.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers

.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) => Discussion => Topic started by: memo3300 on August 12, 2012, 08:42:40 PM

Title: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: memo3300 on August 12, 2012, 08:42:40 PM
well, this is a topic that have been talked in the past days, so instead of derailing a thread in the suggestions board i tough it would be better to discuss it on this thread.

For me, i liked a lot the old ZS, when they added the speed to the last human it kinda fked it up a little because of last human being able to swim for the whole game.

Apart from that, i liked that in some maps (like reactor) if you made it up to the last room with a group of people who knows what to do, if everyone worked as a team, it was very hard to be defeated.

now, i haven't tried the new ZS, and from what i heard, i have no problem in trying it and playing it (when i get able to).

so, what are your opinions?


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Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cake Faice on August 12, 2012, 09:11:05 PM
Looking back, old ZS had its fun and everything...but after a good 4 or 5 years of playing it with all of its horrid bugs and flaws, it got tiring. Our server was just default vanilla zs, which broke a lot due to Garry's updates (which tomcat and others ended up mending...until it got broken again and no one attended to it) with a lot of stupid players. No one added any new weapons or GUI or anything to it, because if someone did, everyone would bitch at it for being "unbalancing". Other then that, Mr. Green and the original owners NoxiousNet had custom versions all to their selves.

But since for what ever reason the NoxiousNet newer version got released, it revamped the gameplay so you actually rely on teamwork instead of soloing/barricading stupid places. A major problem with old ZS was the ammo regen system. Every minute you got 1 generic clip to only the gun you currently have out. I believe pistols went in standard increments of 12 bullets per gen, shotguns had 6 I think, and SMGs had 30. So if you had a high-mag gun, it would take you 2 minutes to regenerate at least 1 full clip. But that's pretty much taken care of now with the point system on how you can buy ammo when you need it.

Kill stealing was an annoying issue, but with the point system, it actually works out well that both people will get points depending on the damage they contributed. And instead of spawning with a fucking battleaxe USP and a Plank, you can choose your spawn weapons and all instead of that random shit.

And even though the stock hitboxes are horrid, the zombies are easier to play as, seeing that as a human, you're a lot more fucked compared to old ZS now that zombies fuck your shit up harder.

It's just my two cents on why I prefer new ZS a lot more compared to old ZS.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Alkaline on August 12, 2012, 09:12:34 PM
I'll start off by saying that the new zs is optimized, meaning it was designed with many platforms in mind and can support a lot of people playing on the server at once. The one we have right now is about three years old with a few modifications.

The only reason some players would want the old zs is because it's impossible to get hit as human, you don't need to rely on a team, and it's 'unique' compared to other servers.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Seb on August 13, 2012, 02:00:37 PM
Looking back, old ZS had its fun and everything...but after a good 4 or 5 years of playing it with all of its horrid bugs and flaws, it got tiring. Our server was just default vanilla zs, which broke a lot due to Garry's updates (which tomcat and others ended up mending...until it got broken again and no one attended to it) with a lot of stupid players. No one added any new weapons or GUI or anything to it, because if someone did, everyone would bitch at it for being "unbalancing". Other then that, Mr. Green and the original owners NoxiousNet had custom versions all to their selves.

But since for what ever reason the NoxiousNet newer version got released, it revamped the gameplay so you actually rely on teamwork instead of soloing/barricading stupid places. A major problem with old ZS was the ammo regen system. Every minute you got 1 generic clip to only the gun you currently have out. I believe pistols went in standard increments of 12 bullets per gen, shotguns had 6 I think, and SMGs had 30. So if you had a high-mag gun, it would take you 2 minutes to regenerate at least 1 full clip. But that's pretty much taken care of now with the point system on how you can buy ammo when you need it.

Kill stealing was an annoying issue, but with the point system, it actually works out well that both people will get points depending on the damage they contributed. And instead of spawning with a fucking battleaxe USP and a Plank, you can choose your spawn weapons and all instead of that random shit.

And even though the stock hitboxes are horrid, the zombies are easier to play as, seeing that as a human, you're a lot more fucked compared to old ZS now that zombies fuck your shit up harder.

It's just my two cents on why I prefer new ZS a lot more compared to old ZS.

Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cake Faice on August 13, 2012, 02:04:33 PM
Okay. Let me correct myself.

Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Rocket50 on August 13, 2012, 04:04:58 PM
The new ZS is better. It's not an opinion, it's a fact. And unless you've played it for more than five rounds, any counter-argument you may have is invalid.

The biggest, and probably the most wonderful part of the revamp was the buying and point system. It adds a complexity to the gamemode that the old one never could have; you could spent all of your points on weapons and ammo early on, and have less in the later bit, or spend all of it on being a support role, then having more. There evolved roles. Support medic, heavy medic, early assault, caders, crate support, etc. You could be whatever role you enjoy the most and, if you feel there's a role missing, you can fill it.

UI. 100% better, there is no argument.

Gameplay: The new ZS encourages being helpful. Unlike in the old ZS where a cader just slammed down on nails all day and had shit weapons, you could be a cader, fixing nails and gain considerable points over time and still get decent to good weapons.

One of the best features that was put in was the ability to pack up your crap. If you put down ammo crates, arsenal crates, aegis boards, or turrets, you can pack them up and move them on your free will. And if someone decides to be a complete shit and put down a tool in a bad place, you and four other people can all unpack someone else's stuff. You can also slow-clip through nailed and placed props. No more being trapped like old ZS.

Bug Fixes: No more five foot drop deaths, only hp loss, 99% of prop collision deaths are now fixed.

And before someone starts screaming how great timed ammo drops are, it's still there. And you still do the same thing as you did in old ZS; you draw out the weapon you want but now you interact with a player placed ammo crate which client-side refills after a bit of time
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Tezuni on August 13, 2012, 05:25:20 PM
unless you've played it for more than five rounds, any counter-argument you may have is invalid.

This.  I guarantee 90% of old ZS players will love new ZS once they have played it a while.

and please if we do end up using new ZS, let's use Snivy's configuration if he still has it.  It was so perfect.

Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Deathie on August 13, 2012, 05:31:14 PM
and please if we do end up using new ZS, let's use Snivy's configuration if he still has it.  It was so perfect.

I don't, unfortunately.

If we do put the new ZS, we'd have to do what we did with mine. Make constant, minor tweaks to it to re-balance the gamemode until it's fine. When it's first put, there's going to be quite a few underpowered/overpowered weapons, and some zombie attacks will need to be nerfed.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: metalbeersolid on August 13, 2012, 05:44:29 PM
I definitely need to try this new ZS. Just need to finish buying some parts for my computer. That's also the reason I haven't been playing lately.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 14, 2012, 03:51:50 AM
Besides all of the things that have already been said the new Zs game mode is also better because people don't rage quit so damn often as they do in this one.
  It would also be nice to hear an opinion of those who prefer the old Zs.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Deathie on August 14, 2012, 03:59:18 AM
It would also be nice to hear an opinion of those who prefer the old Zs.

At least get some proper debates in. I see more votes for the old ZS, but I don't see anyone actually saying anything about it.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Samo on August 14, 2012, 04:21:36 AM
I kind of like the old one better (for the moment), but we all can adapt in time and learn to like the new one.
A blend of the two would be the ideal solution though, given that it is even possible to create.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Seb on August 14, 2012, 07:08:29 AM
Yeah, how the hell does the old ZS have more votes? Give us some names on who voted for that.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: jimonions on August 14, 2012, 07:27:06 AM
While playing on the servers I overhear from a lot of people that they prefer the old ZS.
Namely the new ZS had too much sitting behind a barricade not doing anything.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: semy32 on August 14, 2012, 07:47:38 AM
Namely the new ZS had too much sitting behind a barricade not doing anything.

That is what ZS is about.
The new zs is more oriented on teamwork.

The people who say that you don't do anything are the ones who run around the map trying to kill zombies alone.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Rocket50 on August 14, 2012, 07:47:58 AM
While playing on the servers I overhear from a lot of people that they prefer the old ZS.
Namely the new ZS had too much sitting behind a barricade not doing anything.

The funny thing is, people sit behind barricades more in the old ZS because they cant regen health and are afraid of being caded out if they leave. However in the new ZS, people do cade and hide, but more often than not, they have the opportunity to ghost out to get kills before returning during wave breaks to get healed by the medics.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Loke on August 14, 2012, 09:22:53 AM
The zombie's reach in the new ZS.
Waay too short. You can't hit a human behind the barricade.
And I don't like the points shop and the worth shop. I liked it more when the weapons were random because it would give the humans a bit more of a challenge.
The delay between hits.
Oh god. Out of ammo? No ammo regen. Fast headcrab with anything but a knife? You sir, are going to die. The delay is what I hate. I don't care about realism. I want a gamemode that's playable in my eyes.
Please keep old ZS ;_;
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 14, 2012, 10:17:57 AM
1. The zombie's reach in the new ZS.
Waay too short. You can't hit a human behind the barricade.

2. And I don't like the points shop and the worth shop. I liked it more when the weapons were random because it would give the humans a bit more of a challenge.
3. The delay between hits.

4. Oh god. Out of ammo? No ammo regen. Fast headcrab with anything but a knife? You sir, are going to die. The delay is what I hate. I don't care about realism.

5. I want a gamemode that's playable in my eyes.
Please keep old ZS ;_;
1. Maybe it's shorter but the hit detection is clientside which means no more "omgwtf i was right near him and i couldnt hit him"

2. I don't see how does this give more challenge since in point system you have to buy stuff and in kill system you get stuff instantly.

3. I'm pretty sure it can be adjusted.

4. Again headcrab damage can be adjusted and if you can't kill a single headcrab with any weapon then you're just plain bad.

5. Are you saying that the new Zs is not playable because it's too hard? Well this one is way too easy + many "tricks" like swimming in a big pool of water or making a tree house cade make it insanely easy for humans.

Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Deathie on August 14, 2012, 03:33:54 PM
3. I'm pretty sure it can be adjusted.

Oh, it can be. Heh.

I remember for shits and giggles, I made the wooden plank attack really fast but have super low damage and knockback. I made it like, five credits I think. Dirt cheap, so even people with full loadouts can at least get one melee.

The wooden plank actually became a favorite, since you could hold down the attack key and chase around headcrabs. The two most popular melee's were the plank and the shovel. Everyone wanted either something that was fast and weak, or slow and powerful. Nobody really got anything inbetween, which I thought was kind of funny.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: coolzeldad on August 14, 2012, 04:44:10 PM
http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,13676.0.html (http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,13676.0.html)
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cryptokid on August 14, 2012, 08:43:37 PM
I'm not going to lie, I absolutely hate the new version.

To start, if you decide to be the guy to barricade for your team, prepare to have the most boring fucking round ever. You are going to sit there repairing nails the whole time and when you finally get enough points for a weapon, you can't buy it because you need to buy more nails instead. Rinse and repeat. This many times will actually lead to the death of the humans because they are short a player who would otherwise help them since all he can do is work on a barricade.

Secondly, ammo regen, or the lack of it, is another problem in my opinion. You use all your ammo up and then you're caught between wanting a new weapon and buying more ammo for your current one. If you buy the new weapon, you won't have ammo for it and if you buy the ammo for your current weapon so you can afford the newer weapon and its ammo, you will get caught in a loop.

The other thing I hate is the melee weapons and how they get used against zombies. In the old version, yes humans can dance around a zombie to kill him, but humans CAN still get hit. In the new version, there is almost no point in using your melee on anything else besides a headcrab because you WILL get hit. So then you have to go and waste your ammo. And speaking of headcrabs, you can't melee them. Prox, I read your post earlier, you know I'm a good player and I'm complaining about not being able to kill them. They have like no delay in lunges and their hitboxes are worse than that of a human in the old version.

These are just my thoughts. I could go on about how I personally hate the gameplay but that is more of an opinion. I just don't find this version fun.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 15, 2012, 03:47:57 AM
Damage and delay can be adjusted, and yes it's much harder to kill zombies with melee because of the client side hitboxes which means that if the human looks like he's in reach of you he will get hit unlike in the old version + smaller melee weapon distance I believe. The hitboxes should be more accurate for the humans as well but I need to play the new version again.
  But speaking about the cading, was it so different in the old version? If you wanted to nail or cade, you still had to regen nails/boards except in the new version zombies are capable of getting near the cade to actually damage it. Also shooting zombie at early waves does not mean that you are wasting ammo, you now get points for damage.

I believe it's undeniable to say that the new Zs is more balanced, perhaps it's much easier for zombies, but I prefer 10 humans vs 20 zombies in the first 3 waves then 20 humans vs 3 out of 10 zombies who either went AFK or rage quited.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Targnil on August 15, 2012, 11:46:30 AM
Agreed, on all that is said why old zs is better in this thread.
I have played the new zs and from my opinion it clearly isn't balanced.
My own thoughts now:
Basically the new system wants to make it even harder for humans to win than it is now
when in the old zs it is hard and challenging enough for humans to win the rounds already.
In the old zs I don't recall humans winning even 1/3 of the matches.
Even though there is alot of sitting behind cades in nox, I remember humans not winning a single round, going outside cades is suicidal, even in groups and
even if you manage survive behind a well made cade with some luck, that is boring compared to old zs ways.
Yah, well maybe there's one tiny flaw I agree on with the old zs.
Running from zombies in water especially with extra speed is a bit overpowered but that alone doesnt change my opinion about old zs, clearly not even all maps have water for that opportunity to abuse.
If you go alone as a zombie and die, u respawn, dont cry about it, we are all zombies sometime and it isnt even too boring to me, its also up to the zombies to do some teamwork.
propkilling in old zs? personally happened to me so rarely in old zs it never bothered me, 2 or 3 times in the year or more I'v been familiar with this server.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cake Faice on August 15, 2012, 12:42:38 PM
Agreed, on all that is said why old zs is better in this thread.
I have played the new zs and from my opinion it clearly isn't balanced.
My own thoughts now:
Basically the new system wants to make it even harder for humans to win than it is now
when in the old zs it is hard and challenging enough for humans to win the rounds already.
In the old zs I don't even remember humans winning even 1/3 of the matches.
Even though there is alot of sitting behind cades in nox, I remember humans not winning a single round, going outside cades is suicidal, even in groups and
even if you manage survive behind a well made cade with some luck, that is boring compared to old zs ways.
It'd be really nice if you were able to type in paragraphs.

In the old ZS, humans won depending on the map. The maps were either rooting toward the humans or rooting toward the zombies, or on some occasions, had a balance of both. They'd all use the cade kit to make a barrier all around them and shoot from there, until the chems came in. after that, everyone would scramble to their own fate/win. The new ZS, if anything, makes it a bit easier for humans and zombies.

And uh, what are you trying to get at with "old zs ways"? In new zs, if someone decides to be a chicken shit and cade on the first round, you have the ability to move in and out of cades instead of being blocked in/out. And by the time zombies have grown large enough in size, the people hiding in the cades from wave one will get over run and pwned due to them not having any powerful weapons from lack of said zombie killing.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Shawn on August 15, 2012, 01:01:55 PM
the people hiding in the cades from wave one will get over run and pwned due to them not having any powerful weapons from lack of said zombie killing.

That can be said with old zs aswell. Doesn't matter what version i find its always a good idea to stay out fighting until you can't then retreat to a cade...
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Targnil on August 15, 2012, 01:19:07 PM
It'd be really nice if you were able to type in paragraphs.

In the old ZS, humans won depending on the map. The maps were either rooting toward the humans or rooting toward the zombies, or on some occasions, had a balance of both. They'd all use the cade kit to make a barrier all around them and shoot from there, until the chems came in. after that, everyone would scramble to their own fate/win. The new ZS, if anything, makes it a bit easier for humans and zombies.

And uh, what are you trying to get at with "old zs ways"? In new zs, if someone decides to be a chicken shit and cade on the first round, you have the ability to move in and out of cades instead of being blocked in/out. And by the time zombies have grown large enough in size, the people hiding in the cades from wave one will get over run and pwned due to them not having any powerful weapons from lack of said zombie killing.

With the zombies teaming on humans I don't personally recall barely any map being in favor of the humans in the old zs.
Still clearly most of the matches is won by the zombies when they team up properly in large numbers.

In the end, the new zs only makes it harder for humans like I stated
Zombiekilling was barely possible outside cades in nox, even when the zombies were in low numbers.
It's not significant way of earning points compared to being inside a cade whole match like most are in nox from the beginning.
Outside cades anybody will just run out ammo and fast in new zs since meleeing other than headcrabs is nearly impossible.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Seb on August 15, 2012, 01:28:46 PM
With the zombies teaming on humans I don't personally recall barely any map being in favor of the humans in the old zs.


You better not be serious.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cake Faice on August 15, 2012, 01:37:14 PM
In the end, the new zs only makes it harder for humans like I stated
Zombiekilling was barely possible outside cades in nox, even when the zombies were in low numbers.
It's not significant way of earning points compared to being inside a cade whole match like most are in nox from the beginning.
Outside cades anybody will just run out ammo and fast in new zs since meleeing other than headcrabs is nearly impossible.
I don't see how it's barely possible to kill zombies outside of cades unless you have really horrible aiming and miss 9/10 shots. Usually you're accompanied by other players/groups against lone zombies, if not, it's not impossible to kill a zombie 1 on 1 like you were stating.

And once again, if you've gained points outside of cades and you run out of ammo, it's not like old zs were you're fucked for a good minute or so, you can move back inside the cade, usually someone spawns a crate, and you buy more ammo.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 15, 2012, 02:49:11 PM
So far the new Zs seems to be getting more attention then the old one.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: The punisher on August 15, 2012, 03:00:12 PM
This newer version is horrible. Why you might ask? I am very fine with the new mechanics it has. Like having to time your melee, having to find a hallway in which to cade, having to cade things mostly vertical, having to group as zombies, having to make sure to always repair nails, having to ask those retarded noobs your teamates to do something like, ask for a bit of ammo so you can get 1 more point to get more ammo, or a new weapon, or nails or something. But, with these game mechanics, what map does something that was created for 2.01 do we have? We have been making maps for years, made specifically for the mechanics of zs 2.01. Now ofcourse, the maps we made, usually had something game breaking to zs 2.01. But that was it, it was the map that made the mechanics exploitable, not the game mode itself. zs 2.01 was about gun run, it was to not have to care about teamwork. Now why should i like something that is pretty much the complete opposite of zs 2.01... but still using the same maps? Maps that have major cading spots using blue shelves will be ruined (like ascent, tripple decker etc). Maps that had gun run spots and had cading done primarily in the vents, are obsolete, they wont work, because this new version focuses on cading. If you don't have a good spot on a map to barricade, then it is hopeless; sometimes it doesn't even matter if you have a great cading spot, because some people wont go there, and because of teamwork, if majority of humans are dead, you're fucked anyways.  Pretty much, maps are split into two categories, 1. the horribly easy maps and 2. the horribly hard maps The horribly hard maps are maps that were made for zs 2.01 and were more themed on having lots of ammo, open area to dodge fast zombies, headcrab, and fast headcrabs, you could gun run the whole map, get a back to the hp machine, suck all the life out of that and keep gun running. But... none of these mechanics are in zs 3.XX. You have to be inside a cade that consisted of a opening JUST enough so headcrabscant get in, but any bit farther closed means you cant attack zombies well enough to survive. But... this map doesn't have this feature of being able to cade great, and and headcrabs do like 7-8 dmg, so pretty much, more than 5 headcrabs hitting you can kill you. So you have to be in the non existent cade to survive. Which means, you can't survive. So that is horribly hard. Horribly easy is maps like dying refinery, it is made for visuals, then we added some certain vent that happens to be a long ass hallway, and easy to block off. Wondering what the two biggest things to win zs 3.XX is? making a cade that is in a hallway, so you can kill zombies before they can reach the cade, and having most people alive (50% zombies? might as well suicide). See, the problem with horribly easy maps is that it focuses on things that make  2.01 fun, but easy, and only made 3.xx just easy. It's not really fun to get points behind a cade, you don't really have a choice, either, cade or go out of the cade and die. The only thing that's satisfying is surviving, but for what? I don't see how repairing the cade and killing zombies in an outdated map is fun. So there, two kinds of maps that almost all maps fall under.
Another point is that the gamemode doesn't need to be modified. Zs 3.XX is alright, it's just the maps we use, we can't really make maps for it, because a lot of us are new to the new version, and can't make create mechanics for the new zs that makes it "balanced". So.... either use outdated maps or use nox maps. Which means, we are just using the same version as noxious net and the same maps as noxious net.  Remember, i've played nox, i've seen the players handle the game mode perfectly, i didn't like the game mode for certain reasons, so i didn't play it, i played rnd zs 2.01 because it was fun and didn't really have many limits. most of the people i've seen play zs take it on the same way they played zs 2.01. New mechanics, new playing style. I mentioned that i've played nox before because i wanted you to know that it is fucking aggrivating to see people make the most horrible cades that i've seen. There is very limited cading styles in the new zs, if you don't follow it's style, you're screwed, and your cade is bad. So it's pretty obvious it'll take a while for rnd to get used to the new game mode and learn the mechanics, but i'm not going to be there. I've learned them, they are pretty boring compared to 2.01's mechanics. new is more organized and has roles, where old you could do whatever you really wanted.  I have a few more things to say...
Teamwork: This is a bad example of teamwork, see, teamwork should be like in teamfortress 2 where you do something to contribute to the team, where as here, we all have to work together in order to survive, if we don't do everything right, we die, if we do.... maybe, depending on our cade of course. Let's say the entire team i'm with is retarded and cades in the most stupid place ever, piling props so they cant even shoot zombies, why should i suffer because they are all dumb? I can't leave the cade and make my own cade and survive, i would be alone. So you are forced to cade where everyone else is cading, or else you're dead... pretty much ruins it for me since as i said, this is new to a lot of members, so in instinct, they are noobs and don't know how to cade that is "acceptable" in the new zs.
Zombies: Zombie bosses are a neat edition, bringing a challenge at every end wave which can either tip the favor into the humans (killing boss = lots of points and with low casualties, you're gaining an advantage). or zombies (pretty much either wipe out humans or break open the cade/weaken them so next wave can finish them off). It's really nice that it's not random, and that it takes the best zombie (does most damage to humans) to be the boss. What i don't like about either the normal zombies hit detection "fixed" and the bosses being pretty much god is that it's easy as fuck to get kills and redeem. Zombie is suppose to be hard, it's to show that it's a punishment for dying, if zombie was fun and easy, wouldn't everyone be zombie? kinda fucks the game a little. Also, since it's easy to get kills, the moment you get 4 kills, you pretty much killed the humans, so what is the point of redeeming? To just die again.
What i'm trying to point out is that because we have overpowered maps and people complaining doesn't mean we should go and take the newer zs and modify it to suit the maps, we need to map better for the older zs, maybe modify the older zs to fit things. Why dont we just take coding from the newer zs like bosses, repairing nails and phasing through props and add it into the older zs? why don't we just make maps with more of game mechanics in mind than "does it look good?" (not that making a map look good is a bad thing!).

Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 15, 2012, 03:13:15 PM
If anything, playing as a human should be hard, if it's hard to play as a zombie people will rage quit and if it's hard to play as a human it's still enjoyable because you can shoot zombies, make cades, heal etc. In the new Zs both teams can do damage to each other and there are no more boring 30 minute rounds for the zombies.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Alkaline on August 15, 2012, 03:22:22 PM
If anything, playing as a human should be hard, if it's hard to play as a zombie people will rage quit and if it's hard to play as a human it's still enjoyable because you can shoot zombies, make cades, heal etc. In the new Zs both teams can do damage to each other and there are no more boring 30 minute rounds for the zombies.
This. If you're a zombie in the new zs, you'll be saying "Yes! I broke 2 planks!" rather than saying "Fuck! I can't get near their cade!"
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cake Faice on August 15, 2012, 03:24:22 PM
My eyes burned trying to read all of that.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: yoshi on August 15, 2012, 05:00:11 PM
This newer version is horrible. Why you might ask? I am very fine with the new mechanics it has. Like having to time your melee, having to find a hallway in which to cade, having to cade things mostly vertical, having to group as zombies, having to make sure to always repair nails, having to ask those retarded noobs your teamates to do something like, ask for a bit of ammo so you can get 1 more point to get more ammo, or a new weapon, or nails or something. But, with these game mechanics, what map does something that was created for 2.01 do we have? We have been making maps for years, made specifically for the mechanics of zs 2.01. Now ofcourse, the maps we made, usually had something game breaking to zs 2.01. But that was it, it was the map that made the mechanics exploitable, not the game mode itself. zs 2.01 was about gun run, it was to not have to care about teamwork. Now why should i like something that is pretty much the complete opposite of zs 2.01... but still using the same maps? Maps that have major cading spots using blue shelves will be ruined (like ascent, tripple decker etc). Maps that had gun run spots and had cading done primarily in the vents, are obsolete, they wont work, because this new version focuses on cading. If you don't have a good spot on a map to barricade, then it is hopeless; sometimes it doesn't even matter if you have a great cading spot, because some people wont go there, and because of teamwork, if majority of humans are dead, you're fucked anyways.  Pretty much, maps are split into two categories, 1. the horribly easy maps and 2. the horribly hard maps The horribly hard maps are maps that were made for zs 2.01 and were more themed on having lots of ammo, open area to dodge fast zombies, headcrab, and fast headcrabs, you could gun run the whole map, get a back to the hp machine, suck all the life out of that and keep gun running. But... none of these mechanics are in zs 3.XX. You have to be inside a cade that consisted of a opening JUST enough so headcrabscant get in, but any bit farther closed means you cant attack zombies well enough to survive. But... this map doesn't have this feature of being able to cade great, and and headcrabs do like 7-8 dmg, so pretty much, more than 5 headcrabs hitting you can kill you. So you have to be in the non existent cade to survive. Which means, you can't survive. So that is horribly hard. Horribly easy is maps like dying refinery, it is made for visuals, then we added some certain vent that happens to be a long ass hallway, and easy to block off. Wondering what the two biggest things to win zs 3.XX is? making a cade that is in a hallway, so you can kill zombies before they can reach the cade, and having most people alive (50% zombies? might as well suicide). See, the problem with horribly easy maps is that it focuses on things that make  2.01 fun, but easy, and only made 3.xx just easy. It's not really fun to get points behind a cade, you don't really have a choice, either, cade or go out of the cade and die. The only thing that's satisfying is surviving, but for what? I don't see how repairing the cade and killing zombies in an outdated map is fun. So there, two kinds of maps that almost all maps fall under.
Another point is that the gamemode doesn't need to be modified. Zs 3.XX is alright, it's just the maps we use, we can't really make maps for it, because a lot of us are new to the new version, and can't make create mechanics for the new zs that makes it "balanced". So.... either use outdated maps or use nox maps. Which means, we are just using the same version as noxious net and the same maps as noxious net.  Remember, i've played nox, i've seen the players handle the game mode perfectly, i didn't like the game mode for certain reasons, so i didn't play it, i played rnd zs 2.01 because it was fun and didn't really have many limits. most of the people i've seen play zs take it on the same way they played zs 2.01. New mechanics, new playing style. I mentioned that i've played nox before because i wanted you to know that it is fucking aggrivating to see people make the most horrible cades that i've seen. There is very limited cading styles in the new zs, if you don't follow it's style, you're screwed, and your cade is bad. So it's pretty obvious it'll take a while for rnd to get used to the new game mode and learn the mechanics, but i'm not going to be there. I've learned them, they are pretty boring compared to 2.01's mechanics. new is more organized and has roles, where old you could do whatever you really wanted.  I have a few more things to say...
Teamwork: This is a bad example of teamwork, see, teamwork should be like in teamfortress 2 where you do something to contribute to the team, where as here, we all have to work together in order to survive, if we don't do everything right, we die, if we do.... maybe, depending on our cade of course. Let's say the entire team i'm with is retarded and cades in the most stupid place ever, piling props so they cant even shoot zombies, why should i suffer because they are all dumb? I can't leave the cade and make my own cade and survive, i would be alone. So you are forced to cade where everyone else is cading, or else you're dead... pretty much ruins it for me since as i said, this is new to a lot of members, so in instinct, they are noobs and don't know how to cade that is "acceptable" in the new zs.
Zombies: Zombie bosses are a neat edition, bringing a challenge at every end wave which can either tip the favor into the humans (killing boss = lots of points and with low casualties, you're gaining an advantage). or zombies (pretty much either wipe out humans or break open the cade/weaken them so next wave can finish them off). It's really nice that it's not random, and that it takes the best zombie (does most damage to humans) to be the boss. What i don't like about either the normal zombies hit detection "fixed" and the bosses being pretty much god is that it's easy as fuck to get kills and redeem. Zombie is suppose to be hard, it's to show that it's a punishment for dying, if zombie was fun and easy, wouldn't everyone be zombie? kinda fucks the game a little. Also, since it's easy to get kills, the moment you get 4 kills, you pretty much killed the humans, so what is the point of redeeming? To just die again.
What i'm trying to point out is that because we have overpowered maps and people complaining doesn't mean we should go and take the newer zs and modify it to suit the maps, we need to map better for the older zs, maybe modify the older zs to fit things. Why dont we just take coding from the newer zs like bosses, repairing nails and phasing through props and add it into the older zs? why don't we just make maps with more of game mechanics in mind than "does it look good?" (not that making a map look good is a bad thing!).
Split your wall of text please.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: The punisher on August 15, 2012, 05:20:17 PM
Split your wall of text please.

I split it into colors, i made it detailed because the older and newer versions are very different from each other, one is survival and scavenge and deathly based on cading and teamwork. The other is laid back with more options depending from map to map.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cryptokid on August 15, 2012, 06:31:19 PM

And once again, if you've gained points outside of cades and you run out of ammo, it's not like old zs were you're fucked for a good minute or so, you can move back inside the cade, usually someone spawns a crate, and you buy more ammo.

I'd rather be fucked for a minute than be fucked the whole game because I spent points on ammo instead of a new gun that I couldn't have used anyway because I would have had no ammo for it.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Deathie on August 15, 2012, 06:38:34 PM
I'd rather be fucked for a minute than be fucked the whole game because I spent points on ammo instead of a new gun that I couldn't have used anyway because I would have had no ammo for it.

...I've never had that problem.

anyways, that's where teamwork could be useful.

If you have a bro with you, ask him to drop some ammo for you. Me and a friend of mine would do that. I'd play as medic, but buy him some extra ammo with my starter worth.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Seb on August 15, 2012, 06:51:19 PM
This newer version is horrible. Why you might ask? I am very fine with the new mechanics it has. Like having to time your melee, having to find a hallway in which to cade, having to cade things mostly vertical, having to group as zombies, having to make sure to always repair nails, having to ask those retarded noobs your teamates to do something like, ask for a bit of ammo so you can get 1 more point to get more ammo, or a new weapon, or nails or something. But, with these game mechanics, what map does something that was created for 2.01 do we have? We have been making maps for years, made specifically for the mechanics of zs 2.01. Now ofcourse, the maps we made, usually had something game breaking to zs 2.01. But that was it, it was the map that made the mechanics exploitable, not the game mode itself. zs 2.01 was about gun run, it was to not have to care about teamwork. Now why should i like something that is pretty much the complete opposite of zs 2.01... but still using the same maps? Maps that have major cading spots using blue shelves will be ruined (like ascent, tripple decker etc). Maps that had gun run spots and had cading done primarily in the vents, are obsolete, they wont work, because this new version focuses on cading. If you don't have a good spot on a map to barricade, then it is hopeless; sometimes it doesn't even matter if you have a great cading spot, because some people wont go there, and because of teamwork, if majority of humans are dead, you're fucked anyways.  Pretty much, maps are split into two categories, 1. the horribly easy maps and 2. the horribly hard maps The horribly hard maps are maps that were made for zs 2.01 and were more themed on having lots of ammo, open area to dodge fast zombies, headcrab, and fast headcrabs, you could gun run the whole map, get a back to the hp machine, suck all the life out of that and keep gun running. But... none of these mechanics are in zs 3.XX. You have to be inside a cade that consisted of a opening JUST enough so headcrabscant get in, but any bit farther closed means you cant attack zombies well enough to survive. But... this map doesn't have this feature of being able to cade great, and and headcrabs do like 7-8 dmg, so pretty much, more than 5 headcrabs hitting you can kill you. So you have to be in the non existent cade to survive. Which means, you can't survive. So that is horribly hard. Horribly easy is maps like dying refinery, it is made for visuals, then we added some certain vent that happens to be a long ass hallway, and easy to block off. Wondering what the two biggest things to win zs 3.XX is? making a cade that is in a hallway, so you can kill zombies before they can reach the cade, and having most people alive (50% zombies? might as well suicide). See, the problem with horribly easy maps is that it focuses on things that make  2.01 fun, but easy, and only made 3.xx just easy. It's not really fun to get points behind a cade, you don't really have a choice, either, cade or go out of the cade and die. The only thing that's satisfying is surviving, but for what? I don't see how repairing the cade and killing zombies in an outdated map is fun. So there, two kinds of maps that almost all maps fall under.
Another point is that the gamemode doesn't need to be modified. Zs 3.XX is alright, it's just the maps we use, we can't really make maps for it, because a lot of us are new to the new version, and can't make create mechanics for the new zs that makes it "balanced". So.... either use outdated maps or use nox maps. Which means, we are just using the same version as noxious net and the same maps as noxious net.  Remember, i've played nox, i've seen the players handle the game mode perfectly, i didn't like the game mode for certain reasons, so i didn't play it, i played rnd zs 2.01 because it was fun and didn't really have many limits. most of the people i've seen play zs take it on the same way they played zs 2.01. New mechanics, new playing style. I mentioned that i've played nox before because i wanted you to know that it is fucking aggrivating to see people make the most horrible cades that i've seen. There is very limited cading styles in the new zs, if you don't follow it's style, you're screwed, and your cade is bad. So it's pretty obvious it'll take a while for rnd to get used to the new game mode and learn the mechanics, but i'm not going to be there. I've learned them, they are pretty boring compared to 2.01's mechanics. new is more organized and has roles, where old you could do whatever you really wanted.  I have a few more things to say...
Teamwork: This is a bad example of teamwork, see, teamwork should be like in teamfortress 2 where you do something to contribute to the team, where as here, we all have to work together in order to survive, if we don't do everything right, we die, if we do.... maybe, depending on our cade of course. Let's say the entire team i'm with is retarded and cades in the most stupid place ever, piling props so they cant even shoot zombies, why should i suffer because they are all dumb? I can't leave the cade and make my own cade and survive, i would be alone. So you are forced to cade where everyone else is cading, or else you're dead... pretty much ruins it for me since as i said, this is new to a lot of members, so in instinct, they are noobs and don't know how to cade that is "acceptable" in the new zs.
Zombies: Zombie bosses are a neat edition, bringing a challenge at every end wave which can either tip the favor into the humans (killing boss = lots of points and with low casualties, you're gaining an advantage). or zombies (pretty much either wipe out humans or break open the cade/weaken them so next wave can finish them off). It's really nice that it's not random, and that it takes the best zombie (does most damage to humans) to be the boss. What i don't like about either the normal zombies hit detection "fixed" and the bosses being pretty much god is that it's easy as fuck to get kills and redeem. Zombie is suppose to be hard, it's to show that it's a punishment for dying, if zombie was fun and easy, wouldn't everyone be zombie? kinda fucks the game a little. Also, since it's easy to get kills, the moment you get 4 kills, you pretty much killed the humans, so what is the point of redeeming? To just die again.
What i'm trying to point out is that because we have overpowered maps and people complaining doesn't mean we should go and take the newer zs and modify it to suit the maps, we need to map better for the older zs, maybe modify the older zs to fit things. Why dont we just take coding from the newer zs like bosses, repairing nails and phasing through props and add it into the older zs? why don't we just make maps with more of game mechanics in mind than "does it look good?" (not that making a map look good is a bad thing!).

Merry Christmas to you too, Punisher.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: memo3300 on August 15, 2012, 07:01:20 PM
I have 2 questions, one related to the topic and one that has nothing to do with this...

1) Will coolz just leave the 2 servers there? or he will just choose one?

pretty much the votes of the Old Zs are the same as the New (the last 3 times i joined both options had the same votes),
and the third votes means they like old and (could) like the new or have no problem in trying it or playing on that server sometimes.

I think it would be fair to let the 2 servers since it's what the community want, but heck is coolz money so if he had or want to choose one, i think it would be fair to judge how many people play on the servers in the future, because when a new gamemode comes out, people tend to play it a lot.

2) Snivy you're admin again :):):)?

also one last thing, it would be nice if you guys try just to put the quote and not what punisher said because his wall of text is a little big
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Deathie on August 15, 2012, 07:13:56 PM
2) Snivy you're admin again :):):)?

Oh what the fuck

I didn't notice until you pointed it out.

Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cryptokid on August 15, 2012, 09:58:21 PM
...I've never had that problem.

anyways, that's where teamwork could be useful.

If you have a bro with you, ask him to drop some ammo for you. Me and a friend of mine would do that. I'd play as medic, but buy him some extra ammo with my starter worth.

But I find that to just be plain boring. Yay, sitting next to a friend while he gets kills and I heal him and buy him ammo. Sure I can get kills too, but not for newer items, I need those points for ammo on the current gun I have or in this case, my friend. I don't want to have to be worrying about ammo that intensely that it prevents me from getting new stuff, or that a team mate has to buy it for me. I want to get kills and get new weapons with those kills, not buy ammo to keep getting kills so I can buy more ammo. That gets stale, really fast.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: memo3300 on August 15, 2012, 10:12:09 PM
But I find that to just be plain boring. Yay, sitting next to a friend while he gets kills and I heal him and buy him ammo. Sure I can get kills too, but not for newer items, I need those points for ammo on the current gun I have or in this case, my friend. I don't want to have to be worrying about ammo that intensely that it prevents me from getting new stuff, or that a team mate has to buy it for me. I want to get kills and get new weapons with those kills, not buy ammo to keep getting kills so I can buy more ammo. That gets stale, really fast.

i got a question about all of this...

Can't someone slighty modify the price so you can buy ammo and at the same time save money to be able to buy another gun?
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cryptokid on August 15, 2012, 10:21:42 PM
i got a question about all of this...

Can't someone slighty modify the price so you can buy ammo and at the same time save money to be able to buy another gun?

They could, but it would have to be pretty low, like 2-3 points. If it was something like 5 then you're spending 30 points for 6 clips, which on a starter pistol, won't take you far. No one even uses their pistol for the first while in old zs because they know in most cases its better to get 5 kills and then have a better pistol, which by the time you get you have regen'd extra ammo for.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 16, 2012, 01:21:45 AM
Yesterday I started as full medic and just by healing, I got myself a magnum and I was able to resupply my ammo on medkit and magnum.

Also Zs game needs a lot of players so I'd rather have only the old Zs instead of both, because of how unlikely the servers will ever have over 20 players.

Also I just hope you all realize that stuff between waves is cheaper by like 20% or something and there are still going changes to be made so it's too early to criticize the new Zs because of it, instead if you have a suggestion go and tell us here (http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,13676.0.html).
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Mehis on August 18, 2012, 04:23:27 AM
My biggest hate against the new ZS is the new hit detection. Most of us have very high ping, which makes it very hard to hit opposite side. Now it just seems way too easy... But that's really my own stupidity.

I can't really say much because I haven't played for a long time and the only time I played new ZS was basically:
> try melee regular zombie
> kill it
> have 1 HP left
> die
> ragequit

Old ZS still had that prepare and save up for the later rounds or you are screwed feeling. You would have to fight the other survivors for those very important kills. And melee killing was basically an art. You might get goomba'd by a headcrab or the zombie might actually hit you and when it hits you once, it will hit you again. It just always happened to me...

I liked the feeling and the challenge old ZS gave. You needed knowledge and all sorts of skills.
I'm still waiting what goes down in the new ZS part. I am not going to shut it down completely, but if I find it too strange or different, I'm not going to play. And then, I'm probably going to leave rNd because I can't really find any satisfaction in TTT or other gamemodes. No, that wasn't a threat, nor am I saying that you guys even care...
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 18, 2012, 04:42:31 AM
I liked the feeling and the challenge old ZS gave. You needed knowledge and all sorts of skills.
>old ZS
pick one
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Mehis on August 18, 2012, 04:51:42 AM
>old ZS
pick one

I'm still going to say that old ZS had more individual skill requirements. New ZS might have more team-based system. That's why I like old one more. If there is one guy with cade kit, he can turn the whole gameplay around for favor of survivors. Or there might be a zombie that is very good at goomba-stomping and knows the maps very well to know where survivors usually are.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 18, 2012, 05:04:57 AM
I'm still going to say that old ZS had more individual skill requirements. New ZS might have more team-based system. That's why I like old one more. If there is one guy with cade kit, he can turn the whole gameplay around for favor of survivors. Or there might be a zombie that is very good at goomba-stomping and knows the maps very well to know where survivors usually are.
>old ZS
>individual skill requirements
pick one
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Rocket50 on August 18, 2012, 09:16:00 AM
My biggest hate against the new ZS is the new hit detection. Most of us have very high ping, which makes it very hard to hit opposite side. Now it just seems way too easy... But that's really my own stupidity.
That sounds like youre complaining about it being fair.
Old ZS still had that prepare and save up for the later rounds or you are screwed feeling. You would have to fight the other survivors for those very important kills. And melee killing was basically an art. You might get goomba'd by a headcrab or the zombie might actually hit you and when it hits you once, it will hit you again. It just always happened to me...

I liked the feeling and the challenge old ZS gave. You needed knowledge and all sorts of skills.[/size]

The new ZS is harder. The percentage of humans winning on average is around 5%. And the feelings about, oh shit I'm screwed? That's completely subjective and irrelevant. In the new ZS, you fight for kills too, except now it actually distributes by assists and not just kill steals.

And about melee, you CAN kill headcrabs with melee weapons and they CAN hit you back because of improved hit detection. That's not a downside, that's fair. You feel like going face up against a zombie to smack it around? Good. It can smack you around too.

THERE IS AMMO REGEN. Stop saying there isn't because you havent played enough to see it. It's in the form of ammo crates and it client-side refreshes every certain interval for you to pick it up on your gun of choice.

When you plan to buy a new weapon, instead of whining how you spent all of your money to buy a gun and no ammo, how about simply saving extra for ammo? It's not that hard to plan a few points ahead. And if you run out of ammo? Fine, you ran out of ammo. It's ZS, ammo isnt suppose to be everywhere for you  to pick up.

>Bad example of teamwork
>Uses tf2 as a counter-point

LOL. No one is consciously thinking, OH HEY, I WANT TO HELP THE TEAM, they want kills, points, and to do the overall objective. And if you get confused about which game I am talking about, good, because it applies to both. From what I understand you're saying we shouldnt try new things because we would have to learn them and it would be very hard. That's completely anti-progression. And, the old ZS has noobs who can't cade too. Except now, when a tard cades horribly, you can actually remove their nails, pack up their boards, and remove anything you think shouldnt be there. If anything, the new ZS has a greater tolerance for undoing retarded shit
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Shawn on August 18, 2012, 09:22:45 AM
And about melee, you CAN kill headcrabs with melee weapons and they CAN hit you back because of improved hit detection. That's not a downside, that's fair. You feel like going face up against a zombie to smack it around? Good. It can smack you around too.

:S I had no problem attacking humans in old zs being a headcrap... I actually got most of my kills being a headcrap...
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cryptokid on August 18, 2012, 10:58:00 AM

:S I had no problem attacking humans in old zs being a headcrap... I actually got most of my kills being a headcrap...

This. And now for rocket. To start with ammo regen, not everyone actually buys an ammo crate each round and they are no where near as good as ammo regen.

Next melees. Indeed you can melee headcrabs (hard to do) and zombies, but there is no point if you are going to loose a third of your health every time you try.

Also, this thread is making it evidently clear that one side is not likely to convince the other and vice versa.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Mehis on August 18, 2012, 12:25:35 PM
That sounds like youre complaining about it being fair.

Yes, that's what I meant. We all like to kill zombies easily while for zombies it's hard to kill survivors. Like I said, it's stupid.
Bad detection with high ping = advantage for survivors = stupid but still fun as survivor

From what I understand you're saying we shouldnt try new things because we would have to learn them and it would be very hard. That's completely anti-progression.

No. I said I'm still going to try it out. But if it doesn't feel anything like ZS, I'm not going to play.

Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Deathie on August 18, 2012, 03:48:56 PM

Hey guys

Hey, guys, listen.

Remember that "classic mode" perk we kept talking about?

...why don't we just make that?
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Alkaline on August 18, 2012, 04:24:03 PM

Hey guys

Hey, guys, listen.

Remember that "classic mode" perk we kept talking about?

...why don't we just make that?
Instead of mentioning it, let's make it.
So we can see how it will turn out and if people will enjoy it.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Deathie on August 18, 2012, 04:29:31 PM
Instead of mentioning it, let's make it.
So we can see how it will turn out and if people will enjoy it.

We'd need some of the older code though.

I wouldn't know how to make the ammo regeneration shit, auto-weapon upgrade and stuff.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cryptokid on August 18, 2012, 05:27:19 PM
We'd need some of the older code though.

I wouldn't know how to make the ammo regeneration shit, auto-weapon upgrade and stuff.

Put this in and I will reconsider my current thoughts on new zs.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: triggerhappy on August 19, 2012, 05:13:42 PM
I don't know why you consider new zs a challenge because the time i spend playing on nox all I had to do to survive was hide inside there cade. They make it right away and most of the noobs who have an hours worth of experience just run behind it for protection. The people who don't know anything about new zs and run outside die almost right away unless they manage to make it back to the cade. So its basically have a boring time up until the number of zombies reaches a good size or getting killed trying to run around and melee zombies. Prox and Alk keep sarcastically claiming (for the past 4 days almost nonstop) that old zs is so easy but the majority of the time humans lose, how can you claim its not a challenge when you cant survive a single game. And hiding behind the cade shooting into the exact same spot isn't difficult and if you guys think its a challenge then you are bad. Obviously v3.0 has its ups but personally i think old zs is better and more fun. Also keep in mind that if rnd does choose to implement v3 unless you nerf the fast zombies and headcrabs you cant run outside and even when you do nerf them its going to be alot harder with the improved hitbox. In v2 they work fine sure they don't always hit but people still die and i have seen people redeam 2 times in one game. Sure people complain about it but you don't see them complain when they are human. If v3 goes into effect no more deathmaps, no more feartower, aoelis, maze (unless you run into that tower at the other side of maze but even then its almost impossible as soon as the windows and boards are broken), and I know there are other maps but I cant think of them at the moment. And there is alot of teamwork in old zs. If you get nades you give them to someone else so they can have a cade kit. People don't hog all the hp so other people can use them and they give people there weapons because they got new ones. They all help make the cade so you cant say old zs has no teamwork its very hard to survive on your own against 20 zombies. Unless of course you make a sky cade and even then its almost impossible but there is a rule for that now so its not a problem (thank you alk and prox).
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: memo3300 on August 19, 2012, 06:08:57 PM
In the old zs most of times are the zombies the ones who win... The gamemode difficulty itself depends on the maps.

Some people claim that it is way to easy and it has no teamwork... but there are maps that shows otherwise.

i think that the best example of this is zs_clav_pillar.

Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 20, 2012, 02:08:26 AM
I don't know why you consider new zs a challenge because the time i spend playing on nox all I had to do to survive was hide inside there cade. They make it right away and most of the noobs who have an hours worth of experience just run behind it for protection. The people who don't know anything about new zs and run outside die almost right away unless they manage to make it back to the cade. So its basically have a boring time up until the number of zombies reaches a good size or getting killed trying to run around and melee zombies.
Please re-read the thread.

Prox and Alk keep sarcastically claiming (for the past 4 days almost nonstop) that old zs is so easy but the majority of the time humans lose, how can you claim its not a challenge when you cant survive a single game.

You mean 2 days? Even so, what's so bad about it? And hell I guess surviving 7 waves without doing much shit is sure is a bad score.

And hiding behind the cade shooting into the exact same spot isn't difficult and if you guys think its a challenge then you are bad.
Did I said it was a challenge? But still most of the times it's a bigger challenge then the old zs can give.

And there is alot of teamwork in old zs. If you get nades you give them to someone else so they can have a cade kit. People don't hog all the hp so other people can use them and they give people there weapons because they got new ones. They all help make the cade so you cant say old zs has no teamwork its very hard to survive on your own against 20 zombies.

Lol that sure is a lot of team work.

Unless of course you make a sky cade and even then its almost impossible but there is a rule for that now so its not a problem (thank you alk and prox).
To continue getting mad, please visit
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Also: >using "noob"
I remember when I was 12.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: triggerhappy on August 20, 2012, 12:35:18 PM
I stated my opinion and I did make it kind of personal too and im sorry. After 4 days of you guys sarcastically calling people scrubs and sarcastically claiming the server takes no skill I admit to getting kind of mad because i did get annoying. Next time ill just mute you.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cake Faice on August 20, 2012, 01:18:26 PM
I stated my opinion and I did make it kind of personal too and im sorry. After 4 days of you guys sarcastically calling people scrubs and sarcastically claiming the server takes no skill I admit to getting kind of mad because i did get annoying. Next time ill just mute you.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 20, 2012, 01:18:40 PM
I stated my opinion and I did make it kind of personal too and im sorry. After 4 days of you guys sarcastically calling people scrubs and sarcastically claiming the server takes no skill I admit to getting kind of mad because i did get annoying. Next time ill just mute you.
Lol, whatever you say hot shot.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Rocket50 on August 21, 2012, 11:03:43 PM
Yes, that's what I meant. We all like to kill zombies easily while for zombies it's hard to kill survivors. Like I said, it's stupid.
Bad detection with high ping = advantage for survivors = stupid but still fun as survivor

No. I said I'm still going to try it out. But if it doesn't feel anything like ZS, I'm not going to play.

>Says having proper hit detection would make it bad
>Talks about balance and gameplay issues
>Hasnt played it yet

Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 22, 2012, 02:29:15 AM
Putting new Zs would result into many people leaving, so I'm afraid but the old Zs wins and will have to stay. Any further discussions are pointless...
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Rocket50 on August 22, 2012, 07:23:38 AM
Putting new Zs would result into many people leaving, so I'm afraid but the old Zs wins and will have to stay. Any further discussions are pointless...

According to the poll up there, 16 people voted for new ZS, 18 voted old, however, you still have an additional 16 people voted for either. You could argue that a lot of those 18 havent even played ZS for more than round and are against it because they find it too new.

If anything, start an in topic vote, restricting it to people who've actually played the ZS for more than a round.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Travelsonic on August 22, 2012, 07:40:29 AM
Putting new Zs would result into many people leaving, so I'm afraid but the old Zs wins and will have to stay. Any further discussions are pointless...


Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 22, 2012, 07:49:20 AM
If you would actually play Zs more yourselves, you would understand... ...besides nox is hosting the same version and there are a lot of players everyday at almost all the times so that would make it even harder to attract more new players.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Travelsonic on August 22, 2012, 08:12:56 AM
If you would actually play Zs more yourselves, you would understand..

I'm lost, understand what exactly?

As for competition with other servers, I mean, in the evenings, ZS is pretty full I notice, so sustaining playerbase in the short run isn't something to worry about, but this is with the old ZS.  IMO, what others suggest - taking the best of both ZSes, old and new, and putting them together would be an idea worth looking at.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Prox on August 22, 2012, 08:16:27 AM
I'm lost, understand what exactly?
Understand what people actually think about the old one and the new Zs, not to mention that the old Zs gets +10 players every time and the new usually has 0.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Shawn on August 22, 2012, 09:18:58 AM
those 18 havent even played ZS for more than round and are against it because they find it too new.

To be fair i tried to play the new one, problem is no one was on at all yesterday only the old was full But that should tell you something right there...
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Travelsonic on August 22, 2012, 09:49:18 AM
To be fair i tried to play the new one, problem is no one was on at all yesterday only the old was full But that should tell you something right there...

I could say the same thing with wirebuild, Sledbuild being empty for X period of time [got nice and hopping yesterday before the DDoSing >_<] - one day, or one period of a day is hardly a good sample size at all.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Shawn on August 22, 2012, 10:11:49 AM
I could say the same thing with wirebuild, Sledbuild being empty for X period of time [got nice and hopping yesterday before the DDoSing >_<] - one day, or one period of a day is hardly a good sample size at all.

You're right but I've been trying for like the last week and its always dead when i look...
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Rocket50 on August 22, 2012, 10:32:43 AM
You're right but I've been trying for like the last week and its always dead when i look...

Try nox, their ZS population is very very good
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Cake Faice on August 22, 2012, 11:31:49 AM
Try nox, their ZS population is very very good
But their community is full of stuck-up, raging assholes.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Rocket50 on August 22, 2012, 11:43:09 AM
But their community is full of stuck-up, raging assholes.

ZS guys are all right...
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Shawn on August 22, 2012, 04:46:45 PM
Try nox, their ZS population is very very good


But their community is full of stuck-up, raging assholes.

Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: saivon on August 27, 2012, 01:01:51 PM
Why not just wait for a new zs and or gmod 13 ?

Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Astropilot on August 27, 2012, 01:21:41 PM
Why not just wait for a new zs and or gmod 13 ?

Waiting for 13 won't change anything from the gamemode other than graphics and waiting for a new one isn't a good idea. It'll take too much time so we'll just mess around with the current build.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Alkaline on August 27, 2012, 01:25:03 PM
Why not just wait for a new zs and or gmod 13 ?

I'm actually curious of how the zs will migrate with the new update. The entire HUD relies on HudPaint which doesn't exist in the update (I think along with limited MySQL support.)

It'll basically destroy the gamemode and a lot of stuff will have to be recoded.
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: saivon on August 27, 2012, 06:36:16 PM
I'm actually curious of how the zs will migrate with the new update. The entire HUD relies on HudPaint which doesn't exist in the update (I think along with limited MySQL support.)

It'll basically destroy the gamemode and a lot of stuff will have to be recoded.

Yah gate did tell me this to at my house so I am starting to wonder if zs will be even a game mode anymore or it's done already it's something completely new Ideekay
Title: Re: Old ZS VS New ZS?
Post by: Boncey on August 29, 2012, 12:42:35 PM
Gotta admit I like the new one