Dear, Coolzedad
I would like to inform you that GFE (Garry's Mod Fun Events) would like to become an affiliate. We have 2 servers one permanent one and one back up one th permanent one runs on a windows server OS and the so does the temp one.
The Ded Servers info
Server Name: Schil's Toaster House
Server IP/Port: port, just put in the IP)
Map: Gm_excess_construct(changes for event
Dedicated/Listen: Dedicated
Country/Location: USA
Gamemode(s): Sandbox
The temp servers info
Server Name: TOMCAT IS A MONKEY(It changes)
Server IP/Port: "let meh edit it in iam not home right noaw":(default port, just put in the IP)
Map: Changes
Dedicated/Listen: Dedicated
Country/Location: USA Central(By teh Noxious servers about 10 miles away
Gamemode(s): Sandbox and sometimes zs
So coolz if your interested contact meh or magik
thx for reading,
Sincerely your Friend,