OK, so here is the problem. Im making a D3D hack in C++. I have the menu done. and everything. ALL I need to do is find 2 more addresses, find out how to change them. One of them is the money address. I find it, its a float, btw im using cheat engine. SO its a float. Freeze it. nothing. NOP it, nothing. NOP what writes that value, game crash. BTW what is a pop register stack or something like that, because it compares the pop register stack to the money value. So.......... idk. I have team viewer, etc, please help. SOme guy, said he learned C++, C#, C, visual basic, an all the programming languages in a couple of days, wouldnt help me because he said windows 7 messes up cheat engine. Works fine for me... anyway please help im really frustrated. so close to the completion of my hack, and then this.