.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers
.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) => Discussion => Topic started by: Targnil on May 22, 2012, 03:43:59 PM
Wasn't completely sure where to make this thread,
but is there any more news regarding the return of the original randomgs hosted gmod zombie survival server this summer as told.
I also couldn't find a recent thread dedicated on this subject.
My friends plan of buying gmod+source is entirely depending on this because he wanted to play it in the same server.
Also personally I'v been patiently waiting for the return
and as I was watching some old recordings it also made me really think about playing it again and I remember how much fun I had in ZS,
most fun in all gmod's other mods even ttt which I'v of gmod I'v been playing meanwhile at other servers.
I think around June they should be up again.
We should be back soon, within a month. Keep your ear to the ground and check the front page for the announcement when its up.
www.randomgs.com (http://www.randomgs.com)
We just all need to kindly ask coolz to NOT UPDATE to the newer ZS and keep the old awesome version.
Of course with a few touch ups from the newer version like the assist thing...
I think if we can get that to happen, our ZS will be the best...
We just all need to kindly ask coolz to NOT UPDATE to the newer ZS and keep the old awesome version.
Of course with a few touch ups from the newer version like the assist thing...
I think if we can get that to happen, our ZS will be the best...
I think it would be neat to keep the old version, but have a sort of "community overhaul" done on it.
We could use the new one as a base, for the weapons, assist system, but make it behave as the old ZS did.
And while we're working on that, have the old version running.
Then "beta" our revision version and see if we like it.
We have to take into consideration that whatever Coolz was dealing with might not exactly be over as soon as the servers come up. He still might have to with it afterwards.
We have to take into consideration that whatever Coolz was dealing with might not exactly be over as soon as the servers come up. He still might have to with it afterwards.
Why does he have to be so mysterious about it D:
I have a unreleased map pack for the return of our lovely zs :)
Fix the pushing part..
It's annoying when you walking at the edge and someone pushes you..... to death...
Why does he have to be so mysterious about it D:
It's something personal. It doesn't bother me that he's not telling us. I mean, we're just people over the internet. Not many of us are trustworthy
I think it would be neat to keep the old version, but have a sort of "community overhaul" done on it.
We could use the new one as a base, for the weapons, assist system, but make it behave as the old ZS did.
The new ZS can already do that. You'd just have to edit most of the convars.
I'd much rather prefer that than go back to the old ZS.
The new ZS can already do that. You'd just have to edit most of the convars.
I'd much rather prefer that than go back to the old ZS.
Dis thread has latest announcement: http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,11493.msg168249.html#msg168249 (http://forum.randomgs.com/index.php/topic,11493.msg168249.html#msg168249)
I'll probably post there if its just a small announcementz, otherwise yea check homepage like deacon said.
If we do include assists, however, would we be using KILLS or POINTS? If we did use kills, would it count for .25 of a kill or .5 of a kill or what?
I cannot wait for ZS to be up again. Though TTT is alright, I loved the original ZS. I mainly used to play on Build/ZS/WS.
I love the new ZS, no competition compared to old one, it didn't even have a shop.
What features did the old one have that the new doesn't? New features you don't like?
What features did the old one have that the new doesn't? New features you don't like?
Every person I asked just spewed out "It's not the same" or "It doesn't feel like ZS". I always thought it was just people having problems accepting change.
Every person I asked just spewed out "It's not the same" or "It doesn't feel like ZS". I always thought it was just people having problems accepting change.
It's not that I have a problem with change, it's just I really like the original ZS; a lot more then the newer version. I don't really care about the special shit or anything.
Every person I asked just spewed out "It's not the same" or "It doesn't feel like ZS". I always thought it was just people having problems accepting change.
I fucking love the new ZS. It has a lot more worth while gameplay, you didn't have to debate what weapon should get the ammo regen, you can buy the weapons you want instead of getting the standard of a USP + Plank, and you can buy ammo on the spot at crates.
IMO, the old ZS got boring as all hell. Half the time the animation systems were glitched, and it wasn't very fun to be a zombie, and health vials did jack shit.
I fucking love the new ZS. It has a lot more worth while gameplay, you didn't have to debate what weapon should get the ammo regen, you can buy the weapons you want instead of getting the standard of a USP + Plank, and you can buy ammo on the spot at crates.
IMO, the old ZS got boring as all hell. Half the time the animation systems were glitched, and it wasn't very fun to be a zombie, and health vials did jack shit.
Fix 'em. Buff 'em.
Why dont we try to get NoX's ZS. It has bosses AND its boomsticks arent 140 pts. They're actually 200 and you have to work for them.
Fix 'em. Buff 'em.
that's the thing
They're already fixed in the new ZS.
It's not that I have a problem with change, it's just I really like the original ZS; a lot more then the newer version. I don't really care about the special shit or anything.
Then don't use them?
Every person I asked just spewed out "It's not the same" or "It doesn't feel like ZS". I always thought it was just people having problems accepting change.
The reasons why I strongly dislike the new ZS is because
half the fun I had was when people would go "oh FUCK I GOT GRENADES!" and then getting raped by zombies.
You didn't have to concentrate so much on your points and how much some shit costs. All you had to care about was kills, and killing.
You didn't have to waste time buying ammo and health and such it would just regenerate.
And also because I spent most of my like 500 or so hours on that ZS
In fact that ZS was the ONLY reason why I bought Garrys Mod
Every person I asked just spewed out "It's not the same" or "It doesn't feel like ZS". I always thought it was just people having problems accepting change.
I think you're right. It sounds like they didn't want to invest the time into learning the new one, because the old one is so simple. I say the investment is worth it, because once you learn the new ZS, it's SOOOO much more fun.
I don't know. The new one feels much more camp-y. I like running around like a moron
I don't know. The new one feels much more camp-y. I like running around like a moron
Although I'm in favor of the new one I'd have to agree with this, I'm a nublet at ZS don't get me wrong but I shouldn't be practically incapable of getting a kill as humans it just take so many goddamn bullets that by the time I'm reloading my 2nd clip someone else "steals/takes" the kill I've been working on if I'm not already dead yet.
They both have different playstyles.
Old ZS was more like a FPS where you just worried about getting kills.
The new one is more like a strategy in which you have to be careful and know where to place everything.
why not have something that switches between the two ZSes (the old one fixed ofcourse)
I prefer earning weapons with kills.
I don't know. The new one feels much more camp-y. I like running around like a moron
Yes. Example: we have to cade when everyone is ready. When someone is left behind well they're doomed. That's what makes the old ZS more harder than the new one.
Every person I asked just spewed out "It's not the same" or "It doesn't feel like ZS". I always thought it was just people having problems accepting change.
I gave you some suggestions, like earning WEAPONS through kills and 10 waves. That's really the only thing that rustles my jimmies.
You didn't have to concentrate so much on your points and how much some shit costs. All you had to care about was kills, and killing.
You didn't have to waste time buying ammo and health and such it would just regenerate.
Wat, you have wave intermissions to concentrate on how much shit costs and your points, but during the rounds you care about the kills and killing.
And the buying health and ammo thing, the regenerations were about as useful as a clean jazz guitar in a heavy death metal song. Half the time you got the health vial which healed virtually nothing, and you only got 10 bullets for pistols, 30 bullets for SMG's, and like 8 for shotguns every minute. So if you're deep in war, you're kinda fucked.
Wat, you have wave intermissions to concentrate on how much shit costs and your points, but during the rounds you care about the kills and killing.
And the buying health and ammo thing, the regenerations were about as useful as a clean jazz guitar in a heavy death metal song. Half the time you got the health vial which healed virtually nothing, and you only got 10 bullets for pistols, 30 bullets for SMG's, and like 8 for shotguns every minute. So if you're deep in war, you're kinda fucked.
And it was that feeling that made ZS fun. The feeling of having to conserve your resources. It was actually a little scary.
Since some of you want new zs, why don'y just find for the latest zs version server like NoxiousNet..
Somehow, rNd is famous for the old zs. If it changes..... :( :'(
And also because I spent most of my like 500 or so hours on that ZS
In fact that ZS was the ONLY reason why I bought Garrys Mod
Yeah, I had the same reason on why I bought GarrysMod for the fun on whatever I chose to play along with 2803.2 played time on GarrysMod
Wat, you have wave intermissions to concentrate on how much shit costs and your points, but during the rounds you care about the kills and killing.
And the buying health and ammo thing, the regenerations were about as useful as a clean jazz guitar in a heavy death metal song. Half the time you got the health vial which healed virtually nothing, and you only got 10 bullets for pistols, 30 bullets for SMG's, and like 8 for shotguns every minute. So if you're deep in war, you're kinda fucked.
Well see I wouldn't want to worry about it at all. Between waves I worry about creating a Cade....
And also
And it was that feeling that made ZS fun. The feeling of having to conserve your resources. It was actually a little scary.
Now this could be a stupid idea but what if we had both the new and the old zs servers ?
Like, how about something that every 2 rounds, it changes to the new zs, and every 1 round , it changes to the old zs, like this:
1: old zs 2:new zs
112112112112112112112112 and so on.
Or we could run the old, modify the new, and try the modified version on the rotation server for a week.
See which one truly sucks more.
Or we could run the old, modify the new, and try the modified version on the rotation server for a week.
See which one truly sucks more.
Alright, might as well explain why I prefer the new ZS.
New features aside, the main reason I prefer the new ZS over the old one is becuase of the selectable weapons.
Before, everyone was sort of equally armed, only varying by how many kills you have. By the end game, you're literally a one-man army. There's no "fear" in that. There's no repercussions for losing a teammate. There's nothing holding you back from sitting in your little corner of the map and waiting there for the map to change.
Now, people can be selective about what they want to be. There's more variety and more choices for people, and everyone went with their own "class". People who wanted to sit back and let the money roll in could just buy a weapon and ammo crate. They didn't have to do much, and it provided help for the other players. People who wanted to play more of a support class (like me) could just get a medkit, load it up with juice, and run around keeping my team alive. The people who wanted to just shoot zombies and not worry about anything else could just start off with some big guns and start blasting away.
Everyone relied on each other. There was no lone-wolfing, you had to have some real teamwork to succeed. It actually, you know, felt like a co-op game. Not some mindless "hurdur hide behind cade and shoot shoot shoot shoot". It allowed people to play the way they liked, they were able to chose their role. Each player was unique, not like before where everyone was identical. Now it ACTUALLY MATTERS when someone dies.
Everyone came together to win. It wasn't just a game of last man standing like before.
Anyways, there's plenty of tweaks that can be done to the new ZS to have more of the old style. The only things I'd like to keep are the point shop and the new weapons/guns/perks. Do what you want to the round timers, damage, and wave limit to fit the old ZS. The new one is perfectly balanced as it was.
And Deacon, if anything, the new ZS encourages you to run around like an idiot. Zombies are easier to kill now, and you can walk in-and-out of barricades.
And Deacon, if anything, the new ZS encourages you to run around like an idiot. Zombies are easier to kill now, and you can walk in-and-out of barricades.
Can we make it harder, then? New ZS feels too casualized. feels like a video game, it just doesn't feel right. I'm perfectly fine with everything BUT the selectable weapons. I'd like to get what I get and live with it, or die trying.
everything else is great, though. Something that'd really gain a + from me would be to put the UI.
Alright, might as well explain why I prefer the new ZS.
New features aside, the main reason I prefer the new ZS over the old one is becuase of the selectable weapons.
Before, everyone was sort of equally armed, only varying by how many kills you have. By the end game, you're literally a one-man army. There's no "fear" in that. There's no repercussions for losing a teammate. There's nothing holding you back from sitting in your little corner of the map and waiting there for the map to change.
Now, people can be selective about what they want to be. There's more variety and more choices for people, and everyone went with their own "class". People who wanted to sit back and let the money roll in could just buy a weapon and ammo crate. They didn't have to do much, and it provided help for the other players. People who wanted to play more of a support class (like me) could just get a medkit, load it up with juice, and run around keeping my team alive. The people who wanted to just shoot zombies and not worry about anything else could just start off with some big guns and start blasting away.
Everyone relied on each other. There was no lone-wolfing, you had to have some real teamwork to succeed. It actually, you know, felt like a co-op game. Not some mindless "hurdur hide behind cade and shoot shoot shoot shoot". It allowed people to play the way they liked, they were able to chose their role. Each player was unique, not like before where everyone was identical. Now it ACTUALLY MATTERS when someone dies.
Everyone came together to win. It wasn't just a game of last man standing like before.
Anyways, there's plenty of tweaks that can be done to the new ZS to have more of the old style. The only things I'd like to keep are the point shop and the new weapons/guns/perks. Do what you want to the round timers, damage, and wave limit to fit the old ZS. The new one is perfectly balanced as it was.
And Deacon, if anything, the new ZS encourages you to run around like an idiot. Zombies are easier to kill now, and you can walk in-and-out of barricades.
We could make it so we can choose one of the 3 starter pistols in the start of the round. Also I wouldn't agree on the no lone wolfing thing in the new ZS. Pretty much with a big gun you can blast away everything while running around. In the old ZS we had to work for our weapons. That encourages everyone to keep getting kills. Also deaths were important in the old ZS. If someone dies humans lose firepower. Less firepower means zombies can overrun us. So we gotta keep everyone alive.
Humans won too easily on old zs
Humans won too easily on old zs
I disagree. On certain maps like mine (zs_beachhead) sure humans won easy. The rest of them were hard to survive in such as Inversion, Bunker, or Stormier.
Can we make it harder, then? New ZS feels too casualized. feels like a video game, it just doesn't feel right.
The new ZS was way harder than the old one becuase the zombies didn't do pussy damage and could actually keep up with survivors.
It was actually, you know, fun to be a zombie because of that. The old ZS, half the team was nearly afk. In this one, I didn't mind being a starting zombie because of how easy it was to get kills as a zombie.
Also I wouldn't agree on the no lone wolfing thing in the new ZS. Pretty much with a big gun you can blast away everything while running around. In the old ZS we had to work for our weapons. That encourages everyone to keep getting kills. Also deaths were important in the old ZS. If someone dies humans lose firepower. Less firepower means zombies can overrun us. So we gotta keep everyone alive.
In the new ZS, you couldn't just blast everything away while running. You're not going to get health for kills, and you're going to run out of ammo eventually. You need at least a support player with a medkit and an arsenal crate to keep the assault player alive.
And in the old ZS, deaths meant nothing. It didn't matter if you lost the guy with the peashooter, because the guy with the boomstick and 500 ammo can pick up the slack for him.
In the new one, say you lose the medic. There goes your ONLY life source. Say you lose the assault player. There goes your firepower. It's all dependent on how well structured your team is, and teamwork was key in the new ZS for survival.
Humans won too easily on old zs
Yeah, pretty much. Not to mention the amount of ragequits and AFK zombies before.
I disagree. On certain maps like mine (zs_beachhead) sure humans won easy. The rest of them were hard to survive in such as Inversion, Bunker, or Stormier.
Each map is different. Beachhead is a horrible example, since it was a really poor map. Inversion was actually asked by the creator of it to have it removed becuase he hated how unfair it was.
Saying that some maps are OP are an entirely different topic.
I remember beachhead specifically, was really easy for zombies to win becuase the fasties weren't complete pussies like before and wraiths were an effective zombie when working alongside other zombies to provide a distraction.
You couldn't do that before, since the second you popped out of a corner, you'd get blasted away with the force of a thousand peashooters.
The new ZS was way harder than the old one becuase the zombies didn't do pussy damage and could actually keep up with survivors.
And because fast zombies collided with humans on impact AND they can move while hitting
It was actually, you know, fun to be a zombie because of that. The old ZS, half the team was nearly afk. In this one, I didn't mind being a starting zombie because of how easy it was to get kills as a zombie.
In the old ZS I got kills easy as a zombie so did other like DK, punisher, kurtis
In the new ZS, you couldn't just blast everything away while running. You're not going to get health for kills, and you're going to run out of ammo eventually. You need at least a support player with a medkit and an arsenal crate to keep the assault player alive.
People (when I played) didn't take the time to strategize what they wanted to be. People were just like "DERP DERP buy whatever I see"
And in the old ZS, deaths meant nothing. It didn't matter if you lost the guy with the peashooter, because the guy with the boomstick and 500 ammo can pick up the slack for him.
In the new one, say you lose the medic. There goes your ONLY life source. Say you lose the assault player. There goes your firepower. It's all dependent on how well structured your team is, and teamwork was key in the new ZS for survival.
Again, many people don't/didn't strategize
Yeah, pretty much. Not to mention the amount of ragequits and AFK zombies before.
Each map is different. Beachhead is a horrible example, since it was a really poor map. Inversion was actually asked by the creator of it to have it removed becuase he hated how unfair it was.
Saying that some maps are OP are an entirely different topic.
I remember beachhead specifically, was really easy for zombies to win becuase the fasties weren't complete pussies like before and wraiths were an effective zombie when working alongside other zombies to provide a distraction.
You couldn't do that before, since the second you popped out of a corner, you'd get blasted away with the force of a thousand peashooters.
Sounds like half and half. What about an option during the preround that you could use? It would give you a random weapon set to start and award you upgrades based on "kills" (points). It would emulate the gameplay style while still letting you play with the newer features.
We could do other things too.
Call it classic mode.
Conclusion: Just do old, if want enjoy new, go other servers.
Reason: 1 of the reasons I bought gmod and CSS is for rNd zombie survival, is the first server my friend introduced me, followed by rNd's Trouble in Terrorist Town
Snivy, I don't know what server you played on, but humans almost NEVER won on old ZS unless it was something like inversion or a deathmap. I saw more human wins on the new ZS in the week that I played than I had seen over months of playing on the old ZS.
Snivy, I don't know what server you played on, but humans almost NEVER won on old ZS unless it was something like inversion or a deathmap. I saw more human wins on the new ZS in the week that I played than I had seen over months of playing on the old ZS.
Must have been timing then, because humans won about 50% when I played.
Sometimes it feels good to die in the Old zs compared to the New Zs
If we do go with new ZS, I think we nid a rule regarding spawncamping w/ certain weapons - because I figured out on some of the house maps how to make the gun turrets ridiculously retarded - I mean spawn the turrets hanging from the awning aimed at the spawn killing them as they get out of the fog retarded.
Conclusion: Just do old, if want enjoy new, go other servers.
Yes, because telling everyone in RND to gtfo to other servers instead of RND servers will totally solve everything.
Okay. We just need a system where either on roundly or weekly basis, we switch on and off the gamemodes. 1 week for old zs, 1 week for new zs, cycle repeats. Or 1 map old zs, 1 map new zs, so that way we can keep both fans of old and new ZS.
I truly think there's a middle ground to be found here.
A way to work with the actual functioning new version while emulating the classic play we used to love.
Seriously, hear me out with that
I truly think there's a middle ground to be found here.
A way to work with the actual functioning new version while emulating the classic play we used to love.
Seriously, hear me out with that
The issue seems to revolve around the points system.
People who like the old ZS prefer to just kill, kill, and kill.
I like the new ZS because it opens different play styles, especially for someone like me who likes to play a support class. I get rewarded for helping my teammates, not killing zombies. Same goes for people who buy arsenal and ammo crates.
I don't see a middle ground here, aside from the rotate every map.
If people are only complaining about the difficulty, just modify weapon and zombie damages. Everything is editable. Their speed, attack, health. It's just a matter of tweaking it in a way that "feels" like the old ZS (although, IMO, it's far more balanced now since it's way easier for zombies to make kills now).
As long as we keep the different roles/weapons/etc of the new ZS, and makes us actually able to pick what we want, then I don't care what's done to the rest of the gamemode.
And we can't modify the old ZS to add things from the new ZS, if we were to try some "middle ground". The new one was re-written entirely from the ground up. In terms of functionality, server load, and overall stability, the new one is far better. One thing that people have constantly complained about in the old ZS was melee hit detection. Since it's clientsided now, your latency is irrelevant. If you hit a zombie on your screen, you actually hit them. None of that server lag bullshit. It can also support more players with less lag since the way players collide with each other is completely different.
Also, not to mention the ability to walk in+out of barricades, so no more QQing about earlycaders.
The issue seems to revolve around the points system.
People who like the old ZS prefer to just kill, kill, and kill.
I like the new ZS because it opens different play styles, especially for someone like me who likes to play a support class. I get rewarded for helping my teammates, not killing zombies. Same goes for people who buy arsenal and ammo crates.
I don't see a middle ground here, aside from the rotate every map.
If people are only complaining about the difficulty, just modify weapon and zombie damages. Everything is editable. Their speed, attack, health. It's just a matter of tweaking it in a way that "feels" like the old ZS (although, IMO, it's far more balanced now since it's way easier for zombies to make kills now).
As long as we keep the different roles/weapons/etc of the new ZS, and makes us actually able to pick what we want, then I don't care what's done to the rest of the gamemode.
And we can't modify the old ZS to add things from the new ZS, if we were to try some "middle ground". The new one was re-written entirely from the ground up. In terms of functionality, server load, and overall stability, the new one is far better. One thing that people have constantly complained about in the old ZS was melee hit detection. Since it's clientsided now, your latency is irrelevant. If you hit a zombie on your screen, you actually hit them. None of that server lag bullshit. It can also support more players with less lag since the way players collide with each other is completely different.
Also, not to mention the ability to walk in+out of barricades, so no more QQing about earlycaders.
Everything is fine, just an old-styled UI and gaining WEAPONS through kills is what I want.
Everything is fine, just an old-styled UI and gaining WEAPONS through kills is what I want.
What's wrong with points?
They're universal, and it doesn't force support roles to have to get kills to get stuff.
Unless you're talking about the old style of "kill, get random weponz, kill moar", in which case, I disagree with since it prevents people from playing the way they prefer to play.
I doubt melee hit detection is client sided. Hax would be so easy.
In most games, everything is rendered client side except: movements and projectiles (that means melee too).
So yes, the melee animation and effects are client sided, but not the projectiles it uses.
So yes, the melee animation and effects are client sided, but not the projectiles it uses.
In the new ZS, the hit detection is clientsided, unlike before where only the anims and effects were.
Seriously. The option to earn random weapons through points, at predetermined amounts, that act like the kills used to. Have it be a perk at the start. take away the ability to use the shop; ammo crate only.
Seriously. The option to earn random weapons through points, at predetermined amounts, that act like the kills used to. Have it be a perk at the start. take away the ability to use the shop; ammo crate only.
Holy fucking shit, I'm okay with this.
Start with no worth, and have the player get random weapons by tiers based on their "kills", or set amount of points.
I can probably do that myself, but I'd have to reinstall the server, along with the gamemode.
Would anyone else be opposed to having a perk that makes you specifically, have the same playstyle as the old ZS?
Holy fucking shit, I'm okay with this.
Start with no worth, and have the player get random weapons by tiers based on their "kills", or set amount of points.
I can probably do that myself, but I'd have to reinstall the server, along with the gamemode.
Would anyone else be opposed to having a perk that makes you specifically, have the same playstyle as the old ZS?
I can't imagine who would.
I can't imagine who would.
No one SHALL!
By the way, nice idea bro.
Please tell me we can get this idea up soon lol I miss ZS....
The only ZS ive played in a while is Gangrellions but its not the same >_>....
how much will take this to be done? in a week or 2 i will fix my computer and buy gmod and other games.
Would anyone else be opposed to having a perk that makes you specifically, have the same playstyle as the old ZS?
Do it!
I don't like the perks.
I don't like the perks.
It's quite ok actually.
Depends on with perks that suite you, you can pick yourself.
Like speed, health, blahblah...
It's quite ok actually.
Depends on with perks that suite you, you can pick yourself.
Like speed, health, blahblah...
nope, fuck the perks.
ITT: People don't want to accept a new and improved version of ZS.
Seriously, we've had the old, outdated, bugged up, plain ZS for like what, a couple years? It's not like we're Google or anything and force unnecessary change. It'd be nice to play a new version of ZS that gives us a whole new experience of gameplay.
And for the record, using the old zs server as an excuse that makes RND "stand out" isn't very valid. That's like saying you want to drive around in an old, piece of shit junker that has its upholstery ripped up and shit smudged in between the seats. Yeah, it stands out, but not for good reasons.
Okay. The new ZS is better. There is no argument, it is objectively better.
1. Teamplay is now rewarded properly,
-Spending starting points on being a support role (buying resupply box, arsenal, medic) can help you exceed those who spent their points immediately on guns
3. No more trapping/leaving players out of cades; you can pass through cades by press suit zoom, although slowly
4. Instead of getting shit weapons, you can buy the weapons you want and the ammo think you need
5. Players cant be pushed
6. No 6 foot drop deaths
7. Fewer retarded prop deaths
8. Better pacing with a 6 stage round system
9. Bigger Variety of weapons and cading devices can be chosen depending on the judgement of the player
The old ZS was a buggy piece of crap, and although I had my share of fun times, it is still generally inferior to the new one.
I actually prefer the new zs, but we need one more thing...
Bosses. NoX made being a zombie feel GOOD. I found it nice when I run across a shitty map and all I wanted to do was end it, I could become a boss monster and demolish the humans. Being a zombie on the new zs still feels like the old because, with our version, its a wash rinse repeat. Pick zombie, hurt the human cade or force, die, restart. With bosses, you earn the right to a powerful mofo because it bases who gets picked using damage to humans.
In all, add bosses.
Okay. The new ZS is better. There is no argument, it is objectively better.
1. Teamplay is now rewarded properly,
-Spending starting points on being a support role (buying resupply box, arsenal, medic) can help you exceed those who spent their points immediately on guns
3. No more trapping/leaving players out of cades; you can pass through cades by press suit zoom, although slowly
4. Instead of getting shit weapons, you can buy the weapons you want and the ammo think you need
5. Players cant be pushed
6. No 6 foot drop deaths
7. Fewer retarded prop deaths
8. Better pacing with a 6 stage round system
9. Bigger Variety of weapons and cading devices can be chosen depending on the judgement of the player
The old ZS was a buggy piece of crap, and although I had my share of fun times, it is still generally inferior to the new one.
Rocket has some good points.
Okay. The new ZS is better. There is no argument, it is objectively better.
1. Teamplay is now rewarded properly,
-Spending starting points on being a support role (buying resupply box, arsenal, medic) can help you exceed those who spent their points immediately on guns
3. No more trapping/leaving players out of cades; you can pass through cades by press suit zoom, although slowly
4. Instead of getting shit weapons, you can buy the weapons you want and the ammo think you need
5. Players cant be pushed
6. No 6 foot drop deaths
7. Fewer retarded prop deaths
8. Better pacing with a 6 stage round system
9. Bigger Variety of weapons and cading devices can be chosen depending on the judgement of the player
The old ZS was a buggy piece of crap, and although I had my share of fun times, it is still generally inferior to the new one.
WAIT i haven't played ZS in a long time,
is it really like that now?
WAIT i haven't played ZS in a long time,
is it really like that now?
At least that's the nox version.
I think it would be neat to keep the old version, but have a sort of "community overhaul" done on it.
We could use the new one as a base, for the weapons, assist system, but make it behave as the old ZS did.
And while we're working on that, have the old version running.
Then "beta" our revision version and see if we like it.
I couldn't agree with you more, the new version is pretty crappy - You can choose your weps (I want randoms back!), and get points instead of kills (Sucks imo). Older version is so much better and has that RND touch (Even though it isn't technically made by us but joo know what i mean) -Though yeah, maybe a couple of elements could be extracted from the new one and placed in the old.
personally i think it'd be much more stable to modify the new code, since it already has most of the fixes we have wanted. i still vote for that option of classic mode
Screw Nox now, starting the ponies/bronies on-sight ban.
Personally, I think they should accept any kind of people in the world.
Because of humanity, everyone has their own hobbies, likes, dislikes and whatever shit.
They should think of themselves.
Screw Nox now, starting the ponies/bronies on-sight ban.
Personally, I think they should accept any kind of people in the world.
Because of humanity, everyone has their own hobbies, likes, dislikes and whatever shit.
They should think of themselves.
do they really? good for them.
Older version is so much better and has that RND touch
You mean with the glitched animations, the fail ammo regen system, and the retarded prop kills and how we made 0 unique improvements to the gamemode?
do they really? good for them.
Nox nazi's
I played on nox server and its boring and you have to are way to dependent on your team. Its hard to buy a gun because it costs way to many points and its almost impossible to make that in a game. Doing your own thing is almost impossible. You cant make a sky cade or stray far away from your team because there is no ammo regen and you need the box to survive. Sure there are some cool things like extra speed, medkits, more guns, armor but original zombie server in my opinion is much better. If you want this server to be like nox's server then go play it. This server is special because it kept original version of zombies and even if it has less content its a lot more fun and in the short amount of time i played on updated versions of zombie servers did i have as much fun as i had on rnd zombies.
What features did the old one have that the new doesn't? New features you don't like?
Where can I start? You don't jump as high, Map voting is buggy at times, shops are cheap.
I can go on and on.
I'm still hoping the old one comes back. I don't like the new one because humans are basically taking over the map with shotguns and all those weapons. Also everyone early cades and that's something that would be negative for the zombies. I missed it when you actually had to kill for your guns and wait for your ammo to come back. It made it challenging.
Screw Nox now, starting the ponies/bronies on-sight ban.
Personally, I think they should accept any kind of people in the world.
Because of humanity, everyone has their own hobbies, likes, dislikes and whatever shit.
They should think of themselves.
If you hate the new version of ZS just because nox runs it with an anti-pony policy, you're a retard.
I love nox ZS because it's actually FUNCTIONAL and has variety gameplay.
If you hate the new version of ZS just because nox runs it with an anti-pony policy, you're a retard.
I love nox ZS because it's actually FUNCTIONAL and has variety gameplay.
He said NOX. Not the gamemode
He said NOX. Not the gamemode
Then he's whining about something totally unrelated to the thread because someone mentioned 'nox'
Though the old ZS did have its moments, I personally find the new version far superior. In fact, there are really only a few things (Goomba stomping(Major laughs there), the GUI(Not that important, but still), and Fast Zombie climbing) that the old ZS had over the newer one.
Just my opinion, though.
Though the old ZS did have its moments, I personally find the new version far superior.
Yes this pretty much. I believe the benefits of the new one outweigh any of the perks of the old one.
I couldn't agree with you more, the new version is pretty crappy - You can choose your weps (I want randoms back!), and get points instead of kills (Sucks imo). Older version is so much better and has that RND touch (Even though it isn't technically made by us but joo know what i mean) -Though yeah, maybe a couple of elements could be extracted from the new one and placed in the old.
Moar agree from me.
If randomgs keeps the same old version Im definetly going to play there.
I personally don't really like Nox server for example where the way we have to buy the weapons is just dull and clumsy.
It has also some other not so good small features I don't like.
Randomgs always ran the best server of the old version of zs.
and btw nox misses voicechat
Screw Nox now, starting the ponies/bronies on-sight ban.
Personally, I think they should accept any kind of people in the world.
Because of humanity, everyone has their own hobbies, likes, dislikes and whatever shit.
They should think of themselves.
Normal people don't really care about stuff others do that they keep for themselfs, no matter what kind of freaks they are.
I think they do what they do at nox is cuz bronys like to shove their fandom in every corner of the internet like attentionwhores and people are simply fed up with it.
Normal people don't really care about stuff others do that they keep for themselfs, no matter what kind of freaks they are.
I think they do what they do at nox is cuz bronys like to shove their fandom in every corner of the internet like attentionwhores and people are simply fed up with it.
You wrong.
Not "everyone" does that.
'Our' ZS and 'new' ZS are just completely different. I don't like the new ZS. In our ZS, you actually need to seek for kills to gain weapons for your survival. Melee weapons are big thing and you need to have some dodging skills.
In this new ZS, it feels like there's no way to dodge, using melee weapons is impossible and you can just run, shoot and pray.
New ZS might be more noob-friendly for zombies but I still like the old style:
Melee, kill some more until you get 15 kills, own some more until 20 kills, if you get cades and you have ammo in the map, barricade, survive.
And in the end, the survival rate to wave 10 is quite small.
'Our' ZS and 'new' ZS are just completely different. I don't like the new ZS. In our ZS, you actually need to seek for kills to gain weapons for your survival. Melee weapons are big thing and you need to have some dodging skills.
In this new ZS, it feels like there's no way to dodge, using melee weapons is impossible and you can just run, shoot and pray.
New ZS might be more noob-friendly for zombies but I still like the old style:
Melee, kill some more until you get 15 kills, own some more until 20 kills, if you get cades and you have ammo in the map, barricade, survive.
And in the end, the survival rate to wave 10 is quite small.
dont forget when someone get's killed as a human, myppl happens
dont forget when someone get's killed as a human, myppl happens