Hi,it's me,Sgt. FtDLulz. I have been wanting to become respected for some time.
Things I like to do: Read,Be on the computer(lol),etc...
Name: Patrick
Steam: Sgt. FtDLulz
Server: Zombie Survival
Country: United States
State: California
About Me: I never lie,I like to act nice to people,I like to laugh,read,and other things.I also watch TV and like to be on the computer.

I'm truthful,I am very nice and tender-hearted.I always play by the rules.Not much goes around. I always play on the ~random~ servers,they are very good.I can't really think of alot.
Why: Like I said im truthful,i'm smart,active,and really fun to play with on a server.I will mostly be on,and i'm good at stuff like this.Very nice,also mentioned above.I wouldn't kick/ban people who wouldn't deserve it.I help people alot too. Like earlier today,some person named Peduo <-something something->was prop pushing alot on FM(Flood Mod).He was really annoying.
So,I was wondering if i could become respected.