I'm sorry was this what you were reffering to as spaM: "
sabbathfreak911: sooo
sabbathfreak911: just me and you
sabbathfreak911: whats up?

sabbathfreak911: i see youre not the talkitive type
sabbathfreak911: thats nufortunet
sabbathfreak911: hey are you deads?
sabbathfreak911: why you not talk?
sabbathfreak911: has you DC?
Achievements disabled: Steam not running.
Achievements disabled, ignoring achievement progress for GMA_X_MINUTES
sabbathfreak911: i dont think you like me do you...
sabbathfreak911: i know its a rough relationship but we can make it through the tough times together
sabbathfreak911: hugs...
"? lol... I said that all when you were afk and they had meaning

so not spam
