Name: Nick L
Age: 16
Location: United States, MI.
In-game name: Nick
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16870121
Server played on: Flood
Schooling: 12th Grade - 13th Grade Math - 13th grade English
Notes: Hey, I have decided to run for admin on the Flood Server for many reasons. One being that there are never any administrators online on flood. Another being a huge increase in rule-breaking and just a bunch of idiots!
My experience: I have extensive training in the codes, HTML, C, C++, and LUA. I picked up LUA while playing as a developer on a RP server and a Flood server. I am patient but strict, I am very responsible and understanding but I would not be hesitant to ban is I need to.
Please community, take a step towards cleaning up the flood server, I am the key!

Nick For Admin!
Also! I forgot to add a poll. Please just say +1 or -1. Thanks!