System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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listusers-desc (talk) (Translate) Sort in descending order
listusers-editsonly (talk) (Translate) Show only users with edits
listusers-noresult (talk) (Translate) No user found.
listusers-submit (talk) (Translate) Show
listusers-summary (talk) (Translate)  
listusersfrom (talk) (Translate) Display users starting at:
localtime (talk) (Translate) Local time:
lockbtn (talk) (Translate) Lock database
lockconfirm (talk) (Translate) Yes, I really want to lock the database.
lockdb (talk) (Translate) Lock database
lockdbsuccesssub (talk) (Translate) Database lock succeeded
lockdbsuccesstext (talk) (Translate) The database has been locked.<br /> Remember to [[Special:UnlockDB|remove the lock]] after your maintenance is complete.
lockdbtext (talk) (Translate) Locking the database will suspend the ability of all users to edit pages, change their preferences, edit their watchlists, and other things requiring changes in the database. Please confirm that this is what you intend to do, and that you will unlock the database when your maintenance is done.
lockedbyandtime (talk) (Translate) (by {{GENDER:$1|$1}} on $2 at $3)
lockfilenotwritable (talk) (Translate) The database lock file is not writable. To lock or unlock the database, this needs to be writable by the web server.
lockmanager-fail-acquirelock (talk) (Translate) Could not acquire lock for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-closelock (talk) (Translate) Could not close lock file for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-db-bucket (talk) (Translate) Could not contact enough lock databases in bucket $1.
lockmanager-fail-db-release (talk) (Translate) Could not release locks on database $1.
lockmanager-fail-deletelock (talk) (Translate) Could not delete lock file for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-openlock (talk) (Translate) Could not open lock file for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-releaselock (talk) (Translate) Could not release lock for "$1".
lockmanager-fail-svr-acquire (talk) (Translate) Could not acquire locks on server $1.
lockmanager-fail-svr-release (talk) (Translate) Could not release locks on server $1.
lockmanager-notlocked (talk) (Translate) Could not unlock "$1"; it is not locked.
locknoconfirm (talk) (Translate) You did not check the confirmation box.
log (talk) (Translate) Logs
log-action-filter-all (talk) (Translate) All
log-action-filter-block (talk) (Translate) Type of block:
log-action-filter-block-block (talk) (Translate) Block
log-action-filter-block-reblock (talk) (Translate) Block modification
log-action-filter-block-unblock (talk) (Translate) Unblock
log-action-filter-contentmodel (talk) (Translate) Type of contentmodel modification:
log-action-filter-contentmodel-change (talk) (Translate) Change of Contentmodel
log-action-filter-contentmodel-new (talk) (Translate) Creation of page with non-standard Contentmodel
log-action-filter-delete (talk) (Translate) Type of deletion:
log-action-filter-delete-delete (talk) (Translate) Page deletion
log-action-filter-delete-event (talk) (Translate) Log deletion
log-action-filter-delete-restore (talk) (Translate) Page undeletion
log-action-filter-delete-revision (talk) (Translate) Revision deletion
log-action-filter-import (talk) (Translate) Type of import:
log-action-filter-import-interwiki (talk) (Translate) Transwiki import
log-action-filter-import-upload (talk) (Translate) Import by XML upload
log-action-filter-managetags (talk) (Translate) Type of tag management action:
log-action-filter-managetags-activate (talk) (Translate) Tag activation
log-action-filter-managetags-create (talk) (Translate) Tag creation
log-action-filter-managetags-deactivate (talk) (Translate) Tag deactivation
log-action-filter-managetags-delete (talk) (Translate) Tag deletion
log-action-filter-move (talk) (Translate) Type of move:
log-action-filter-move-move (talk) (Translate) Move without overwriting of redirects
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