Hey people my name is killah , Most of you have met me in Zombie survival , Which is my Favourite server on gmod.
My real name is Phillip, you can call me phill as most of you know im a frequent Zombie survival player. I enjoy ZS and thank you all for Making the server =D.
My Steam id is : Phillipd123
My ingame name is: [Ngokillr] Killah [Immune]
i would like to be Respected , Moderator or Admin so i can help out with sorting out Hackers; I have Witnessed alot of hackers on your server. I have an admin friend who requested me to this forum His name is: RND Mimic.
If i do become and admin or Respected or moderator i will assist Mimic as much as i can =D. I live in Auckland, Newzealand
i am 13 years of age, i am currently in Intermediate school (middleschool) My computerskills include, Fast typing, Basic Packet coding (Pending an editor) Can be used for hacks,scripting,or Basic scripting for a game. Thanks for reading this and Thanks hope you have enjoyed reading about me =D.