Thanks for the replies guys, I thought it was gonna get dug down

Problem is, I still cannot connect

I typed in console "connect"
It wouldnt let me connect, my geuss is I got IP banned 0.0
I cannot supply my steam ID either, I have cracked GMOD so I sorta can't. I do have a steam account and unless when I download with this application I have to type my acc & pass in to verify the download & if it adds account details in a file or something when you download I dunno. My real steam acc is ultigamer. If it is a number then I dont know it sorry, someone will have to tell me what to do.
I can connect to the other servers such as build, winter survival and prop hunt but the rest I cannot. I could to flood then I got what I beleive was IP banned & those are the remaining I can connect to. Whether its a case of the others arent non-steam or they just dont show up in the internet tab.