System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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search-interwiki-caption (talk) (Translate) Sister projects
search-interwiki-custom (talk) (Translate)  
search-interwiki-default (talk) (Translate) Results from $1:
search-interwiki-more (talk) (Translate) (more)
search-nonefound (talk) (Translate) There were no results matching the query.
search-nonefound-thiswiki (talk) (Translate) There were no results matching the query in this site.
search-redirect (talk) (Translate) (redirect $1)
search-relatedarticle (talk) (Translate) Related
search-result-category-size (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|1 member|$1 members}} ({{PLURAL:$2|1 subcategory|$2 subcategories}}, {{PLURAL:$3|1 file|$3 files}})
search-result-size (talk) (Translate) $1 ({{PLURAL:$2|1 word|$2 words}})
search-rewritten (talk) (Translate) Showing results for $1. Search instead for $2.
search-section (talk) (Translate) (section $1)
search-showingresults (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$4|Result <strong>$1</strong> of <strong>$3</strong>|Results <strong>$1 - $2</strong> of <strong>$3</strong>}}
search-suggest (talk) (Translate) Did you mean: $1
search-summary (talk) (Translate)  
searchall (talk) (Translate) all
searcharticle (talk) (Translate) Go
searchbutton (talk) (Translate) Search
searchdisabled (talk) (Translate) {{SITENAME}} search is disabled. You can search via Google in the meantime. Note that their indexes of {{SITENAME}} content may be out of date.
searchmenu-exists (talk) (Translate) <strong>There is a page named "[[:$1]]" on this wiki.</strong> {{PLURAL:$2|0=|See also the other search results found.}}
searchmenu-new (talk) (Translate) <strong>Create the page "[[:$1]]" on this wiki!</strong> {{PLURAL:$2|0=|See also the page found with your search.|See also the search results found.}}
searchmenu-new-nocreate (talk) (Translate)  
searchprofile-advanced (talk) (Translate) Advanced
searchprofile-advanced-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Search in custom namespaces
searchprofile-articles (talk) (Translate) Content pages
searchprofile-articles-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Search in $1
searchprofile-everything (talk) (Translate) Everything
searchprofile-everything-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Search all of content (including talk pages)
searchprofile-images (talk) (Translate) Multimedia
searchprofile-images-tooltip (talk) (Translate) Search for files
searchrelated (talk) (Translate) related
searchresults (talk) (Translate) Search results
searchresults-title (talk) (Translate) Search results for "$1"
searchresultshead (talk) (Translate) Search
searchsuggest-containing (talk) (Translate) containing...
seconds (talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|$1 second|$1 seconds}}
seconds-abbrev (talk) (Translate) $1 s
seconds-ago (talk) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|second|seconds}} ago
sectioneditnotsupported-text (talk) (Translate) Section editing is not supported in this page.
sectioneditnotsupported-title (talk) (Translate) Section editing not supported
selfmove (talk) (Translate) Source and destination titles are the same; cannot move a page over itself.
selfredirect (talk) (Translate) <strong>Warning:</strong> You are redirecting this page to itself. You may have specified the wrong target for the redirect, or you may be editing the wrong page. If you click "{{int:savearticle}}" again, the redirect will be created anyway.
semicolon-separator (talk) (Translate) ;
semiprotectedpagemovewarning (talk) (Translate) <strong>Note:</strong> This page has been protected so that only registered users can move it. The latest log entry is provided below for reference:
semiprotectedpagewarning (talk) (Translate) <strong>Note:</strong> This page has been protected so that only registered users can edit it. The latest log entry is provided below for reference:
sep (talk) (Translate) Sep
september (talk) (Translate) September
september-date (talk) (Translate) September $1
september-gen (talk) (Translate) September
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