System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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table_pager_next (talk) (Translate) Next page
table_pager_prev (talk) (Translate) Previous page
tag-filter (talk) (Translate) [[Special:Tags|Tag]] filter:
tag-filter-submit (talk) (Translate) Filter
tag-list-wrapper (talk) (Translate) ([[Special:Tags|{{PLURAL:$1|Tag|Tags}}]]: $2)
tag-mobile_edit (talk) (Translate) Mobile edit
tag-mobile_edit-description (talk) (Translate) Edit made from mobile (web or app)
tag-mobile_web_edit (talk) (Translate) Mobile web edit
tag-mobile_web_edit-description (talk) (Translate) Edit made from mobile web site
tagline (talk) (Translate) From {{SITENAME}}
tags (talk) (Translate) Valid change tags
tags-actions-header (talk) (Translate) Actions
tags-activate (talk) (Translate) activate
tags-activate-not-allowed (talk) (Translate) It is not possible to activate the tag "$1".
tags-activate-not-found (talk) (Translate) The tag "$1" does not exist.
tags-activate-question (talk) (Translate) You are about to activate the tag "$1".
tags-activate-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason:
tags-activate-submit (talk) (Translate) Activate
tags-activate-title (talk) (Translate) Activate tag
tags-active-header (talk) (Translate) Active?
tags-active-no (talk) (Translate) No
tags-active-yes (talk) (Translate) Yes
tags-apply-blocked (talk) (Translate) You cannot apply change tags along with your changes while blocked.
tags-apply-no-permission (talk) (Translate) You do not have permission to apply change tags along with your changes.
tags-apply-not-allowed-multi (talk) (Translate) The following {{PLURAL:$2|tag is|tags are}} not allowed to be manually applied: $1
tags-apply-not-allowed-one (talk) (Translate) The tag "$1" is not allowed to be manually applied.
tags-create-already-exists (talk) (Translate) The tag "$1" already exists.
tags-create-explanation (talk) (Translate) By default, newly created tags will be made available for use by users and bots.
tags-create-heading (talk) (Translate) Create a new tag
tags-create-invalid-chars (talk) (Translate) Tag names must not contain commas (<code>,</code>) or forward slashes (<code>/</code>).
tags-create-invalid-title-chars (talk) (Translate) Tag names must not contain characters that cannot be used in page titles.
tags-create-no-name (talk) (Translate) You must specify a tag name.
tags-create-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason:
tags-create-submit (talk) (Translate) Create
tags-create-tag-name (talk) (Translate) Tag name:
tags-create-warnings-above (talk) (Translate) The following {{PLURAL:$2|warning was|warnings were}} encountered when attempting to create the tag "$1":
tags-create-warnings-below (talk) (Translate) Do you wish to continue creating the tag?
tags-deactivate (talk) (Translate) deactivate
tags-deactivate-not-allowed (talk) (Translate) It is not possible to deactivate the tag "$1".
tags-deactivate-question (talk) (Translate) You are about to deactivate the tag "$1".
tags-deactivate-reason (talk) (Translate) Reason:
tags-deactivate-submit (talk) (Translate) Deactivate
tags-deactivate-title (talk) (Translate) Deactivate tag
tags-delete (talk) (Translate) delete
tags-delete-explanation-active (talk) (Translate) <strong>The tag "$1" is still active, and will continue to be applied in the future.</strong> To stop this from happening, go to the place(s) where the tag is set to be applied, and disable it there.
tags-delete-explanation-in-use (talk) (Translate) It will be removed from {{PLURAL:$2|$2 revision or log entry|all $2 revisions and/or log entries}} to which it is currently applied.
tags-delete-explanation-initial (talk) (Translate) You are about to delete the tag "$1" from the database.
tags-delete-explanation-warning (talk) (Translate) This action is <strong>irreversible</strong> and <strong>cannot be undone</strong>, not even by database administrators. Be certain this is the tag you mean to delete.
tags-delete-not-allowed (talk) (Translate) Tags defined by an extension cannot be deleted unless the extension specifically allows it.
tags-delete-not-found (talk) (Translate) The tag "$1" does not exist.
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