System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
categories-submit (talk) (Translate) | Show |
categories-summary (talk) (Translate) | |
categoriesfrom (talk) (Translate) | Display categories starting at: |
categoriespagetext (talk) (Translate) | The following {{PLURAL:$1|category contains|categories contain}} pages or media. [[Special:UnusedCategories|Unused categories]] are not shown here. Also see [[Special:WantedCategories|wanted categories]]. |
category-article-count (talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$2|This category contains only the following page.|The following {{PLURAL:$1|page is|$1 pages are}} in this category, out of $2 total.}} |
category-article-count-limited (talk) (Translate) | The following {{PLURAL:$1|page is|$1 pages are}} in the current category. |
category-empty (talk) (Translate) | <em>This category currently contains no pages or media.</em> |
category-file-count (talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$2|This category contains only the following file.|The following {{PLURAL:$1|file is|$1 files are}} in this category, out of $2 total.}} |
category-file-count-limited (talk) (Translate) | The following {{PLURAL:$1|file is|$1 files are}} in the current category. |
category-media-header (talk) (Translate) | Media in category "$1" |
category-move-redirect-override (talk) (Translate) | - |
category-subcat-count (talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$2|This category has only the following subcategory.|This category has the following {{PLURAL:$1|subcategory|$1 subcategories}}, out of $2 total.}} |
category-subcat-count-limited (talk) (Translate) | This category has the following {{PLURAL:$1|subcategory|$1 subcategories}}. |
category_header (talk) (Translate) | Pages in category "$1" |
categorypage (talk) (Translate) | View category page |
categoryviewer-pagedlinks (talk) (Translate) | ($1) ($2) |
change-blocklink (talk) (Translate) | change block |
changecontentmodel (talk) (Translate) | Change content model of a page |
changecontentmodel-cannot-convert (talk) (Translate) | The content on [[:$1]] cannot be converted to a type of $2. |
changecontentmodel-legend (talk) (Translate) | Change content model |
changecontentmodel-model-label (talk) (Translate) | New content model |
changecontentmodel-nodirectediting (talk) (Translate) | The $1 content model does not support direct editing |
changecontentmodel-reason-label (talk) (Translate) | Reason: |
changecontentmodel-submit (talk) (Translate) | Change |
changecontentmodel-success-text (talk) (Translate) | The content type of [[:$1]] has been changed. |
changecontentmodel-success-title (talk) (Translate) | The content model was changed |
changecontentmodel-title-label (talk) (Translate) | Page title |
changecredentials (talk) (Translate) | Change credentials |
changecredentials-invalidsubpage (talk) (Translate) | $1 is not a valid credential type. |
changecredentials-submit (talk) (Translate) | Change |
changecredentials-submit-cancel (talk) (Translate) | Cancel |
changecredentials-success (talk) (Translate) | Your credentials have been changed. |
changed (talk) (Translate) | changed |
changeemail (talk) (Translate) | Change or remove email address |
changeemail-header (talk) (Translate) | Complete this form to change your email address. If you would like to remove the association of any email address from your account, leave the new email address blank when submitting the form. |
changeemail-newemail (talk) (Translate) | New email address: |
changeemail-newemail-help (talk) (Translate) | This field should be left blank if you want to remove your email address. You will not be able to reset a forgotten password and will not receive emails from this wiki if the email address is removed. |
changeemail-no-info (talk) (Translate) | You must be logged in to access this page directly. |
changeemail-nochange (talk) (Translate) | Please enter a different new email address. |
changeemail-none (talk) (Translate) | (none) |
changeemail-oldemail (talk) (Translate) | Current email address: |
changeemail-password (talk) (Translate) | Your {{SITENAME}} password: |
changeemail-submit (talk) (Translate) | Change email |
changeemail-summary (talk) (Translate) | |
changeemail-throttled (talk) (Translate) | You have made too many login attempts. Please wait $1 before trying again. |
changepassword (talk) (Translate) | Change password |
changepassword-success (talk) (Translate) | Your password has been changed! |
changepassword-summary (talk) (Translate) | |
changepassword-throttled (talk) (Translate) | You have made too many recent login attempts. Please wait $1 before trying again. |
checkbox-all (talk) (Translate) | All |
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