your going to be a fanboy, at least get the facts about your own company straight.
And now onto my Investment =/= Bang for buck.
If you were going to make a solid investment, you would not look for the cheapiest piece of crap plot of land to buy, or go get a whole bunch of stocks that are selling for $0.01 a stock.
That's called wasting money, not investing it.
The same thing applies if you were looking to make an investment into a decent computer.
Why on earth, would you buy a new computer that can't even play the latest games fully. I completely understand is if all you have to spend is ~$400-600 on a new computer, then I would completely understand.
But if you are looking to make a smart INVESTMENT, why would you buy last generation's low-mid range technology.
If you were trying to make an investment, you would purchase somthing that has a good chance of still being up-to-date for a year or so, not somthing that is already out-dated.
Honestly you guys have done this to me several times already.
In-fact I remembered I specifically asked for advice on buying a laptop on the forums.
I said I wanted:
1920x1080 resoultion
Professional Graphics card (firepro or Quadro)
and non-gaudy looks.
Since this was going to be a work labtop which I would do CAD work on.
What was recommended to me was:
1420X800 resolution
460m or 5870m Graphics
and in Glossy ferrari red plastics.
Even if the consumer 400 series has been known to be horrendous for CAD work.
One thing. Dirt 2 specifically likes nvidia hardware better.
But the fact is. Nvidia truly did beat ati with the 460. It is just a good card that got great marketing.
Nvidia made alot of profit with the 460 and is able to sell for cheaper.
Now as for cake telling you to get a ddr2 mobo.
I say naw. Ddr2 is getting old.
Ddr 2 ram prices have sky rocketed seriously.
Ddr3 is cheaper then ddr2. Get a ddr3 board.
One thing. Dirt 2 specifically likes nvidia hardware better.
But the fact is. Nvidia truly did beat ati with the 460. It is just a good card that got great marketing.
Nvidia made alot of profit with the 460 and is able to sell for cheaper.
Now as for cake telling you to get a ddr2 mobo.
I say naw. Ddr2 is getting old.
Ddr 2 ram prices have sky rocketed seriously.
Ddr3 is cheaper then ddr2. Get a ddr3 board.
Holy crap, Peetah is right. Actually do get a ddr3 motherboard :O
Xrain, not to sound like a dick or anything but, I was not trying to aim for being a fanboy. I sure as hell haven't had any type of performance issue because I'm using a quad-core and not a dual core. Let Sabbath get the Nvidia then if it 'beats' the 5770. Even though it still is cheaper, the radeon will do it's job just perfectly. But I had far more better experiences with ATi (Sorry, but if I bought a card when it was still called an ATi, i'm sticking to calling it an ATi).
And uhh, can you please state a few programs that use all the cores that people commonly use that they will have a shitty, glitchy and crashy time with quad core rather then a dual core?
Oh and tehehe, I liek how you directly quoted my post, not making a reference/-1'ing to any other amd/ati recommendation but claiming I'm the fanboy here.
One thing. Dirt 2 specifically likes nvidia hardware better.
Very well Then
(These are percent improvment over the 5770 going off the Minimum FPS)
Stalker: Call of Pripyat: 1920 x 1080
1 GB 460: 16.667%
768 MB 460: 11.7647%
Dirt 2: 1920x1200
1 GB 460: 31.372%
768 MB 460: 25.53%
Crysis: 1920 x 1200
1 GB: 38.45%
768MB: 38.45%
Bad Company 2: 1920 x 1200
1GB: 41.935%
768MB: 33.33%
I'd Say Dirt 2 doesn't prefer Nvidia any more than any other game.
Holy crap, Peetah is right. Actually do get a ddr3 motherboard :O
Xrain, not to sound like a dick or anything but, I was not trying to aim for being a fanboy. I sure as hell haven't had any type of performance issue because I'm using a quad-core and not a dual core. Let Sabbath get the Nvidia then if it 'beats' the 5770. Even though it still is cheaper, the radeon will do it's job just perfectly. But I had far more better experiences with ATi (Sorry, but if I bought a card when it was still called an ATi, i'm sticking to calling it an ATi).
And uhh, can you please state a few programs that people commonly use that they will have a shitty, glitchy and crashy time with quad core rather then a dual core?
If calling you a Fanboy was going a bit too far, I apologize.
But lets review:
1. Going in-ordinarily go out of your way to support a company, and when faced with factual proof that the item is substandard when compared to a competing item of the exact same price range. You respond with a subjective opinion that the card just "feels" better.
Let Sabbath get the Nvidia then if it 'beats' the 5770. Even though it still is cheaper, the radeon will do it's job just perfectly. But I had far more better experiences with ATi
2. Using "quotes" around the word "beats" as if to imply that the card is only superficially improved when compared to the object of ones idolization.
3. Not properly reading another one's post in order to draw out a non-supported conclusion
And uhh, can you please state a few programs that people commonly use that they will have a shitty, glitchy and crashy time with quad core rather then a dual core?
And as most programs still suffer from poor multi-core threading
I suppose this last one was somewhat my fault for not properly explaining what I meant.
So to rectify.
When I said "And as most programs still suffer from poor multi-core threading" what my intended meaning was that most programs still haven't fully taken advantage of the multi-core technology. So if they have taken advantage of it, most of the time the implementation suffers from significant diminishing returns, with it not receiving the same benefit as it did from going from a single to a dual core configuration, as going from a dual to a quad core.
Thus the low end X4 processors, will perform slower in MOST applications that would be used by a Rnd community member. When compared to the High end X2 processors.
I did not in any way shape or form say/imply that a multi-threaded app is inherently more unstable when compared to a single threaded app.
Only that the technology still hasn't been fully taken advantage of enough to the point that have slower many cores is faster than having significantly faster fewer cores.
You really think a 16 core Atom processor would perform as fast in the applications we use when compared to a X2 or X4?, or I3/I5/I7
If you happen to use your computer as a web server handling a in-numerous websites, then what i would be saying wouldn't apply.
I also am not saying that the 5770 is a crappy card. and if you have a 5770 it wouldn't be worth paying for a 460 as an upgrade.
But when you compare the 5770 to a card that is similarly priced, it's performance is substandard.
I have also myself owned 3 ATI card, and 4 nVidia cards. And in my opinion the experience I received with both has been about equal.
Very well Then
I came.
Very well Then
(These are percent improvment over the 5770 going off the Minimum FPS)
Stalker: Call of Pripyat: 1920 x 1080
1 GB 460: 16.667%
768 MB 460: 11.7647%
Dirt 2: 1920x1200
1 GB 460: 31.372%
768 MB 460: 25.53%
Crysis: 1920 x 1200
1 GB: 38.45%
768MB: 38.45%
Bad Company 2: 1920 x 1200
1GB: 41.935%
768MB: 33.33%
I understand the 460 is a better card. I also agreed. Dont need to go all out now. :3
As for the cpu.
As what I said. Invest in the mobo and hdd first.
Mobo being the decider on what you will be using.
I also said dont spend too much on the Cpu.
In conclusion,
Get the dual core because it is more practical for todays use and is not too expensive.
Since you have the comparability from the mobo.
Upgrading to a more powerful cpu if needed in the future will be an easy option.
So get the 460, nice mobo, nice hdd, dual core, ddr3 and you got yourself a nice budget upgradeable pc.
Surly you agree.
Giant, not very needed post
Then I guess I've been living under a rock for quite some time and not realizing what has been released by then with the graphics cards. But I couldn't care less if the programs I have been using didn't take full advantage of multi-cores and have a lower performance over dual cores, if it still works and does not taking over 9000 hours to do 1 task, then I dont think you'd have to get that technical about it. Take Garry's Mod for example. People have been saying that Lua does not do very well on mutli-threaded programs. GMod has a multi-core rendering option, and my guess is that it utilizes 2 cores with that option. But I don't notice a degrade in performance or anything. You're right about me mis-assuming about stating everything gets unstable with 4 cores if anything.
I'm not sure what Garry does with the game coding wither it being multi-core or not, I still get sexy smooth performance in the game with the option turned on.
Then please, by all means let Sab get the 460 for the extra $10 while it's in that price-range. If a Phenom X4 wont do the job very well, then I honestly don't know what else can.
But did you really have to type all of those long paragraphs just to say "Dude, the 460 is better than the 5770 just for $10 more", quote only me on it, and -1 those post's I made just because I recommended a Phenom Quad core rather than a Dual Core? I might have a few reasons why on me instead of other people who recommended the same but really? No need to write an essay just to state that.
Then I guess I've been living under a rock for quite some time and not realizing what has been released by then with the graphics cards. But I couldn't care less if the programs I have been using didn't take full advantage of multi-cores and have a lower performance over dual cores, if it still works and does not taking over 9000 hours to do 1 task, then I dont think you'd have to get that technical about it. Take Garry's Mod for example. People have been saying that Lua does not do very well on mutli-threaded programs. GMod has a multi-core rendering option, and my guess is that it utilizes 2 cores with that option. But I don't notice a degrade in performance or anything. You're right about me mis-assuming about stating everything gets unstable with 4 cores if anything.
I'm not sure what Garry does with the game coding wither it being multi-core or not, I still get sexy smooth performance in the game with the option turned on.
Then please, by all means let Sab get the 460 for the extra $10 while it's in that price-range. If a Phenom X4 wont do the job very well, then I honestly don't know what else can.
But did you really have to type all of those long paragraphs just to say "Dude, the 460 is better than the 5770 just for $10 more", quote only me on it, and -1 those post's I made just because I recommended a Phenom Quad core rather than a Dual Core? I might have a few reasons why on me instead of other people who recommended the same but really? No need to write an essay just to state that.
Lmao thats like my rig in a nutshell kindof.
460, dual core intel, ddr3 4gb ram, you know if you consider that a budget gaming pc then hell, pc gaming is an expensive hobby lol.
Then what was the point on getting quad cores, besides for gaming if programs preform better on dual cores. Unless it's an AMD only thing.
Then what was the point on getting quad cores, besides for gaming if programs preform better on dual cores. Unless it's an AMD only thing.
Its cause a quad is a quad.
That doesnt mean anything but If your getting something new you want it to be future proof.
Why buy a NEW dual core is you know your gunna stick with it for awhile.
460 - $200
Cpu - $150
Mobo - $120
Ram - $50
Psu - $50
Hdd - $80
$650. + you need the Case.
Cant really consider anything lower then that budget and also being a "gaming" computer.
Ram - $50
But holy shit if I would have known back July when I built my PC that I could save a shit-ton of money if I were to get a DDR3 motherboard instead of wasting $90 on 4gb of ddr2...I think I could have upgraded a few more components.
So, just to see more options, what would the best hardrive be? I don't want opinions, just the very best performance, or of of the best.
I have heard bad things about Western Digital so go with Seagate those are the top 2 competitors. I have a Seagate 500 GB and haven't had any problems.
Is it a bad thin that I have 17 GB out of 298 GB free? ._.
I would suggest the Western digital Black at $80 500gb.
There is also the Wastern Digital Velociraptor $80 150gb.
You sacarfice capacity but the raptor is twice as fast.
If you want the very best you can a 64gb SSD for $80.
Now you sacarfice alot of capacity but low end ssds are at least twice as fast as raptors.
Your choise.
Western digital is not bad. They are equal to seagates from my expirence.
I have heard some things about the caviar blues but the blacks are good.
I would suggest the Western digital Black at $80 500gb.
There is also the Wastern Digital Velociraptor $80 150gb.
You sacarfice capacity but the raptor is twice as fast.
If you want the very best you can a 64gb SSD for $80.
Now you sacarfice alot of capacity but low end ssds are at least twice as fast as raptors.
Your choise.
Western digital is not bad. They are equal to seagates from my expirence.
I have heard some things about the caviar blues but the blacks are good.
I think I'll go for Western Digital Black, no way I could last with less than 300 GB lol.
Also, what's the most expensive part of the computer?
Cause so far, I spend more money on hobby supplies than all of these things lol.
The idea is not to get those $40 hdds. There very tempting for budget builders.
The cpu shouldent be the most expensive.
I say get a DECENT good mobo not a cheap budget.
Gpu dont spent too much. It will be already the most expensive anyways cause its a video card.
Alright argument is back on track.
6850 - $180.
So equal to the price of a 460.
From what I know.
They are pretty much neck in neck.
460 has lower temps.
Surprisingly the 6850 has identical tessellation performance.
6850 does have a lower power consumption of about 40-50watts.
6850 Scales better in crossfire.
6850 can do multi display on only one card.
And dont forget you can bios flash a 6850 to a 6870.
Just some random points.
What do you guys think.
I understand the 460 is a better card. I also agreed. Dont need to go all out now. :3
I never said that you didn't understand that the 460 is a better card.
You said that "Dirt 2 is biased towards Nvidia" Which undermines the data I supplied by implying that I had chosen an anomalous source to make my point seem more impressive, so I just went and reviewed some other games for comparison to see if I had done this unintentionally.
As what I said. Invest in the mobo and hdd first.
Mobo being the decider on what you will be using.
I also said dont spend too much on the Cpu.
In conclusion,
Get the dual core because it is more practical for todays use and is not too expensive.
Since you have the comparability from the mobo.
Upgrading to a more powerful cpu if needed in the future will be an easy option.
So get the 460, nice mobo, nice hdd, dual core, ddr3 and you got yourself a nice budget upgradeable pc.
Surly you agree.
That certainty would be a good budget computer, however it has limited scope.
That would be a good idea if you had some money now and expected to get more in the future.
Id caution against using generalizations like that, since it only applies depending on what situation the buyer is in.
Now onto Cake Faic...
Then I guess I've been living under a rock for quite some time and not realizing what has been released by then with the graphics cards. But I couldn't care less if the programs I have been using didn't take full advantage of multi-cores and have a lower performance over dual cores, if it still works and does not taking over 9000 hours to do 1 task, then I dont think you'd have to get that technical about it. Take Garry's Mod for example. People have been saying that Lua does not do very well on mutli-threaded programs. GMod has a multi-core rendering option, and my guess is that it utilizes 2 cores with that option. But I don't notice a degrade in performance or anything. You're right about me mis-assuming about stating everything gets unstable with 4 cores if anything.
I'm not sure what Garry does with the game coding wither it being multi-core or not, I still get sexy smooth performance in the game with the option turned on.
Then please, by all means let Sab get the 460 for the extra $10 while it's in that price-range. If a Phenom X4 wont do the job very well, then I honestly don't know what else can.
But did you really have to type all of those long paragraphs just to say "Dude, the 460 is better than the 5770 just for $10 more", quote only me on it, and -1 those post's I made just because I recommended a Phenom Quad core rather than a Dual Core? I might have a few reasons why on me instead of other people who recommended the same but really? No need to write an essay just to state that.
Yes my extra long post was needed.
Why? because if I just stated the point of what I am saying you guys would just pick some un-related loophole in my argument and I'd just go back and forth with you guys for about 15 posts, so Instead I just post one big post where I comprehensibly go through every point.
The problem is cake, your moving the argument away from the original topic, in order to find some way in where your still right. It's alright, just about every single person in the forum does this. And I'm sorry I've been singling you out for this. When you are doing a lot better than a majority of offenders when they do this.
But take a step back and look what you are telling me.
- I couldn't care less if the programs I have been using didn't take full advantage of multi-cores and have a lower performance over dual cores
- if it still works and does not taking over 9000 hours to do 1 task, then I dont think you'd have to get that technical about it
-GMod has a multi-core rendering option, and my guess is that it utilizes 2 cores with that option. But I don't notice a degrade in performance or anything.
1. I never said Quad cores had less performance when compared to any dual core.
This only applies to X2 and X4's. And only certain models.
Here I'll show you.
This X2 is $79.99
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103846 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103846)
But oh hey look This X4 is only $97!!! I can has 4 cores!
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103702 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103702)
In this case, That X2, is a dual core edition of one of the top of the line X'4s. (the X4 955)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103808 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103808)
Its all in the architecture.
That X4 955, would stomp the X2 555
But since the Architecture for the X2 555 is so much better than the cheap X4 (Propus 623), the Expensive X2 555 would win
If you have the money get the quad core. Or better yet get a Sandy Bridge
If your on a budget, get the dual core Callisto series.
The more cores you get OF THE SAME PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE, the better that processor will be.
2. This is the computer forum and I am an Engineer being Technical comes with the business.
3. Trying to Compare the Multi-Core rendering option, to multi-threading lua... Just doesn't compute, there is so many issues to each of those that I couldn't possibly hope to cover it well.
I will say this about it. The multi-core rendering option is completely irrelevant to how lua is computed, And if you have the cores 3+, the multi-threaded option happens to improve performance
Go with a Crucial C300 SSD 64GB, and a 1-2 TB Western Digital Caviar Black
- Put windows, and some of your most played games on the C300
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148357 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148357)
- Put Movies, music, and non-critical games on the 1-2TB WD Caviar
Have a hella fast boot time + Still have plenty of room. ?? Profit ??
All I'm ever trying to do in all my TL:DR's is just trying to get you to think CRITICALLY.
Ask yourself:
-Am I really confident in all the facts I'm going to say?
-Have I really though this through and done research?
-Does the argument I'm trying to make actually pertain to the topic? or am I just trying to misdirect people.
If someone Attacks your ideas:
Look it up! If your wrong, Your wrong Big Deal!
P.S. To peetah
Your right, you should never buy the most expensive processor, as they are just overclocked version of cheaper ones.
But don't skimp on a CPU if you can, as your CPU is what is responsible for nearly every calculation in your computer. (aka it is what does everything)
I never said that you didn't understand that the 460 is a better card.
You said that "Dirt 2 is biased towards Nvidia" Which undermines the data I supplied by implying that I had chosen an anomalous source to make my point seem more impressive, so I just went and reviewed some other games for comparison to see if I had done this unintentionally.
That certainty would be a good budget computer, however it has limited scope.
That would be a good idea if you had some money now and expected to get more in the future.
Id caution against using generalizations like that, since it only applies depending on what situation the buyer is in.
Now onto Cake Faic...
Yes my extra long post was needed.
Why? because if I just stated the point of what I am saying you guys would just pick some un-related loophole in my argument and I'd just go back and forth with you guys for about 15 posts, so Instead I just post one big post where I comprehensibly go through every point.
The problem is cake, your moving the argument away from the original topic, in order to find some way in where your still right. It's alright, just about every single person in the forum does this. And I'm sorry I've been singling you out for this. When you are doing a lot better than a majority of offenders when they do this.
But take a step back and look what you are telling me.
- I couldn't care less if the programs I have been using didn't take full advantage of multi-cores and have a lower performance over dual cores
- if it still works and does not taking over 9000 hours to do 1 task, then I dont think you'd have to get that technical about it
-GMod has a multi-core rendering option, and my guess is that it utilizes 2 cores with that option. But I don't notice a degrade in performance or anything.
1. I never said Quad cores had less performance when compared to any dual core.
This only applies to X2 and X4's. And only certain models.
Here I'll show you.
This X2 is $79.99
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103846 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103846)
But oh hey look This X4 is only $97!!! I can has 4 cores!
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103702 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103702)
In this case, That X2, is a dual core edition of one of the top of the line X'4s. (the X4 955)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103808 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103808)
Its all in the architecture.
That X4 955, would stomp the X2 555
But since the Architecture for the X2 555 is so much better than the cheap X4 (Propus 623), the Expensive X2 555 would win
If you have the money get the quad core. Or better yet get a Sandy Bridge
If your on a budget, get the dual core Callisto series.
The more cores you get OF THE SAME PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURE, the better that processor will be.
2. This is the computer forum and I am an Engineer being Technical comes with the business.
3. Trying to Compare the Multi-Core rendering option, to multi-threading lua... Just doesn't compute, there is so many issues to each of those that I couldn't possibly hope to cover it well.
I will say this about it. The multi-core rendering option is completely irrelevant to how lua is computed, And if you have the cores 3+, the multi-threaded option happens to improve performance
Go with a Crucial C300 SSD 64GB, and a 1-2 TB Western Digital Caviar Black
- Put windows, and some of your most played games on the C300
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148357 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148357)
- Put Movies, music, and non-critical games on the 1-2TB WD Caviar
Have a hella fast boot time + Still have plenty of room. ?? Profit ??
All I'm ever trying to do in all my TL:DR's is just trying to get you to think CRITICALLY.
Ask yourself:
-Am I really confident in all the facts I'm going to say?
-Have I really though this through and done research?
-Does the argument I'm trying to make actually pertain to the topic? or am I just trying to misdirect people.
If someone Attacks your ideas:
Look it up! If your wrong, Your wrong Big Deal!
P.S. To peetah
Your right, you should never buy the most expensive processor, as they are just overclocked version of cheaper ones.
But don't skimp on a CPU if you can, as your CPU is what is responsible for nearly every calculation in your computer. (aka it is what does everything)
Xrain, I can't express how much I appreciate all your huge essay tl;dr posts, thank you!
Also, thank you Peetah and everyone else for the help.
I really do appreciate it all, and it's a big help!
How good is this?
Motherboard Asrock H55M-LE
CPU Intel I3 530 2.93GHz
RAM Kingston 2GB 1333MHz DDR3
Probably some cheap Sony DVD/CD burner
GPU EVGA nVidia GTS450 1GB
ATX uh don't know how to say it in English, but where you put all the stuff in.
lol frank. i3
thats a netbook
not even a laptop
ssd's... wait a few more months before buying :l
for many things, performance is the same, plus prices dropping like a box made of steel filled with cinder blocks with all crevices filled with lead
Asrock is not so great when compared to differnt brands.
Asrock is still 3 or 4 years old and not the highest of quality.
Motherboards ONLY get Asus, Gigabyte, evga is you got money.
asus mobo (though gigabyte is getting a bit better. asus still better)
avga gfx
intel cpu
g.skill memory
WD harddrive
best shit
You can get some good deals at http://www.newegg.com/ (http://www.newegg.com/)
You can get some good deals at http://www.newegg.com/ (http://www.newegg.com/)
not for my shitty country
You can get some good deals at http://www.newegg.com/ (http://www.newegg.com/)
Kinda random. But OK! DENTD n.O tHAT .mAN ! thanks. I luv u.
Kinda random. But OK! DENTD n.O tHAT .mAN ! thanks. I luv u.