.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

Support (Read Only) => Suggestions => Topic started by: Wafflepiezz on October 24, 2010, 08:46:40 PM

Title: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Wafflepiezz on October 24, 2010, 08:46:40 PM
When playing, I saw a guy shout out medic [I don't know who], and this idea came to my mind.

An idea of theres 1 person out of everybody that spawns, is a medic. The medic will have 2 medical supplies ready, and gets their medical supply when the ammo regeneration goes back again. I mean for example. [Same goes to ammo guy.]

You play on a map. There is NO medical HP wall thingies nor any medical supplies ANYWHERE at all. People need HP, so they call in the Medic Guy :D. The medic guy can get kills and all of that and is like the same thing as a human, except with medical supplies.
[Same goes to ammo guy]
Only ONE person can be the medic/ammo guy in their team. There can be 1 medic guy and 1 ammo guy though.
Short Info

Medic guy - has medical supplies to give to people when in urgent need.
Ammo guy - has ammo and can give to people when low on ammo.

Some bad things about this
You may say this may be too cheap, but I think it's like balanced enough. I mean some people can't even survive until the 10th wave even when they have a HP regeneration and ammo box.

If you have any ideas how to make this better/more balanced, please comment below and I will add it to the "Update info:"

Update info:
"1. Medics number will depend on players number
2. Every medic will have only one medkit that spawns item_healthstation
3 Same for ammoguy(but ammoguy creates rdm ammocrate(except rockets or nades))"

"then zombies must be hell of a lot stronger, faster and difficult to kil"
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: morfin on October 24, 2010, 10:11:02 PM
I think it will be better if.
1. Medics number will depend on players number
2. Every medic will have only one medkit that spawns item_healthstation
3 Same for ammoguy(but ammoguy creates rdm ammocrate(except rockets or nades))
But maybe they will be overpowered i am not sure about that
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: jimonions on October 25, 2010, 12:10:30 AM
How about the ammo guy gives all the ammo to himself and vise versa with the medic.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Hitman on October 25, 2010, 12:12:50 AM
How about the ammo guy gives all the ammo to himself and vise versa with the medic.
We can make a rule about that.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: falconspace101 on October 25, 2010, 01:19:21 AM
i dunno

people CAN be fags and keep it to themselves,

especially the ammo guy
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Prox on October 25, 2010, 01:21:45 AM
Well, I don't think we need this, atleast its my opinion.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Don on October 25, 2010, 05:54:03 AM
how about no! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lITBGjNEp08#)
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Shawn on October 25, 2010, 07:11:14 AM
How about the ammo guy gives all the ammo to himself and vise versa with the medic.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: PhysicX M.D. on October 25, 2010, 07:53:50 AM
I really think that is a good idea guys.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Кrаsher on October 25, 2010, 02:08:39 PM
If it was done make it randomly selected and have the ammo/hp guy unable to heal themselves. kinda like the medic in tf2. Be credit to team.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Tomcat on October 25, 2010, 02:34:34 PM
I did make a medkit swep

Idk tough
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Rocket50 on October 25, 2010, 03:39:30 PM
I think we dont need this, zs maps are riddled with ammo crates and human-benefitting shit anyways
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Psycho0124 on October 25, 2010, 04:16:48 PM
It worked like a charm in Sven Coop (an old cooperative mod for HL1). Every player had a medkit with very limited health regeneration and slow healing rate. As long as you make them slow enough, they won't have much effect on the games balance. Maybe enough to get a player out of the red (to steady their aim) every 2 or 3 waves.
I think it would encourage teamwork and add a good tactical aspect to the game; deciding who to give your health to and who to save it for.

Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Devie on October 25, 2010, 04:27:05 PM
If this happens - then zombies must be hell of a lot stronger, faster and difficult to kill.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Don on October 25, 2010, 04:36:34 PM
This brings me to an entirely new topic.
Please, make normal Zombies just a BIT faster.
Not much faster, just a tiny, tiny bit so that they can catch up with humans better.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Wafflepiezz on October 25, 2010, 07:57:31 PM
Good ideas coming in guys :P  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Rocket50 on October 25, 2010, 08:05:05 PM
This brings me to an entirely new topic.
Please, make normal Zombies just a BIT faster.
Not much faster, just a tiny, tiny bit so that they can catch up with humans better.

Well, they ARE zombies, they arent suppose to be like the 28 days later zombies.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Don on October 25, 2010, 08:06:33 PM
Well, they ARE zombies, they arent suppose to be like the 28 days later zombies.
hurr durr im a human i can explode when people touch me
hurr durr i can rip my flesh off and throw it at people, it inflicts damage
hurr durr i jump on top of huge buildings, im totally normal
hurr durr im a tiny little fagcrab, i can spit poison, be sucky, have low hp and can annoy people
hurr durr im an invisible human, im totally legit
hurr dur- No.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Rocket50 on October 25, 2010, 08:08:30 PM
hurr durr im a human i can explode when people touch me
hurr durr i can rip my flesh off and throw it at people, it inflicts damage
hurr durr i jump on top of huge buildings, im totally normal
hurr durr im a tiny little fagcrab, i can spit poison, be sucky, have low hp and can annoy people
hurr durr im an invisible human, im totally legit
hurr dur- No.

 ::) I meant, if all zombies could catch up to humans, they would get raped and owned by the zombies pretty quickly, dont you think?
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Don on October 25, 2010, 08:10:54 PM
::) I meant, if all zombies could catch up to humans, they would get raped and owned by the zombies pretty quickly, dont you think?
That's why I said only a bit.
Besides, Mr. Green has Zombies almost as fast as Humans and it's just fair there.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Rocket50 on October 26, 2010, 03:42:29 PM
That's why I said only a bit.
Besides, Mr. Green has Zombies almost as fast as Humans and it's just fair there.

Whenever you shoot a zombie, they walk slightly slower.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Don on October 26, 2010, 04:12:08 PM
Whenever you shoot a zombie, they walk slightly slower.
And what does this have to do with anything again?
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Rocket50 on October 26, 2010, 07:38:42 PM
And what does this have to do with anything again?

You're talking about the speed of the zombies getting increased. Increase the speed and make it so when you shoot the zombies, they are slower than your walking speed.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Wafflepiezz on October 27, 2010, 09:10:20 PM
I'm confused...what are you guys talking about o-o?
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Hitman on October 28, 2010, 05:24:03 AM
I'm confused...what are you guys talking about o-o?
These 2 are arguing on what will be the changes to the zombies since the humans will be overpowered if they had medic and ammo guy.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Rocket50 on October 28, 2010, 04:10:58 PM
These 2 are arguing on what will be the changes to the zombies since the humans will be overpowered if they had medic and ammo guy.

I think the gamemode is fine as is, we dont need classes, but tweaking the zombie melee range wouldn't hurt
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Don on October 28, 2010, 04:12:12 PM
I think the gamemode is fine as is, we dont need classes, but tweaking the zombie melee range wouldn't hurt
I'm not asking for much, but the Regular Zombie could be a BIT better ... please? :3
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Jman on October 28, 2010, 05:19:02 PM
I'm not asking for much, but the Regular Zombie could be a BIT better ... please? :3

I disagree. The regular zombie is already like 3-5 hit kill as is lol.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Wafflepiezz on October 28, 2010, 05:52:35 PM
Well here's my opinion how to make it better if we actually are going to add this update/tweak thingy.

I agree, they should maybe be a BIT stronger [like maybe they have a bit of armor or maybe a bit more hp]?? Not wayyy too overpowered/too much though.

The medic and ammo guy will have maybe only 2 packs of medical supplies/ammo supplies ready to use right away.

The supply will only heal maybe 5-15 hp-ish or something?

The ammo guy will give you like 2 clips of ammo per pack/supply for a random weapon I guess.

PS-I have no idea why my sentences have a line through them o-o
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Prox on October 29, 2010, 12:09:28 AM
I think the only thing that has to be changed is ammo regeneration because not every map have ammo boxes.
It should be increased like 2 times.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Rocket50 on October 29, 2010, 08:04:30 AM
I think the only thing that has to be changed is ammo regeneration because not every map have ammo boxes.
It should be increased like 2 times.

Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Prox on October 29, 2010, 09:03:44 AM
Well then ZS is good as it is I think.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Rocket50 on October 29, 2010, 11:55:29 AM
Well then ZS is good as it is I think.

Yush, although there should be something to make zombies rage quit less
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Wafflepiezz on October 30, 2010, 04:29:43 PM
Zombies rage quit less...

I have no idea what.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Seb on October 30, 2010, 05:52:02 PM
durr y dont we jus giv humans unlimited ammo with DEAGLE BRAND DEAGLE WITH BANANA MAGAZINE
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Don on October 30, 2010, 06:06:02 PM
I think we should just put all weapons at the human spawn, enough for everbody.
And ammo crates for all ammo at human spawn.
Last but not least, shittons of grenade boxes at zombie spawn.
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Seb on October 30, 2010, 06:08:44 PM
I think we should just put all weapons at the human spawn, enough for everbody.
And ammo crates for all ammo at human spawn.
Last but not least, shittons of grenade boxes at zombie spawn.

yes plz do dis nao to make zombies liek waaah and hoomans gud zombies need cut penis
Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Wafflepiezz on October 30, 2010, 09:01:31 PM
yes plz do dis nao to make zombies liek waaah and hoomans gud zombies need cut penis

Title: Re: ZS Gamemode Idea [MEDIC PERSON] [AMMO PERSON]
Post by: Wafflepiezz on October 30, 2010, 09:02:34 PM
I think we should just put all weapons at the human spawn, enough for everbody.
And ammo crates for all ammo at human spawn.
Last but not least, shittons of grenade boxes at zombie spawn.
