This just sounds like a case of confusion. Luckily the rules are being updated and becoming better (they still need some changes). Also Pryv the boat just may have hit the top of map and dissapeared. Or maybe a minge hit it up with a prop, that may be why the boat wasn't there.
P.S The rules still need changing like the one where you can't shoot the boat you're on unless you joined it after the round started. So many minges are twisting this rule and it's annoying. Some just stay off until it says "Destroy Other Boats" and shoot the boat then and say they joined after round started and another one I say today was this guy named (M)ind(C)ontroller make a boat of one flat wood thing on bottom (15 hp), a bunch of blue barrel wheels on top of it, and one more wood thing on top of that. He made it RIGHT beside my boat at beginning of round and knew it would die right away so when it did (one person shot a MP5 a few times and it was gone) he jumped on my boat and shot it destroying it all completely. The boat was 3 x 5 vending machines (I lost 9k from it all). He ruined it so fast with 3 grenades, rocket launcher, and some MP5 rounds. It wasn't even 5 sec. into fighting stage that he jumped on my boat btw.